by Margaret Bauer, Editor

Top Right: Our 2024 print issue, Bottom Left is the grackle on the first issue cover.
Dear fans of the North Carolina Literary Review,
Earlier this week, we released the third ever fall issue of NCLR Online. This past spring, we released the first ever spring issue. NCLR is officially a quarterly. NCLR expanded from a single print issue (published in summer) to a winter online issue in 2012. Our print issue is still close to and sometimes over 200 pages. And these online issues are aimed at 100 pages each—this latest one ran over 125, and that is not unusual. North Carolina has a lot of literary talent. And NCLR’s mission is to preserve and promote the state’s rich literary history.
I write to you today not only to call our latest issue to your attention, but also with a request—even as I am aware this is not good timing. We know that your donation dollars have likely gone to other causes recently, including helping the unfortunate victims of Hurricane Helene on the other end of our state. But our first ever crowdfunding campaign had already started, and we do want it to be successful, so here I am.
How has NCLR touched you? Your first story or poem publication? An interview or essay that brought serious critical attention to your writing? A review of your latest book—or a review that prompted you to read a really good book? An essay about a North Carolina writer you’d not heard of before, and now you’re reading their work? Were you delighted by the stunning layout of your writing by one of our graphic designers? Has your visual art been introduced to another audience via its appearance in our pages? Have we brought writers and readers to your bookstore? Have our pages, print and virtual, and our website and social media content enlightened you about the wealth of literary and artistic talent in this state?
Have you worked with me on revising an essay for publication in NCLR? Have you received feedback on your poetry from our poetry editor? Are you a former intern or editorial assistant who gained experience in editing and publishing that helped you get into a graduate program or find a job?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, would you give today to help us reach our $10,000 crowdfunding goal? Any amount would help. Alex Albright released the first print issue of NCLR in 1992, and we are working on volume 34 now. How about $34? I’m now in my 28th year as editor! How about $28. We have almost 1500 names in our list of contributors to NCLR’s issues over the years. If just a third of these gave $6 each, our first ever crowdfunding campaign would be a success.
Please don’t wait. Our deadline is October 30th. Your gift at will help to sustain the North Carolina Literary Review through our fourth decade.
Margaret Bauer