Back Issue Purchases
Prices vary. Visit the Back Issues page to see a listing of issue prices.
To order back issues by credit card, go to our store in the ECU online shopping mall.
Find special package offers and other sales items in addition to single issues.
Back issues 2017–latest are also available from UNC Press.
To order a back issue by check, download and print this order form (PDF) to mail with your check.
Watch this fun promotional video, created by Assistant Editor Randall Martoccia (with echoes of Edgar Allan Poe), to learn a little bit about our back issues.

Bookstore, Museum, Gallery Vendors

Contact UNC Press to sell the current issue (or back issues 2017-last year):
John McLeod, Director of the Office of Scholarly Publishing Services: 919.962.8419
Contact NCLR to order back issues1992–2016 back issues to sell in your store or gallery (40% off cover price; add $1/issue for postage).
Also ask us about planning an NCLR event at your place of business.
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353 | 252-328-1537