Poetry as Autobiography
Friday from the Archives: “Reconciliation and Return: A.R. Ammons’s Poetry as Autobiography” by Ted Olsen from NCLR 15 (2006)
by Abby Trzepacz
Each Friday, NCLR will post content from past issues. All past issues are currently available for purchase. Or check your library’s digital collections to read the full piece.
Friday from the Archives: “Reconciliation and Return: A.R. Ammons’s Poetry as Autobiography” by Ted Olsen from NCLR 15 (2006)
by Abby Trzepacz
Friday from the Archives: “1994 Poetry Slams National Championships” by Gene Hyde from NCLR 2.2 (1995).
Friday from the Archives: “Women Writers of Black Mountain College” by Lois Carol Wheatley from NCLR 11 (2002).
Friday from the Archives: “The Politics of Recognition and the Power of Place in Lumbee Women’s Poetry” by Jessica Cory from NCLR 32 (2023).
Friday from the Archives: “Therese Anne Fowler and Maligned Women: Setting the Story Straight on Zelda Fitzgerald and Alva Vanderbilt Belmont” an Interview by Sheryl Cornett from NCLR 27 (2018).
Friday from the Archives: “North Carolina’s Multicultural Beginnings in History and Lore” by E. Thomson Shields from NCLR 13 (2004). By Amber Knox
Friday from the Archives: “Those Awful Family Trees” by Angela Belcher Epps from NCLR Online Fall 2022.
Angela Belcher Epps has twice won an honorable mention for this prize.
Friday from the Archives: “Little Girlfriend” a poem by Grace C. Ocasio from NCLR 22 (2013).
This is the first Ocasio poem to be published in NCLR.
Friday from the Archives: “A Literary Mission Accomplished: Twenty Years of the Carolina African American Writers’ Collective” by L. Teresa Church from NCLR 25 (2016).
“In 1995, the timing was right for a new writers group to take root within the cultural landscape of North Carolina’s Research Triangle area.”
Friday from the Archives: A link roundup of the 2024 Literary Hall of Fame inductees!