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From The Archives

Each Friday, NCLR will post content from past issues. All past issues are currently available for purchase. Or check your library’s digital collections to read the full piece.

Poetry as Autobiography

Friday from the Archives: “Reconciliation and Return: A.R. Ammons’s Poetry as Autobiography” by Ted Olsen from NCLR 15 (2006)

by Abby Trzepacz

“Little Girlfriend”

Friday from the Archives: “Little Girlfriend” a poem by Grace C. Ocasio from NCLR 22 (2013).

This is the first Ocasio poem to be published in NCLR.

Black NC Writers History: the CAAWC

Friday from the Archives: “A Literary Mission Accomplished: Twenty Years of the Carolina African American Writers’ Collective” by L. Teresa Church from NCLR 25 (2016).

“In 1995, the timing was right for a new writers group to take root within the cultural landscape of North Carolina’s Research Triangle area.”