Saturday Review: “A New Playground,” a review by Wendy Tilley of Susan Reinhardt’s novel The Beautiful Misfits (2023) in NCLR Online Winter 2025
Susan Reinhardt’s novel, “The Beautiful Misfits is a good faith look at the opioid epidemic in contemporary American culture, about which Reinhardt is apparently genuinely and deeply concerned, and though she can’t offer a solution, she does show us that something is wrong and does so with an entertaining story,” writes Tilley.
The story revolves around Josie and her fractured family, and how addiction to various substances and items impact their relationships. Finding the tonal balance between humor and pathos is important. Tilley points out that “not all Reinhardt’s attention is given to witty dialogue and snark. Josie is just as apt to note “the fine May afternoon buttering the main entrance [of the department store] in sunlight” (34) and wish she were out somewhere with her daughter enjoying the afternoon. Witty lines, well-sketched minor characters, and playful plot points keep the story moving and the mood varied.”
Read the entire review here. And order the book from Independent Publishers Group.