From Plate to Page: Intersections of Food and Poetry
A Guest post from our friends at the North Carolina Poetry Society. Reminder: April is National Poetry Month and the submission window for both our poetry contests!
The plural possessive is intentional. This blog will give all of NCLR’s editors a place to tell you how they contribute to NCLR’s mission to preserve and promote North Carolina’s rich literary history.
A Guest post from our friends at the North Carolina Poetry Society. Reminder: April is National Poetry Month and the submission window for both our poetry contests!
To submit your work is to be noticed – it can truly elevate your presence in the competitive world of literature.
by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor On this Teaching Tuesday, and also just because I am so incredibly grateful, I want to celebrate NCLR’s Art Director,… Read More »NCLR is a Living Laboratory
Please say hello to Kristi and Rebecca, our two newest editors on the NCLR team!
“Serendipity: The faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident.” I wouldn’t call it serendipity that all our incredible writers have come from North Carolina (our soil seeming to provide sustenance for writerly types from Murphy to Manteo), but it is highly likely that many readers find favorite passages/poems/books/writers that way.
Graduate Student and Editorial Assistant Kenly Corya shares her uplifting experience at the NCWN Fall Conference.
How has NCLR touched you? Your first story or poem publication? An interview or essay that brought serious critical attention to your writing? A review of your latest book—or a review that prompted you to read a really good book? An essay about a North Carolina writer you’d not heard of before, and now you’re reading their work?
I can remember the first time someone other than friends and family told me I had a knack for writing. It was my senior year… Read More »The Time Will Pass Anyway, or, a Poet’s Guide to Becoming an Editor
Almost all (we missed Dana and Jeff!) of the current editorial staff gathered at Editor Margaret Bauer’s home near ECU this past week to finally meet each other in person!
Prepping for this interview, I had perused my bookshelves thinking, Now which of these Southern writers are from North Carolina? Then I grabbed a slim volume by Fred Chappell to read on the plane…