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From The Archives

Each Friday, NCLR will post content from past issues. All past issues are currently available for purchase. Or check your library’s digital collections to read the full piece.

Glory and Trouble: Hughes in Chapel Hill

Friday from the Archives: “A Week or 3 Days in Chapel Hill: Faulkner, Contempo, and Their Contemporaries” by Jim Vickers from NCLR Issue 1 (1992)

In honor of the upcoming presentation “Langston Hughes 1931 Visit to Chapel Hill” at the Chapel Hill Library and sponsored by Carolina Public Humanities, we are sharing this week what was written about that very visit in our first issue from 1992.

What Writers Read: Randall Kenan Interview

Friday from the Archives: “Smitten by Victoriana: Randall Kenan’s Down East Boyhood with Books, Storytelling, and the Power of Language”, an interview by Sheryl Cornett from NCLR Issue 15 (2006) “When Randall Kenan says to young people in his creative writing workshops, “read; read more than you write,” he speaks from experience.”

Sarah Dessen is Queen of Summer Reads

Friday from the Archives: “about this girl: an interview with Sarah Dessen,” by Anthony James Holsten from NCLR Issue 15 (2006)

As we’re heading into the last few official weeks of summer, we’re delighted to hear that NC author Sarah Dessen has been chosen the Queen of Summer Reads!

Cherokee and Carolina Culture in Unto These Hills

Friday from the Archives: “We’re still here”: Eddie Swimmer on Cherokee History, Life, and Outdoor Drama in the Appalachian Mountains”, an interview by Gina Caison from NCLR Issue 19 (2010). “they wanted to portray the Cherokee more accurately both in their historical positions and in the roles that the Cherokee have here in the mountains”

Appalachian Voices: From Caldwell to Clapsaddle

Friday from the Archives: “What I Feel I Was Put On The Planet To Do:” An Interview with Wayne Caldwell by Jerry Leath Mills from NCLR Issue 19 (2010) this is exactly why we also have the “NC Flashbacks” section, because so often our writers inadvertently speak to each other through time.

Looking for the Next Ehle Prize Winner

Friday from the Archives: “Snow L. and B.W.C. Roberts Collection of North Carolina Fiction,” by Nancy Shires from NCLR Issue 11 (2002)
One mission of the North Carolina Literary Review is to promote forgotten or neglected writers of the Old North State.

Edgerton’s All-purpose Imagination

Friday from the Archives: “Renaissance Man: An Interview with Clyde Edgerton” by George Hovis, from NCLR Issue 26 (2017)    

In 2016, George Hovis interviewed Clyde Edgerton that not only highlights Edgerton’s repeated success in multiple artistic mediums, but also gives us a deep dive into the author’s philosophy about creativity.

Wright Collection is a “Southern Literary Hall of Fame”

Friday from the Archives: “The Collector: On the Occasion of the Opening of the Stuart Wright Exhibit” by Fred Chappell from NCLR 21 (2012).

When the Stuart Wright Collection opened at Joyner Library in 2012, author Fred Chappell, in his speech to commemorate the occasion, was well aware of how important the collection was: “it is the definitive collection of Southern literature from World War I to the mid-1980s…”