Cherokee Rebirth
by MariJo Moore
Cherokee Voices: Poems, a Play, and Art
by MariJo Moore, Rachel Armachain, Cory Blankenship, L. Gina Canter, Sunale Crowe, Kathy Douglas, Joehli, Jance Jaynes, Monica Herbold, Sunshine Long, Bo Taylor, Nehemiah Toineeta, and Kelli Walkingstick
Two Poems by Charles Baudelaire
translated by Peter Makuck
“Time and the Smell of the Earth”: Seamus Heaney Returns to the Land of Henry Pearson
by Thomas E. Douglass
Peter Taylor: The Genial Mentor
by Fred Chappell
Freud Checks In: The “Oedipus” in Peter Taylor’s Reservations: A Love Story
by Richard L. Kurtz
Blood Mountain, seven poems for Fred Chappell
by Kathryn Stripling Byer
photographs by Louranne Watley
Flat Rock
by A.R. Ammons
The 1995 Tryon Festival and a Conversation with Martin Gardner
by William Harmon
The True, Only, and Most Secret Entrance to Hog Heaven
by Jonathan Williams
photograph by Roger Manley
Richard Halliburton and Thomas Wolfe: When Youth Kept Open House
by Gerry Max
The Royal Road to Carolina
by Andy Turner
Inglis Fletcher’s African Adventure: “Good Journeyings in This Our Land”
by Sarah Wooten Pollock
Aunt Becky’s Way
by Mary Kratt
Seven Haiku
by Lenard D. Moore
“A War Prayer,” from Psalms
paintings by Kent Williams
The Story of a Campaign that Failed: A Narrative to Accompany “Shelling of Ft. Anderson, March 14th, 1863, Composed by Dr. Sutherland”
by Donald E. Collins
Smoke, Hog-Wild Hauling
by Jake Grant
Carolina Cats and their Writers
a poem by Betty Adcock
The Cats Meow: Carolina Cats and their Writers
by Bertie E. Fearing
Caterwauling for Cat Poems
by Jeffery Beam
Of the Tribe of the Tiger
by Robert Morgan
Christopher Smart’s Jeoffry: “For He Is Good to Think On”
by Glen Brewster
Worldwise by Catlight
by Peter Makuck
Learning to Write: Feline by Feline
by Constance Pierce
A Hierarchy of Supplicants
by David Brendan Hopes
Cats are Sneaky that Way, or Cats’ll Get Under Your Feet
by Elizabeth Daniels Squire
Mary and Randall Jarrell, Charles Edward Eaton, Talmadge Ragan, Frances Obrist Wellman, Rita Berman & Judy Hogan, Margaret Boothe Baddour, Ruth Moose, Nancy Gotter Gates
Coffee to Go
by Linda Flowers
Black Mountain College
The Black Mountain College Library at North Carolina Wesleyan College
by Leverett T. Smith, Jr.
Thomas Wolfe
“To Rupert Brooke”
by Thomas Wolfe
photograph by Mark Olencki
North Carolina Writers
A Dictionary of NC Writers, F-Gi
by John Patterson
In Memoriam, Letters to the Editor, ads, and a Couple of Cats
Small Magazine
New Listings, Updates, and Closings
by Alice Rene Caverly and Crystal Wade
Lovers of Ashes
new poetry collections by Deborah Pope and Kathleen Halme
reviewed by Virginia O. Craighill
Naked in the Workshop, or, Demystifying the Teaching and Writing of Poetry
new books by Patrick Bizzaro, Fred Chappell, and Charles Wright
reviewed by Megan Simpson
The Bumbler and the Silken Sleuths: “The Cat Who” Mysteries of Lillian Jackson Braun
reviewed by Roger C. Schlobin
Readers Places
City Lights Bookstore and Cafe
by Nina L. Anderson
Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537