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From The Archives

Each Friday, NCLR will post content from past issues. All past issues are currently available for purchase. Or check your library’s digital collections to read the full piece.

Not Lost: Elizabeth Spencer on Thomas Wolfe

Friday from the Archives: “Look Homeward, Angel: Of Ghosts, Angels, and Lostness” by Elizabeth Spencer, introduced by Terry L. Roberts, from NCLR 12 (2003)

We are looking forward to catching up dear friends at the Thomas Wolfe Society Conference in Durham NC at the end of May.


Friday from the Archives: “Trying to Find My Way Back Home to East Lake, North Carolina” an essay by Elena Tajima Creef from NCLR 14 (2005) “I begin to understand that in the end, the only things any of us can ever really leave behind for one another are the stories of our lives.”

Mountain(top) Poetry: NCLR’s Poetry Editor Jeff Franklin

Friday from the Archives: “what poetry can do and how it can do it”: An Interview with NCLR’s Poetry Editor Jeffrey Franklin by James Smith from NCLR 16 (2007)

Have you submitted to either of our April poetry contests yet? If your written poem is chosen by our group of first-pass readers, it will then go to our long-standing Poetry Editor Jeff Franklin for review.

The Sensibility of Poet Betty Adcock

Friday from the Archives: “Working With The Wiggle: An Interview With Betty Adcock” by James Smith from NCLR 18 (2009)
“Betty Adcock’s work often suggests a struggle with words, an attempt to make them do something, go some­place, for the first time.”

Poetry as Autobiography

Friday from the Archives: “Reconciliation and Return: A.R. Ammons’s Poetry as Autobiography” by Ted Olsen from NCLR 15 (2006)

by Abby Trzepacz