Saturday Review: “Good is Circumstantial” a review by Jon Kesler of Halle Hill’s short story collection Good Women Stories in NCLR Online Winter 2025
Halle Hill’s first published book “pulls the reader into the lives of these twelve women and entices us to consider them for who they are deep down.” Kesler states, “Hill expertly leads the reader to examine her characters for who they are, with the good often lying beneath the surface.”
Good Women Stories explores the day to day lives of twelve Southern women of color and all of the difficulties they face. Hill’s characters showcase “a core goodness, even under the most trying of circumstances” that is inspiring to readers. As Kesler writes, “It is not all happiness and sunshine. It is gritty and it is real. Hill’s stories can inspire the reader to reflect not only on her characters, but also upon themselves.”
Read the entire review here. And buy a copy of the book from the publisher!