History and Inclusion with Dr. María DeGuzmán
Friday from the Archives: “Carolina Outlier: An Interview with María DeGuzmán” by Joan Conwell with photography by María DeGuzmán in NCLR 2013
Each Friday, NCLR will post content from past issues. All past issues are currently available for purchase. Or check your library’s digital collections to read the full piece.
Friday from the Archives: “Carolina Outlier: An Interview with María DeGuzmán” by Joan Conwell with photography by María DeGuzmán in NCLR 2013
Friday from the Archives: “The Patchwork Princess of the Great Dismal Swamp” a short story written by Carole Boston Weatherford and illustrated by Molly Windsor in NCLR 2006
Friday from the Archives: “East End, West End,” the 2014 James Applewhite Poetry Prize Winner by Elizabeth W. Jackson in NCLR 2015
Friday from the Archives: “The Verses from our Pen to him Belong” National Identity in the Political Homages of George Moses Horton” an essay by Justin Williams in NCLR 28 (2019)
Friday from the Archives: “Leaving Home to Return Home: Writing North Carolina Homeplace from the Particular to the Universal, an Interview with Stephanie Powell Watts” by DeLisa D. Hawkes and Maia L. Butler in NCLR 28 (2019)
Friday from the Archives: “Looking for Charles” the 2018 Albright Prize Second Place essay by Jennifer Harding in NCLR 28 (2019)
Friday from the Archives: “Waiting for America” and “Isaac in Durham” two poems by Mendi Lewis Obadike from NCLR 13 (2004)
Friday from the Archives: “The Cartography of Moira Crone: Mapping Visionary Fiction and Fantastic Futures,” the 2020 John Ehle Prize interview by Jim Grimsley from NCLR 29 (2020)
Friday from the Archives: Resourceful a poem by Robert Morgan by from NCLR Online 2017
Through this tale, we learn of the building passion between two friends who have just met. “And it was there, in the darkness before the rising of any moon, that Lamp looked deep into the eyes of the young man he had so carefully nurtured, whose love he had caused to grow the way a gardener grows fruit, and told him that he had a secret to reveal.”