Where the Human and the Marvelous Meet
A Snowflake Orchard and What I Found There: An Informal History of the Jargon Society
by Jeffery Beam
Charles Olson’s Maximus
by William Carlos Williams
Imago Mundi
by Eleanor Ross Taylor
Christopher Columbus in the Convent of LaRabida Explaining His Intended Voyage
by David Wilkie
The Last Sleep
a story by Jill McCorkle
The Last Sleep by George Cochran Lambdin
The Cliff
a story by Robert Morgan
The Photograph: Fifty Years After
by Tony Abbott
by Michael McFee
photographs by Margaret Sartor
Return the Innocent Earth
by Wilma Dykeman
cover art by Wendell Minor
by James Applewhite
photographs by Roger Manley
In Summer Light, In Summer Fields
a story by John Rieber
illustrations by Kent Williams
The Weave Room Poems
by Michael Chitwood
photographs by Doris Ulmann
Carmen Miranda in the Twinkling of an Eye
a story by Heather Ross Miller
The Eye of God
by Minnie Evans
Weird Margaret
a story by Sarah Dessen
illustrations by Louise Kessel
by William Harmon
Berkeley No. 8
by Richard Diebenkorn
by Betty Adcock
Jim Wayne Miller: The Gentle Partisan
by Fred Chappell
Two Poems
by Ron Rash
illustrations by George Pratt
At Leicester Cemetery
Two poems
by Rebecca McClanahn
Autobiography of the Cab Driver who Picked Me Up at a Phoenix Hotel to Catch a 4 a.m. Flight
a story by Brenda Jernigan
Writing the Invisible History of the South: Glenda E. Gilmore’s Gender and Jim Crow and the Myth of the White Supremacy
by Philip Gerard
NC4 BBQ: Report of the Barbecue Editor
by William Harmon
Millennium Range
by Betty Adcock
“Morgenland”: The Poetry of Robert Morgan
by David Ward
Three First Novels: Sarah Dessen’s That Summer, Nancy Peacock’s Life Without Water, and Ashley Warlick’s The Distance From the Heart of Things
by Meredith Sue Willis
Old Wine in New Bottles: Shannon Ravenel and Algonquin
by Michael Griffith
Writers Place
Carolina Wren Press of Durham
by Bridgette A. Lacy
Pembroke Magazine: A Retrospective
by Shelby Stephenson
In Praise of the “Littles”
by Dave Cloughley and Alice Caverley
Black Mountain College
Charles Olson Hears Miles Davis for the First Time and Dances
by Michael Rumaker
What I Learned at Black Mountain – More!
by Fielding Dawson
Small Magazines
Small Magazines
by Alice Caverly and Crystal Wade
North Carolina Writers
Dictionary of NC Writers, Go-Hawks
by John Patterson
Thomas Wolfe
Wolfe’s Shoes
by Ruth Ware
Horton Foote’s The Death of Papa at Paul Green Theater
Welsh Poet Tour
by Thomas Rain Crowe
1996 NC Literary Hall of Fame
Letters to and from the Editor
Poetry as Ceremony
by MariJo Moore
Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537