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Author Index

This listing does not include reviewers.



Abbott, Tony, “Photograph: Fifty Years After,” 1997, 50 poetry

Absher, J.S., “Biscuits,” 2016 online, 100-101 poetry  
“Children on Mertie Road,” 2018,145 poetry
“Gentile Bellini, John the Baptist (Istanbul 1479),” 2020 online, 135 poetry
“How Rhodon the Tutor Prepared Cleopatra’s Son,” 2019, 175 poetry
“In my yard are henbit,” 2019, 174 poetry “In the Chapel,” 2018, 144 poetry
“Newsy,” 2021, 160-61 poetry
“Patient Doe Escapes The Asylum and Goes on the Town,” Winter 2023, 88-89 poetry
“Weeding,” 2021 online, 47 poetry
“Flower of Zeus,” Winter 2022, 122-123 poetry

Adams, Heather Bell, “The Virgin of Guadalupe’s Moon,” 2022, 200-208 fiction 

Adams, Lavonne J., “Ghazal: Reflection,” Winter 2022, 56 poetry
“Symphony for Snow,” Fall 2022, 76-77 poetry
“We Think of Night as Still,” Winter 2022, 57 poetry

Adcock, Betty, “Aegean Notes,” 2009, 161 poetry
“Articles of Faith,” 2017, 132-133 poetry
“Cats,” 1996, 108-109 poetry
“Millennium Range,” 1997, 200 poetry
“Numbers,” 1997, 6 poetry
“Two Poems with One Epigraph,” 2009, 152 poetry
“White Rhinoceros,” 2009, 162 poetry
“The Widow Finds the Annuals,” 2017, 134 poetry

Aguilar, Erick, “Hurricane Season,” Winter 2025, 10 cnf

Albright, Alex, “Comics Timeline,” 1993, 101-105
“David Clark, Publisher,” 1996, 160-161
“Friend of Reason: Surveying the Fred Chappell Papers at Duke University,” 1992, 166-170
“Four Poems by Fred Chappell a remembrance” 2024, 122-127 essay
“Inglis Fletcher Library,” 1993, 179
“Lot’s Wife Speaks,” 2007, 108-112 fiction
“North Carolina Poems of A.R. Ammons,” 2006, 96-97
“One Whose Passing Wasn’t Marked,” 1993, 132
“Ponds and Mudbanks and Ditchbanks, Brierberries, Things of That Kind: A Conversation with A.R. Ammons,” 1992, 46-57
“Slavery in North Carolina,” 1992, 118-119

Alexander, Christy, “Paul Metcalf: An Introduction,” 1995, 142-145
see also Hallberg, Christy Alexander 

Allen, Francine L., “‘Let Them Be Black and Beautiful’: A Black Southerner’s Grasp at Self-Respect in C. Eric Lincoln’s The Avenue, Clayton City,” 2019, 80-91 lit crit

Amende, Kathaleen, “Black Mountain’s Post-Apocalyptic Civil War in William Forstchen’s One Second After,” 2014, 68-77 lit crit

Ammons, A.R., “Alligator Holes Down along about Old Dock,” 1993, 228 poetry
“Broad Brush,” 1992, 7 poetry
“Flat Rock,” 1996, 70 poetry
“Keeping Track,” 1994, 21 poetry
“Something’s Nothing,” 1995, 256 poetry

Anderson, Forrest, “The Taxidermist,” 2007, 173-180 fiction

Anderson, Louise, “Christmas Carol,” 1993, 18
“Dead Ain’t Helpless,” 1993, 16-17 fiction
“March on Jacksonville,” 1993, 19-22

Anderson, Nina L., “City Lights Bookstore and Cafe,” 1996, 239-241

Anthony, Anne, “In the Company of Other Writers: An Interview With Marjorie Hudson,” 2016, 142-153

Anthony, Robert, Jr., “North Carolina Writers Conference Celebrates 75 Years,” Fall 2024, 86-88

Anton, Meredith, “On the Hinge,” 2004, 137-142

Applewhite, James,  “An Abandoned Pasture,” 2019 online, 46 poetry
“Alone on the Holiday Campus,” 2017 online, 9 poetry
“Autumnal Equinox,” 2013 online, 52 poetry
“Black and White,” 2012, 33 poetry
“Blossoming Poplars,” 2010, 167 poetry
“Building Beside the River,” 2018, 102-103 poetry
“Bulldozer’s Syntax,” 1993, 43 poetry
“Cemetery Hickory,” 1993, 47 poetry
“Ceremony at Heroes’ Square,” 2003, 90 poetry
“Christmas by the River,” 2003, 89 poetry
“The Deeply Rooted,” 2015, 77 poetry
“Dreaming England,” 2016, 180-181 poetry
“Driving from Columbia,” 2011, 18 poetry
“Faith in Flight,” 1993, 47 poetry
“Fall Will,” 2003, 89 poetry
“For Henry, 1937-2001,” 2013, 124 poetry
“Greene County Pastoral,” 2012 online, 34­-35 poetry
“Grits,” 1993, 45 poetry
“Hemlock Hill,” 2013, 126 poetry
“The Home Place,” 2010, 170 poetry
“A Hotel Tower Above Oahu,” 2012, 47 poetry
“Images on Waking,” 2014, 112-13 poetry
“In the Art Museum,” 2020, 169  poetry
“Jamestown,” 1997, 74 poetry
“January Farmhouse,” 2012 online, 33 poetry
“Jarrell, Wordsworth and the Abstractions of Modernity,” 2015, 67-75 essay
“Joan Crawford and Others,” 2012 online, 17 poetry
“Last Night We Saw South Pacific,” 2012 online, 16 poetry
“Light’s Beginning,” 1993, 46 poetry
“Looking Up from the Woodland Clearing,” 2003, 90 poetry
“The Lost Child,” 2015, 76 poetry
“My Grandparents Never Watched Star Trek,” 1997, 70 poetry
“Pamlico River,” 2012 online, 32 poetry
“Picnic on the Waters,” 2012, 175 poetry
“Picturing a Garden,” 1997, 68 poetry
“Pine Woods Annunciation,” 2016 online, 47 poetry 
“Poetry of Sunset,” 2018, 105 poetry
“Post-War Days,” 1993, 44 poetry
“Quilt She Started,” 1993, 42 poetry
“Reading Plato Outdoors,” 2018, 104 poetry
“Reading the Science News,” 2013, 125 poetry
“The Reenactors,” 2015 online, 113 poetry
“Repairing the Farmhouse,” 2010, 169 poetry
“Revisitings,” 2013 online, 53 poetry
“River-Radio: Women’s Voices,” 1997, 72 poetry
“River-Ruin,” 2003, 87 poetry
“Science Fictions,” 2014, 114-17 poetry
“The Seafarer’s Marriage,” 2015 online, 114-15 poetry
“The Serpent,” 2016 183 poetry
“Steps Up the Steep Bank,” 2017, 109 poetry
“Thinking Music,” 2020, 168 poetry
“Thinking with Clouds,” 2017, 108 poetry  
“Trees Stars the Seasons,” 2020, 166 poetry  
“Unpublished Interview,” 2010, 168 poetry
“Vanished Farmhouse,” 2003, 88 poetry
“A Walk in the Dark,” 2017, 107 poetry
“World’s Shoulder, Turning,” 2013 online, 51 poetry
“Written Beside Bass Lake,” 2013, 127 poetry       

Armachain, Rachel, “We Are Tsalagi,” 1996, 21

Arnold, Ellen, “Investigating Social Injustice: Barbara Neely’s Blanche White Mysteries,” 2004, 79-84

Arnold, Philip, “Sea as Destination,” 2004, 48

Ashford, Jane, “New Bern’s Cedar Grove Cemetery,” 1993, 139

Avery, Laurence G.,“As If She Listened,” 2010, 44-45 poetry
“Buckeyes,” 2018, 128-129 poetry  
(Green) “Education South,” 2002, 113-120 introduction
“Only Yonaguska,” 2013, 122-123 poetry
“Paul Green and the Movies,” 2012, 34-46
“Paul Green’s Legacy,” 2009, 34-38

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James Applewhite


B´Rácz, Emöke Z., “Magic of a Reading Place of My Own” 1993, 173-175

Baddour, Margaret Boothe, “From ‘Silent Miaow’ to Distant Kiss,” 1996, 157

Baggett, Paul, “Charles W. Chesnutt and the ‘province of literature,’” 2014, 80-94 lit crit

Bailey, Brenda, “Just Like Black,” Fall 2024, 90 poetry

Bailey, Dale, “A Very Dark Ride: Three Ways of Looking at the Short Fiction of John Kessel,” Winter 2023, 38-45 lit crit

Bailey, Peggy Dunn, “Gothic Realism in Reynolds Price’s Kate Vaiden,” 2009, 213-222 lit crit

Banks, Emily, “Credit Where It’s Due,” 2020 online, 192-93 poetry

Barbee, Sam, “December,” 2017, 71 poetry

Barden, Mary Moulton, “Mary Bayard Clarke and the Yankee Occupation of Raleigh,” 1999, 29-38

Barnes, Jodi, “At the Grey Dog in Chelsea,” 2021, 145 poetry 

Barnes, Mary Williams, “Tom and Betsy’s Family: Tobacco People, Memory, and Vernacular History,” 2004, 165-179

Barrax, Gerald, Sr., “I Called Them Trees,” 2011, 95 poetry
“Ligustrum,” 2011, 97 poetry
“To Waste at Trees,” 2011, 94 poetry
“What More?” 2011, 96 poetry

Barton, William, At the Instantaneous Center of Rotation, 2001, 80-91 excerpt

Barya, Mildred, “Being Here in This Body,” 2021, 60-65 cnf 

Bathanti, Jacob, “Joseph Bathanti, ‘rooted in community,'” Winter 2025, 24

Bathanti, Joseph, “Dream of the Dead on Good Friday,” 1994, 154 poetry
“Hear Thunder, Seek to Include: A Remembrance of Ronald H. Bayes”, Spring 2024, 86-93 essay 
“Remembering Dannye Romine Powell,” Winter 2025, 80
“Scar,” 1994, 156-157 poetry
“Spatial and Energetic: A Conversation with Fielding Dawson,” 1995, 113-122
“Turf of Hankering,” 1994, 164-172

Bauer, Margaret D., “The Evolution of a Genre: Literary Historical Fiction,” 42-43
“Genre Conventions with a Half Twist: An Interview with Charles Frazier,” 2013, 21-41
“Homage to The Allan Gurganus,” 2018 online, 8-10 
(with Wieland) “I am not Kitty Duncan”: Two Interviews with Kat Meads, 2009, 194-205
“Parker Receives Parker Award,” presentation remarks, 2012 online, 70-71
(with Smith) “Preserving Outer Banks Literature and History with the North Carolina History and Fiction Digital Library,” 2005, 62-70
(Green) “The Theatre and the Screen,” 2012 online, 8 introduction
“‘The Way Movies Tell Stories’: Putting Charles Frazier’s Furniture into Anthony Minghella’s Rooms,” 2013, 142-155 interview
(Green) “White Dresses,” 2009, 23 introduction  

Beadle, Michael, “Practice to Embrace,” Winter 2025, 91 poetry 

Beale, Judith C., “Odd-Patterned,” 2002, 144 poetry

Beam, Jeffery, “Caterwauling for Cat Poems,” 1996, 112 poetry
“Cough,” 1995, 248 poetry
“Dandelion,” 1995, 248 poetry
“Dog-Violet,” 1995, 248 poetry
“Drought, 1995, 248 poetry
“Mistletoe,” 1995, 248 poetry
“Short History of Jargon: Dropping Seeds into the Ground,” 1997, 27
“Snowflake Orchard and What I Found There: An Informal History of the Jargon Society,” 1997, 16-26
“What I Know About Poetry,” 1995, 248 poetry

Bell, Anna Lena Phillips, “At Carolina Beach,” 2020 online, 206-07 poetry

Benfey, Elisabeth, “Discovering the Story: A Film Adaption of Randall Kenan’s ‘The Foundations of the Earth,’” 2012, 94 -10

Bennett, Barbara, “Taking Leave,” 2022, 154-164 cnf
“At Home in North Carolina: An Interview with Belle Boggs,” 2021 online, 16-25 interview
“Big Fish: The Myth and the Man,” 2019 online, 119-31 lit crit
“Gender Understanding in Young Adult Literature: Reading Jill McCorkle’s Ferris Beach,” 2006, 64-72 lit crit
“Laughter in the Afternoon: An Interview with Lee Smith and Jill McCorkle,” 2016, 200-213 

Bentz, Joseph, “Thomas Wolfe and the Myth of Autobiographical Obsession,” 1994, 199-205

Bergman, Megan Mayhew, “Redneck Ballerina, A Case for The Rest of Us,” 2010, 213-18 essay

Berman, Rita, “Cat Care,” 1996, 150

Betz, Richard, “Branch Drop,” 2019 online, 62 poetry
“Clear Ice,” 2018, 126 poetry
“Isaac Hollifield,” Fall 2023, 97 poetry
“Keeper,” 2021 online, 66 poetry
“Perfect Pitch,” 2015 online, 41 poetry
“Picking Blackberries on Yellow Mountain Road,” 2013 online, 110 poetry
“Splitting Oak,” 2016, 41 poetry
“The Sweetness of Doing Nothing,” 2015, 128 poetry
“Wide Awake,” 2016 online, 58 poetry

Bikulege, Vivian, “Singlehanded Wisdom,” Fall 2024, 16-21 essay

Birkhoffer, Melissa D., and Paul M. Worley “She Said That Saint Augustine is Worth Nothing Compared to her Homeland: Teresa Martín and the Méndez Cancio Account of La Tama,” 2023, 122-42

Bishop, Nathaniel J., “Voyage of the Paper Canoe,” 1995, 194-195

Bizzaro, Patrick, “Afterword: Chappell’s ‘Gift of Roses’: Something Old, Something New,” 2002, 128-129
“The Man in the Tree,” 2007, 132 poetry
(with Bizzro, R.C.) “’Poetics of Work’: An Interview with Robert Morgan,” 2001, 173-190

Bizzaro, Resa Crane, (with Bizzaro P.) “’Poetics of Work’: An Interview with Robert Morgan,” 2001, 173-190

Blackinton, Theresa Dowell, “Concerto for the End of the World,” 2023, 174-179 fiction 

Blakenship, Cory, “Flood in the Forest,” 1996, 19

Bledsoe, Erik, “Newsrooms and Fishing Ponds: First Novels from Two North Carolina Writers,” 1999, 171-173

Blythe, LeGette, “October Story from the Youth of Thomas Wolfe,” 2002, 7-14

Bonner, Hannah, “Another Ending for Aphrodite,” 2014 online, 115 poetry
“Determining the Worth,” 2014, 154 poetry
“Fox,” 2014, 155 poetry

Bonner, J.W., “(Almost) Oldest Living Allan Gurganus Student Tells Some: With Condolences to Each and Everyone Gathered (Who Must Listen),” 2018 138-141 essay 

Bradley, Onyx, A Letter to the Little Girl I Used to Be,” Fall 2023, 107 poetry
“To the Monster Under My Bed,” Fall 2023, 107 poetry 

Branan, Tonita S., “Son of a Gun, Sky-high: Clyde Edgerton on Flying,” 2003, 9-29 interview

Brandt, Jenn, “Gwendolyn Parker on Community, Writing, and the ‘Human Capacity for Forgiveness and Growth,’” 2020, 68-83 interview

Brantley, Michael K., “Hard Work and Determination Pay Off: An Interview with Ben Fountain,” 2020, 108-119  

Bresnahan, Peg, “Auricles” 2017 online, 26 poetry
“The Presence of Wonder,” 2016 online, 76-77 poetry

Brewer, Jeutonne, “Hoi Toide or Ebb Toide,” 1998, 88-89

Brewster, Glen, “Christopher Smart’s Jeoffry: ‘For He Is Good to Think On,’” 1996, 117-119

Bridgers, Lee, “A Tree Grows on the Moon,” 2017, 142-153 essay

Bridgwood, Astrid, “Cross-Cut,” Winter 2023, 128 poetry 

Brookshire, Cindy, “Gas Station Hat,” Winter 2023, 104 poetry 

Brown, Chris, “Desecration,” 2008, 15-20 fiction

Brown, Jennifer, “Landscape with Death and Birth,” 2019, 184-189 essay

Brown, Joyce Compton, “Chinaberry Tree”, Spring 2024, 98-99 poetry
“The Gathering,” 2010, 60 poetry
Introduction, “‘Look here, world, look who this woman [is]’: Silas House Interviews Pamela Duncan,” , 2010, 90-100
(with Powell) “Ron Rash’s Serena and the ‘blank and pitiless gaze’ of Exploitation in Appalachia,” 2010, 70-89
“Stitching,” Winter 2024, 66 poetry

Brown, Maggie, L., “Sticking with It,” 2005, 147-153 fiction

Brown, Taylor “World Without End,” 2015 online, 74-80 fiction

Browner, Stephanie, “Marrows of Tradition: Chesnutt, Hansberry, and Wilmington 1898,” 2024, 80-87 lit crit

Bucher, Christina G., “Pauli Murray: A Case for the Poetry,” 2004, 59-73
“Persistence, Nighttime Scribbles, and a Successful Debut Novel: An Interview with Anna Jean Mayhew,” 2013, 44-61

Buckner, Sally, “Black and White in North Carolina Literature,” 1993, 151-162

Bump, Almyr L., “Hard Tailed,” Winter 2023, 118 poetry 

Burge, Ashley, “Disembodied Intimacies and Shadows of True Womanhood: Reclaiming Agency in Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” 2019, 116-133 lit crit

Burgwyn, Mebane Holoman, “Tani,” 2006, 32-37 fiction

Butler, Maia L., “‘ Fight for your life’: Segregation, Im/mobilities, and the Fight for African American Futures in Stephanie Powell Watts’s No One Is Coming to Save Us,” 2020, 120-133 lit crit
“Leaving Home to Return Home: Writing North Carolina Homeplace from the Particular to the Universal, an Interview with Stephanie Powell Watts,” 2019, 6-18
“’The last ghost is always the lies that are told’: An interview with Khalisa Rae Thompson,” 2022, 134-153 interview  

Byer, Kathryn Stripling, “Alma,” 2015, 23 poetry
“Ash,” 1996, 65 poetry
“At Kanati Fork,” 2015, 22 poetry
“Backwater,” 1996, 68 poetry
“Blood Mountain,” seven poems for Fred Chappell, 1996, 58-69 poetry
“Bone,” 1996, 60 poetry
“Communion,” 2017 online, 27 poetry
“Drought Days,” 2010, 101-103 poetry
“Glorified,” 2008 71 poetry
“Gypsy,” 1996, 64 poetry
“Hook and Eye,” 2010, 104-107
“Ivy, Sing Ivory,” 2015, 24 poetry
“Let’s Say,” 1996, 66 poetry
“Phacelia,” 1996, 64 poetry
“Piece of Cake,” 2008, 66 poetry
“A Second Life to Tell the First: Kathryn Stripling Byer and Elaine Neil Orr in Conversation,” 2015, 6-21 interview
“Storm,” 1996, 61 poetry
“This, When Your Heart No Longer Desires to Keep Beating,” 2017, 21-25 poetry
“Writing the Interior Landscape: An Interview with George Ellison,” 2011, 79-9

Byerman, Keith, “Black Voices, White Stories: An Intertextual Analysis of Thomas Nelson Page and Charles Waddell Chesnutt,” 1999, 98-105 lit crit

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Kathryn Stripling Byer


Caison, Gina, “‘We’re still here’: Eddie Swimmer on Cherokee History, Life, and Outdoor Drama in the Appalachian Mountains,” 2010, 46-59 interview

Campbell, Barbara, “The Tender”, 2020 online, 211 poetry
“Dinner at Friede’s Tavern,” 2023, 166 poetry  
“Half an Avocado and a Dollop of Hollandaise,” 2023, 167 poetry

Campbell, Malcom, “The Whales Moved On,” the 2008 Doris Betts Prize story, 2009, 184-189

Carpenter, Erin, “You Do Not Have to Be Good,” Fall 2022, 28-34 cnf

Carroll, D. Allen, “A Place of Oaks and Bells: The Hutchinson Building at Mills Home, 1946–1948,” an essay, 2009, 238-248

Carter, Catherine, “Ants and the Double Helix,” 2001, 109 poetry
“Billy Collins Pours Me a Beer,” 2018, 143 poetry
“Campus, August evening, plague year,” 2022, 168-169 poetry
“Cursive,” Fall 2022, 62-63 poetry
“Eggcorns,” 2008, 21 poetry 
“Holy Ground,” 2011, 69 poetry
“The Influx,” 2011, 68 poetry
“The narrative of stones,” 2022, 166-167 poetry  
“In the Graveyard,” 2011, 69 poetry
“When you know a demon’s real name,” 2022, 165 poetry 
“Womb–Room,” 2019, 173 poetry  

Carter, Emily Dunlap, “Sandspurs and Briars, I,” Winter 2022, 134-139 cnf
Sandspurs and Briars, II,” Fall 2022, 86-89 cnf

Carter, Kristi, “The Cosmology of the Daughter Who Emerged from an Unrecognizable Place” 2017 online, 40 poetry

Cash, Jean W., “Gail Godwin and Peace College: Life into Fiction,” 2024, 106-121 lit crit

Cashion, Jerry, “Historian William Stevens Powell Inducted into North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame,” presentation remarks, 2009, 255

Cate, Johnny, “Dogwood,” Fall 2023, 115 poetry 

Cavano, Joseph Francis, “The Honey Wagon,” 2nd place story in the 2011 Doris Betts Fiction Prize competition, 2012, 218-225 fiction

Caverly, Alice Rene, “Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals,” 1995, 221-226
“Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals,” 1996, 212-221
“Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals,” 1997, 158-166
“Praise of the ‘Littles,’” 1997, 146-150

Cecelski, David, “The Constant, Haunting Music of the Geese,” 2011, 20-26
“Love, Death, and Sweet Potato Biscuits,” 2006, 145-152
“My Father’s Library,” 2007, 125-127
“‘the voice of the shipyard’: Arthur Miller in Wilmington, North Carolina, 1941,” 2014, 48-59
“World of Fisher Folks,” 1995, 183-199

Chamlee, Kenneth, “Composition,” 2018, 125 poetry 

Chappell, Fred, “After Hours,” 2014, 138 poetry
“As It Happens…,” 2013, 128-141 poetry and prose
“Beard,” an excerpt from I Am One of You Forever, 1998, 134-135
“The Collector,” 2012, 180 poetry
“The Collector: On the Occasion of the Opening of the Stuart Wright Exhibit,” 2012, 178-188
“Curtain Rises,” 1993, 6-7
“Eclipse,” 2020, 164 poetry
“Enlightenment Fables,” 2017, 26-32 poetry
“Gift of Roses,” 2002, 121-128 fiction
“Icon,” 2020, 165 poetry
“Indivisible Presence of Randall Jarrell,” 1992, 8-13
“Jim Wayne Miller: The Gentle Partisan,” 1997, 7-13
“Judgment Day,” 2020 online, 94 poetry
“Latecomer,” 2012, 188 poetry
“A Lost Glimpse of the Traveler,” 2014 online, 57 poetry 
“Mission” 2020 online, 95 poetry
“The Names,” 2013 online, 69 poetry
“Orphans and Outcasts: The Novels of Angela Davis-Gardner”, 2018, 108-124, essay
“Peter Taylor: The Genial Mentor,” 1996, 45-54
“Shaftesbury,” 2014, 139 poetry
“Shining In and Out of Darkness,” 2012, 179 poetry
“Tipton Tornado,” 1998, 96-104 fiction
“Unseen,” 2013 online, 68 poetry
“We Are All in It,” 2014 online, 56-58 essay

Chatham, James O., “Carrying,” 2001, 117-119
“Radio Writers,” 2002, 177-179

Chaussee, Henrietta Goodman, “Like a Shell the Body Opens,” 2006, 137 poetry
“Red Poppy,” 2006, 136 poetry

Cherry, William G., III, “On Thomas Wolfe,” 1993, 191

Cherry, Wynn, “‘Hearing Me Into Speech’: Lesbian Feminist Publishing in North Carolina,” 2000, 82-90

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, “Frisk’s First Rat,” 1999, 87

Chess, Richard, “Miriam: Pine Barrens,” 1999, 133 poetry

Chitwood, Michael, “Break Room,” 1997, 90 poetry
“Country Graveyards,” 1998, 168 poetry
“ET & WNC Express Lines: An Interview with Charles Wright,” 1994, 173-187
“Laugh,” 1998, 169
“Men,” 1997, 88 poetry
“The River’s Embrace,” 2008, 152-155 fiction
“Union Summer,” 1997, 91-92 poetry
“Weave Room Poems,” 1997, 87-92 poetry
“Women,” 1997, 89 poetry

Christensen, Mary Leauna, “In Which I am a Sum of Parts,” Winter 2023, 22-23 poetry
“Fermenting,” 2023, 86 poetry

Church, Kim, “Want Ads,” 2001, 126-128 fiction
“Remembering Dannye Romine Powell,” Winter 2025, 80

Church, L. Teresa, “Bombingham, 1963,” 2019, 79 poetry
“Brown Fedora,” 2018, 142 poetry
“Fire and Brimstone,” 2019 online, 21 poetry
“Forgiveness,” 2019 online, 22-23 poetry
“A Literary Mission Accomplished: Twenty Years of the Carolina African American Writers’ Collective,” 2016, 110-114 essay
“Place in the Family,” 2004, 78 poetry
“Tooth Rejected by the Tooth Fairy,” 2016 online, 65 poetry

Clancy, Kelly, “Economy,” 2014 online, 23-27 cnf

Clapsaddle, Annette Saunooke, “Postcards from Cherokee,” 2023, 6-15 cnf

Clark, Christina, “Adrift in the Port City,” 2018, 170 poetry  
“Big Bad,” 2018, 171 poetry
“Fairytale Rules for the 21st Century Woman,” 2018 online, 124-125 poetry 

Clark, James W., Jr., “2011 Ragan Old North State Award,” presentation remarks, 2012 online, 77
“A Poem That Almost Got Away,” 2022, 197 Intro
“Afterword: Thomas Wolfe’s First “October” Fair,” 2002, 15-19
“The Family of North Carolina’s Brothers Price: A Conversation,” 2016, 164-178 interview
“A Glimpse of “these extraordinary Price brothers”: An Interview with William Price,” 2016 online, 40-46 interview
“Wolfe and Ammons: Their Brothers’ Seekers”, Spring 2024, 28-34 essay 
“Wolfe Train: Kennedy as Engineer,” 1995, 217-119

Claxton, Mae Miller, “Mountain Biking, Bottle Trees, and Black-eyed Peas: Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle’s Creative Nonfiction and other Writings,” 2023, 16-25 lit crit 

Cloughley, Dave, “Praise of the ‘Littles,’” 1997, 146-150

Coastal Cohorts (Bland Simpson, Jim Wann, and Don Dixon), “Sound Side,” 2008, CD2, track 5 audio
“Whose Idea Was This?” 2008, CD1, track 5 audio 

Coble, Lewis B., “Comics Timeline,” 1993, 101-105
“Manly Wade Wellman’s Comic Book Career,” 1993, 99-100

Coby, Jim, “‘It’s based on nothing but fear, by a compulsion to catastrophize’: A Conversation with Nathan Ballingrud,” 2021, 146-59 interview 
“’The business of writing and the work of reading’: A Conversation with Wiley Cash,” 2022, 118-133 interview
“‘The Things They Have to Endure to Stay Together’: A Conversation with Matthew Griffin, Author of Hide,” 2017, 174-187

Cochran, Stacey, “Into the Wind,” 2003, 108-111 fiction

Cockerille, S.L., “This House Is a Wreck,” Spring 2024, 104-105 poetry 

Cohen, Claudette, “The Mayor of Biscoe,” the 2013 Doris Betts Fiction Prize story, 2014, 60-67 fiction

Colley, Sharon E., “Kaleidoscopic Swirls of Lee Smith,” 2021, 22-37 lit crit 

Collins, Anita, “The Anderson Kid,” the 2016 Doris Betts Fiction Prize Story, 2017, 112-117 fiction

Collins, Donald E., “Story of a Campaign that Failed: A Narrative to Accompany ‘Shelling of Ft. Anderson, March 14th, 1863, Composed by Dr. Sutherland,’” 1996, 178-188

Colver, Russell, “Acceptable Losses: A Refrigerator Note to My Daughter,” 2017 online, 10 poetry “Commencement,” 2017, 110-111 poetry

Conrad, Barbara “Coming in June,” 2015 online, 31 poetry
“In the Mingle of Gods,” 2015, 34 poetry
“The L Word,” 2015 online, 30 poetry

Conwell, Joan, “Carolina Outlier: An Interview with María DeGuzmán,” 2013, 62-72
“Orgullos, Chicanas, and Chilangos, Y’all: Where Are North Carolina’s Latino/a Writers?,” 2013 online, 6-11 essay

Cornett, Sheryl, “in Wilderness is . . . preservation”: An Interview with Jan DeBlieu,” 2005, 83-95
“Like a Brother: Profile of a Literary Friendship,” an interview with Tim McLaurin and Clyde Edgerton, 2003, 160-173
“Northeast to Down East: Four Diverse North Carolina Authors Revisit Their NCLR Interviews,” 2017 online, 90-108 interviews
“Out of the Diaspora: Alan Shapiro on Poetry, Community and Life in the South,” 2004, 90-98
“Smitten by Victoriana: Randall Kenan’s Down East Boyhood with Books, Storytelling, and the Power of Language,” 2006, 11-17
“Therese Anne Fowler Making Up the Truth: Historical Fiction Sets the Story Straight on Zelda Fitzgerald and Alva Vanderbilt Belmont,” 2018, 72-80 interview 

Cory, Jessica, “Wildness Was Nothing to Admire: African American Environmental Thought and the importance of Place in Stephanie Powell Watt’s No One is Coming to Save Us,” 2019, 19-31 essay
“The Politics of Recognition and the Power of Place in Lumbee Women’s Poetry,” 2023, 88-105 lit crit

Cottle, Thomas, “Daisy Day,” 1995, 127; “Resignation,” 1995, 127

Cox, F. Brett, “It Came Out of the Sky,” 2001, 65-79 fiction

Creef, Elena Tajima, “Trying to Find My Way Back Home to East Lake, North Carolina,” 2005, 83-95

Crenshaw, Paul, “Gently Down the Stream,” 2012, 166-174

Crook, Noel, “Betty Adcock: ‘not afraid of the dark,’” 2017, 136-139

Crow, Terrell Armistead, “Mary Bayard Clarke and the Yankee Occupation of Raleigh,” 1999, 29-38

Crowe, Sunale, “Flood in the Forest,” 1996, 19; “What Am I?” 1996, 20

Crowe, Thomas Rain, “Tracking the Asheville Literary Renaissance,” 1995, 152-161
“Welsh Poets Appear With Comet for American Tour,” 1997, 176

Cummings, Synora Hunt, “Living My Native Past in the Present,” Fall 2023, 26-27 essay 

Cushman, Mary Kimberly, “Slave Narratives,” 1992, 120-121

Cusick, Gregg, “Entanglement,” 2013 online, 104-109 fiction
“Five Is Red,” 2008, 144-146
“Have You Seen Me?” the 2008 Doris Betts 2nd place story, 2009, 190-193

Cutler, Benjamin, “Ode: February Morning at Our Rural Café,” Fall 2022, 81 poetry

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Fred Chappell


Dang, Louisa J., “William Conescu: Writing Life as it Happens,” 2009, 206-212 interview

Daniels, Lucy, “Geraniums,” 2007, 164-166 fiction

Davenport, Doris, “I Forgive the Spiders,” 2011, 59 poetry
“Praise Poem for Our Mountains,” 2010, 115 poetry

Davis, C. V., “Salting Cows,” 2001, 114-116 cnf

Davis, Christopher, “Political Sonata,” 1999, 142 poetry

Davis, Donald, Listening for the Crack of Dawn, an excerpt, 1998, 26

Davis, Sarah, ‘“[Her] destiny lay in the land’: An Overview of the Literature of Mebane Holoman Burgwyn,” 2006, 24-31

Davis, Susan, “Imperfect Sonnet for Richard,” 2005, 154 poetry

Dawkins, Laura, “Uncovering Legacies of Incest and Dispossession in Charles W. Chesnutt’s ‘The Dumb Witness’”

Dawson, Fielding, “Black Mountain Lecture,” 1995, 128-134
“Farther than Far,” 1995, 123-126 fiction
“More,” 1997, 157 fiction
“Return to Black Mountain: May Day 1992,” 1995, 89-92
“What I Learned at Black Mountain—More!” 1997, 154-156

Deal, Samantha Lee, “North Carolina, This Will Be the Last Poem,” 2013 online, 38-39 poetry

Dean, Debra Kang, “Customs,” 2000, 153 poetry
“Heart Sutra #6,” 2000, 154-155 poetry

Deblieu, Jan, “An Imperfect Marriage: Thoughts on Being Faithful to Home,” an essay, 2011, 32-41

Dempster, Michaux, “’Love from both of us to both of you’: Select Letters from Peter Taylor to John Anderson Thompson, The Greensboro Years,” 2022, 18-33 letters 

Dessen, Sarah, “Weird Margaret,” 1997, 99-107 fiction

Devany, Ed, “Meeting Paul Green,” 1994, 53
“Paul Green: Documentarian,” 1994, 47-56

Dickson, David C., “Jumping Off Place,” 2000, 160-169 fiction

Dill, Scott, “John Darnielle’s Bestiary: A Primer,” 2023, 180-194 lit crit 

Dixon, Nathon, “Great Dismal Day in the Morning,” 2016, 122-128 essay

Dodson, James, “Driving Miss Molly Home,” 2007, 133-135
“My Film Biz Blues,” 2012 online, 22-26 essay

Douglass, Thomas E., “Eudora Welty: ‘A Sweet Devouring’,” 2013 online, 64-65
“James Dickey: ‘Barnstorming for Poetry’ at ECU,” 2013 online, 68
“The Long Voyage Home: Richard McKenna at Chapel Hill,” 2011, 154-166
“Stuart Wright: The Badger of Old Street” 2013 online, 60-67 essay
“Stuart Wright: The Collector,” 2012, 186
“Time and the Smell of the Earth: Seamus Heaney Returns to the Land of Henry Pearson,” 1996, 26-44

Dowdle, Morrow, “Brow,” Winter 2023, 80-81 poetry 
“The Trick to Losing Your Vision,” Spring 2024, 8-9 poetry

Dreis, Sandra, “J.J. 1985,” Winter 2022, 86-87 poetry

Drieling, Claudia, “Voices in Counterpoint: An Interview with Michael Götting,” 2017, 34-47

Dublin, Kevin, “Divorce,” 2019, 43 poetry

Duffin, K. E., “Denial in the Garden,” 2018, 174 poetry
“Hurricane,” 2018 175 poetry 

Duffy, Michael, “Minnie Evans: A Symposium and Celebration,” 1994, 212-216

Duncan, Andy, “I’ll Build Me a Desrick on Yandro’s High Hill: Manly Wade Wellman’s Multifaceted Career,” 1993, 87-98

Duncan, Julia Nunnally, “English Leather Lime,” 2009, 178 poetry

Duncan, Rebecca, “A literary scholar and a surrogate granddaughter contemplate the life and work of Zoe Kincaid Brockman,” 2019, 156-167 essay

Dunlop, Julie, “Bending Back the Night,” 2011, 78 poetry

Durham, Joanne, “Interference,” Winter 2023, 119 poetry 

Duvall, Bill, “Purple Monster,” 2006, 131 poetry

Dykeman, Wilma, Return the Innocent Earth, an excerpt, 1997, 62-67 fiction

Back to Top

Jan DeBlieu


Eaton, Charles Edward, “Willie’s Adventure,” 1996, 134-135

Eckard, Paula Gallant, “War, Motherhood, and Disability in Lee Smith’s On Agate Hill,” 2024, 22 lit crit

Edgerton, Clyde, “Baloney Bacon and Beer,” 2008, CD2, track 1 audio
“Flash’s Mama,” 2012 online, 37 fiction
“Older People in Cars,” an excerpt from Lunch at the Piccadilly, 2008 ,CD2, track 3 audio
“Safety Patrol Song,” 2008, CD1, track 1 audio

Edmundson, Melissa, ‘“I pay my part for Lafayette and Rochambeau’: North Carolina’s Lafayette Escadrille Pilots,” 2003, 57-67
“NC Newsbriefs,” 2002, 189
“Poetic Memorials to North Carolina’s Lafayette Pilots,” 2003, 64

Edwards, Brian, ‘“I am a Country Editor’: W.O. Saunders and The Independent,” 2005, 44-57
“Transcendentalism in the Albemarle: The Case of W.O. Saunders,” 2018, 40-51 essay 

Edwards, Tim, “Soaring on ‘words of living flame’: Flights of Narrative Fancy in Clyde Edgerton’s The Floatplane Notebooks and In Memory of Junior,” 2003, 31-73

Ehle, John, “The Changing of the Guard,” 2012, 142-143 alternate ending
“The Land Breakers,” an excerpt, 2010, 8-10
“Lion on the Hearth,” an excerpt, 2010, 26-27

Elfyn, Menna, “Enwi Duw,” 1997, 178 poetry

Elk, Tonya Holy, “Harvest Time,” 2023, 87 poetry 
“Women of the Red Earth,” Fall 2023, 37 poetry 

Elkins, Anna, “If Sky is Skin, then what is Wind?” 2011, 17 poetry
“Island Child,” 2011, 17 poetry

Ellis, R. J., “‘competition would be crushed’: National and International Threads in Charles Chesnutt’s The Colonel’s Dream,” 2015, 98-113

Entzminger, Betina, “Blurring the Color Line in Carolina Lee Hentz’s Marcus Warland,” 1999, 73-76

Epps, Angela Belcher, “Sandhill: A Symphony of Souls,” 2019 online, 16-20 essay
“Those Awful Family Trees,” Fall 2022, 24-27 cnf

Erickson, Terri K., “Making the Biscuits,” 2011, 215 poetry

Erwin, Ivor S., “Twelve Steps from the Blues,” 1993, 205-209

Estrada, Oswaldo, “Under My Skin,” Fall 2022, 50-55 cnf

Ettari, Gary, “Ars Poetica: An Interview with Al Maginnes,” 2007, 98-103
“The Poet and the Sea: An Interview with Peter Makuck,” 2007, 66-74
“Rehearsal: Achibald MacLeish’s JB,” 2006, 144 poetry

Eubanks, Georgann, “Paul Green: A Professor of the Practice of Playwriting,” 2022, 6-17 essay 

Everett, Olivia, “Attic Archives and Homegrown Literary Treasures,” introduction, 2009, 141-144
“An Inimitable Icon: The Inspiration of Zelda Fitzgerald,” 2009, 64
“‘Oh, but she speaks her mind’: Good Ol’ Girls from Stage to Screen,” 2009, 128-129

Back to Top

Angela Belcher Epps


Faxon Hemmingway, Kimi, “Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC,” Fall 2023, 46-62 pedagogical initiative/essay 

Fay, Julie, “Letter to Myself Twenty-Five Years Ago,” 2007, 65 poetry
“Three-Period Lesson at Le Cirque du Bout du Monde,” 1998, 166 poetry
“Wednesday Night,” 1998, 164 poetry

Fearing, Bertie E., “Carvings on Manly’s Git-Fiddle,” 1993, 78
“Cats Meow: Carolina Cats and their Writers,” 1996, 110-111
“Frances Garfield: A Teller of Horror Tales, Not for Women Only,” 1993, 75-86
“Rose Goode McCullough: Writer, Historian, and Legend,” 1993, 133-138
“Weymouth: A Writer’s Place—From Thomas Wolfe to Tom Wolfe,” 1994, 57-59

Ferguson, Lydia E., “Going in Reverse: The Post-Plessy Railroad in Charles Chesnutt’s The Colonel’s Dream” 2020, 22-35 literary criticism

Fick, Virginia Gunn, “Dick’s Hot Dog Stand, Wilson,” 2001, 134-135
“Dip’s in Chapel Hill,” 2001, 136-137
“Hillbilly Hideaway, Stokes County,” 2003, 126-127

Field, Brad, “Achmed’s Lesson,” 2016, 86-91 fiction

Firmat, Gustavo Pérez, “A Cuban in Mayberry,” 2013, 74-83

Fladung, Eric Michael, “Second Eastern North Carolina Literary Homecoming Announced,” 2005, 214-216

Flowers, Linda, “501 N. Blount Street,” 1994, 237-240
“Coffee to Go,” 1996, 189-193
“Letter from Duke,” 1993, 224-227
“The Way It Was, the Way It Still Is: Documenting My Own Life in a Tenant Farmer’s Family,” 1992, 178-182

Floyd-Miller, Cherryl, “big hair, fat kitchen, lean loc,” 2004, 75 poetry
“burn cork bop,” 2004, 77 poetry
“clay,” 2004, 74 poetry
“kodak moments,” 2004, 76 poetry

Foote, Frederick, “Coal Twilight,” 2008, 151 poetry
“Poem for Buck Owens,” 2008, 150 poetry

Ford, Janet, “Grace,” 2021 online, 70 poetry
“Eagles,” Winter 2024, 68 poetry
“Grandfather Mountain,” Fall 2023, 108 poetry 
“His Time,” Fall 2023, 108 poetry
“Jubilee,” Winter 2023, 55 poetry

Fossett, Judith Jackson, “Civil War Imaginations of Thomas Dixon and Charles Chesnutt; Or, North Carolina, ‘This Strange World of Poisoned Air,’” 1999, 107-120

Fox, Shari Crane, “Hypnopompic hallucination of you and your ex in a horse pasture five miles outside of Greensboro,” 2021 online, 62-63 poetry 

Franklin, Jeffrey, “Brushing Out the Tangles,” 2007, 55 poetry
“Chewing the Fat with a Blues Master”: An Interview with Lightnin’ Wells, 2000, 63-68
“Hillbilly Zen,” 2007, 58 poetry
“Loss and Belonging,” 2007, 199-201
“Homage to James Applewhite, 2012 Recipient of the Roberts Award for Literary Inspiration,” presentation remarks, 2013 online, 48-50
“Mountain Gathering,” 2007, 60-61 poetry
“Squirrelly,” 2007, 63 poetry
“Walls of the West of Ireland,” 1999, 136 poetry
“What the Rain Said This Morning,” 1999, 137 poetry

Frazier, Annie,rpt. 2016, 8-24,”Driving with Lucretius,” 2018, 156 poetry
“Farm Nights,” 2018 online, 84-85 poetry
(with Vernon and Kain) “North Carolina Connections: An Interview with NCLR Editor Margaret Bauer,” 2016 online, 10-26
“Sakura,” 2014, 156-59 fiction
“Severance,” 2018, 157 poetry
“Waterfall,” 2016, 179 poetry            

Frazier, Charles, “A Degree of Commitment,” 2012, 8-11

Freeman, Sylvia, “Mixed Messages,” Winter 2022, 18-19 poetry 

Friend, Craig Thompson, “Day at Historic Park,” 2019 online, 170-72 poetry

Froula, Anna, “Kiss the Girls’ Allusion to D.W. Griffith’s Whitewashed Captivity Narrative,” 2012, 77-78
“’That’s how we learn’: Ben Fountain Talks with Student Veterans at East Carolina University,” 2022, 50-83 interview 

Furlong, Ryan David, “Fugitive Slave Ex-Pats: The Myth of Northern Black Freedom in Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” 2020, 6-21 literary criticism  

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Gustavo Pérez Firmat


Gaby, Sarah, “Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC,” Fall 2023, 46-62, pedagogical initiative/essay 

Gantt, Patricia, “A.R. Ammons Papers: Bits of Resistance Against Time,” 1992, 164-165
‘“Little Baby-Snatchin’ Now and Again”: Oral Narratives from North Carolina Midwives,” 1998, 72-81
“Omar ibn Sayid: An Arabic Slave/Scholar in Nineteenth-Century Carolina,” 1993, 180-182

Garcia, Regina YC, “Black Is a Well II: Libation Reservoir,” Winter 2025, 76 poetry
“My mother was a tree”, Fall 2024, 91 essay

Garris, Madison, “Where the Neuse Leads,” 2016, 129 poetry

Gaspeny, Michael, “One the Demise of a Bibliophile,” 2020 online, 216 poetry

Gates, Nancy Gotter, “Billy’s Adoption,” 1996, 211

Gerard, Philip, Cape Fear Rising, an excerpt, 1994, 83-86
“Flexible Flyer,” 2005, 139-145 fiction
“The Novelist of History: Using the Techniques of Fiction to Illuminate the Past,” 2015, 115-125 essay
“Writing the Invisible history of the South: Glenda E. Gilmore’s Gender and Jim Crow and the Myth of White Supremacy,” 1997, 117-122

Giemza, Bryan, Cottie Mourns: A Comedy of Sea Island Folk, introduction, 2005, 7-21

Giles, Jonathan, “My Life in Shreds,” 2020 online, 226-27 poetry

Gilmore, Glenda Elizabeth, “One of the Meanest Books: Thomas Dixon and The Leopard’s Spots,” 1994, 87-101

Gilmore, Lyman, “Don’t Touch the Poet,” 1995, 68-83

Gilster, Paul A., “Faces in Stained Glass,” 2001, 31-36 fiction

Glazier, Loss Pequeño, “This is the First Question I Ask,” Winter 2024, 52 poetry

Glover, Brian, “Hitting Home with the New Story Project: Teaching with the North Carolina Literary Review in North Carolina,” 2016 online, 80-83 essay
“Make Believe with Utter Conviction: An Interview With Garth Risk Hallberg,” 2017, 56-70

Goad, Jill, “Honoring Native Heritage through the New American Baroque in Gladys Cardiff’s A Bare Unpainted Table,” 2023, 70-85 essay 

Godwin, Rebecca L., “20th Southern Writers Symposium Celebrates North Carolina Writers,” 2009, 84
“2008 R. Hunt Parker Award Goes to John Ehle,” presentation remarks, 2009, 259
“‘After the fighting, the scars remain’: An Interview with Robert Morgan on His War Literature,” 2014, 6-17
“James Applewhite Inducted into the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame,” presentation remarks, 2009, 179
“‘Music of the Spheres’ Heard as ‘world was opening onto world’: An Interview with Robert Morgan,” 2017 online, 12-19

Gottlieb, Elaine, “Dance at the End of the War,” 1995, 6-15 fiction

Grant, Jake, “Smoke, Hog-Wild Hauling,” an excerpt, 1996, 242-264

Greco, Terri, “After Perfecting a Coconut Cream Pie, I Fail,” 2021, 200 poetry 

Green, Paul, “Education South,” 2002, 113-120
“The Theatre and the Screen,” 2012 online, 6-14 essay              
“White Dresses,” 2009, 22-33 drama

Griffin, Bill, “Country Place,” 2003, 94 poetry
“Daylight Saving,” Winter 2023, 84-85 poetry
“Legacy,” 2003, 95 poetry
“Requiem,” 2003, 95 poetry
“Spent,” Winter 2024, 48 poetry

Griffin, Jeremy, “All Things Work Together for Good,” Fall 2024, 106 fiction

Griffith, Michael, “New Wine in Old Bottles: New Stories from the South, 1986-1996,” 1997, 136-141

Grimsley, Jim, “He’s Right Here, He Says,” 2016, 156-163 fiction
“In the Same Gesture,” 2012, 36-51

Gruesser, John, “Accolades to Black Military Heroism and Fantasies of Empire in James McGirt’s Writings,” 2014, 18-29

Guralnick, June, “Finding Clara,” an introduction and excerpts, 2009, 40-50 drama

Gurganus, Allan, “Nativity, Caucasian,” 2008, CD1, track 2 audio fiction
“Now the Feds Are Paying Us Not to Grow Our Best-known Carcinogen, What, or What Shall We Eastern North Carolinians Export?” 2007, 7-14

Guy, Corinee, “NC Newsbriefs,” 2001, 190-191

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Allan Gurganus


Hagood, Taylor, “Fechtwunde: Wounding Flesh and Nature in Ron Rash’s Serena,” 2024, 44-55 lit crit

Haile, Molly Sentell, “Little Things,” the 2020 Doris Betts Fiction Prize story, 2021, 180-91 fiction

Haladay, Jane, “Coming Home: Affirming Community Through Lumbee Children’s Literature,” 2023, 106-121; Fall 2023, 8-23

Hallberg, Christy Alexander, “’an artist’s artist, y’all: weird, unique, and oh so smart and talented’: An Interview with Leah Hampton”, 2022, 84-117, interview 
“Never Mind the Apocalypse, Here’s Jeff Jackson,” 2020, 184-206 interview
“A ‘passionate need to write’: An Interview with Ellyn Bache,” 2012, 112-122

Halme, Kathleen, “Interstices and Protuberances,” 1998, 172 poetry
“Where the Cape Fear Empties into Ocean,” 1998, 170-171

Hamilton, Kelly K., “Left at Clara’s Rock,”2003, 96 poetry
“Okra Stew,” 2003, 96 poetry

Hammack, Brenda Mann, “Co-Dependent God Poem,” 2006, 133 poetry
“Devil Girl from Mars,” 2006, 126 poetry
“Myfanwy and the Gargoyle,” 2008, 147-149 poetry
“Snow Queen’s Story,” 2006, 132 poetry

Hampton, Leah, “Boomer,” 2018 online, 40-46 short story
“Complicating the Appalachian Narrative: A Conversation with David Joy,” 2024, 128-149, interview
“The Saint,” 2013, 188-192 fiction

Hampton, Tim, “Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals,” 1994, 221-222
“Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals in North Carolina,” 1993, 140-150
“Disputed Angles on Two Angels,” 1993, 129
“James Clark Talks about The Lost Boys,” 1993, 192-196

Hanes, Sr., Frank Borden, “Evening Hatch,” 2022, 198-199 poetry 

Hanley, John, “‘Wearing Pants’: Reclaiming Masculinity in Charles Fraizer’s Cold Mountain and Ron Rash’s Serena,” 2021, 116-27 lit crit   

Harding, Jennifer, “Looking for Charles” 2019, 92-103 essay

Hardy, Melissa, “Wedding Belles,” 2003, 119-125 fiction

Harlan, John, “We Are Tsalagi,” 1996, 21

Harmon, William, “1995 Tryon Festival and a Conversation with Martin Gardner,” 1996, 71-79
“NC 4 BBQ: Report of the Barbecue Editor,” 1997, 186-194
“Riddle,” 1997, 108 poetry

Harper, Marcial, “Hey, America,” Fall 2024, 90 poetry

Harrington, Janis, “Bardo,” 2021 online, 67 poetry
“Dead Sea Pantoum,” Winter 2023, 59 poetry
“Lost Mother,” Winter 2025, 79 poetry
“Seeking Salvation in the Sixties,” Winter 2025, 78 poetry
“That Lake, That July Sun,” 2024, 176 poetry
“Vocation,” Winter 2023, 58 poetry
“Why I Believe Confession Booths Are Bathrooms,” 2022, 186-187 poetry

Harris, Allison, “Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC,” Fall 2023, 46-62 pedagogical initiative/essay 

Harris, Ashley, “Buy Now,” 2024, 32-43 cnf
“My Rembrandt Weekend,” Winter 2024, 30 cnf
“Year of the Acorns,” Fall 2024, 8 essay

Harris, Mary Emma, “Adrift in the South,” introduction, 2002, 48-160
“Discovering Black Mountain College,” 1995, 93-94

Harris, Stuart, “Family, Faith, and Myth in Listre, North Carolina: Clyde Edgerton’s Return to Familiar Places and Themes in Where Trouble Sleeps,” 1998, 181-184

Harris, Trudier, “Aun’ Peggy: Charles Chesnutt’s Vampire Slayer?” 2019, 104-115 essay

Hart, William B., “The Case of the Missing Interracial Romance: An Ideological Critique of Kiss the Girls,” 2012, 59-76

Haspel, Paul, “Abandoned Roanoke: A Sixteenth-Century Mystery, Interwar Anxiety,  
and Historical Speculation in Paul Green’s The Lost Colony”, 2024, 88-105 lit crit 

Hatcher, Anthony, “’It didn’t sell much’: The Publishing Struggles of Novelist Turned Newspaperman James Ross,” 2013, 164-185

Haugh, John Frank, “Baba Yaga after a bad Tinder date,” 2020 online, 214-15 poetry

Hawkes, DeLisa D., “‘Fight for your life’: Segregation, Im/mobilities, and the Fight for African American Futures in Stephanie Powell Watts’s No One Is Coming to Save Us,” 2020, 120-133 lit crit  

Heaney, Seamus, “Verses for a Carolina Commencement,” an excerpt, 1996, 42-43
“Verses for a Fordham Commencement,” an excerpt, 1996, 41

Hecimovich, Gregg A., “Searching for Hannah Crafts in Eastern North Carolina,” 2007, 43-54

Hedge Coke, Allison A.,  “America, I Sing Back,” 2020, 102 poetry
“The Change,” 2020, 100 poetry
“Off-Season,” 2020, 106 poetry
“Putting Up Beans,” 2020, 104 poetry 
 “Tobacco Rise,” 2011, 60 poetry
“Wachovia Wilds,” 2004, 38 poetry

Hemley, Robin, “Sleeping Over,” 1994, 141-153
“Yankee Writers in North Carolina: Literary Carpetbaggers?” 1994, 129-135

Henderson, Roxanne, “Bent Fork,” Fall 2023, 116-117 poetry

Hendricks, Keely, “Abundance,” 2021, 192-93 poetry 

Hendrickson, Brian, “Crumbling the Hummingbird,” 2011, 27 poetry
“Lately I Begin with Birds,” 2011, 31 poetry
“The Snow’s Already Fallen,” 2011, 28 poetry
“Weighing the Difference,” 2011, 30 poetry
“What’s Left Us,” 2011, 29 poetry

Herbold, Monica, “Turtle Says the Woman Can Dance,” 1996, 21
“We Are Tsalagi,” 1996, 21

Herbst, Laura, “The Cliffs of Mobenga,” the 2014 Doris Betts Fiction Prize story, 2015, 26-33 fiction

Herin, Miriam, “Lucky,” The 2018 Doris Betts Fiction Prize Story, 2019 online, 140-47 fiction

Hervieux, Marylin “Deadweight,” 2015 online, 47 poetry
“Distance,” 2015 online, 46 poetry
“Going Again,” 2015, 66 poetry
“The Green Wall,” 2016 online, 61 poetry

Hicks, Scott, “Great Buzzards and Talking Hogs, Ghost Crabs and Goophered Grapevines, Sharecropping and Riverwriting: Species of North Carolina Environmental Literature,” 2011, 122-136

Higgins, Anna Dunlap, “Anything but Surrender: Preserving Southern Appalachia in the Works of Ron Rash,” 2004, 49-58
“A good story well told: Robert Inman’s Storytelling Journey,” 2002, 192-199
“John Foster West: An Appalachian Legend,” 2000, 194-203
“‘Story Will Feed Us’: The Power of Story in the Career of Donald Davis,” 1998, 21-27
‘“To walk these hills’: Poetic Inspiration for Appalachian Poet Hilda Downer,” 2003, 174-83
see also, Higgins-Harrell

Higgins-Harrell, Anna Dunlap,“Keeping the Story Alive: Revisiting the Artistry of Donald Davis, John Foster West, Robert Inman, Hilda Downer, and Ron Rash,” 2016, 24-70 interview

High, Maura, “Promised Land,” 2021 online, 14-15 poetry 

Hill, Michael, “State Highway Historic Markers: Public Commemoration and Literary History,” 1993, 127-32

Hill, Robert W., “Beauty and Affliction,” 2015, 65 poetry
“After Midnight,” Winter 2024, 57 poetry
“Circus Gone Off Line: Fade to Black,” 2020 online, 21 poetry
“Half-Whistling to the Plants,” 2017, 128 poetry
“Window in Winter Light,” 2016, 140 poetry

Hinrichsen, Lisa “An Appetite for Language: Introducing Monique Truong,” 2015 online, 23

Hoag, Ronald Wesley, “Hatteras Blues: Greatness and Grace on the Edge,” 2006, 84-92

Hodges, Betty, “North Carolina Writers’ Conference,” 1993, 210-211

Hoffman, Jo Ann S., “Divine Miss Hitchens,” Winter 2023, 112-113 poetry 

Hoffman, Preston, “People of the Book: The Valdese Public Library,” 1992, 161-163

Hogan, Judy, “Street Cat,” 1996, 150

Holden, Mary, “Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center,” 1995, 67

Holding, Jane, “Allan Gurganus and the Idea of Home,” 2018 135-137 tribute

Holsaert, Faith, “Matrilineal, In Six Parts,” 2020 online, 178-89 essay

Holston, Anthony James, “about this girl’: An Interview with Sarah Dessen,” 2006, 46-52

Holt, Gwen, “Smoke and Oreos,” 2019, 190-191 poetry

Holt, Jennifer, “We Are Tsalagi,” 1996, 21

Holte, James Craig, ‘“Alien in Raleigh’: An Interview with John Kessel,” 2001, 54-64

Hoopes, Laura L. Mays, “Great Ecology Tour,” 2008, 163-166

Hope-Gill, Laura, “Finding the Heart of Medicine: Intersections of Healthcare and Writing,” 2021, 71-102 essay 
“The Miscarried,” 2007, 181 poetry
“The Weight of Light,” Winter 2024, 8 cnf

Hopes, David Brendan, “Corin and Dorinda,” 2019 online, 150-159
“Hierarchy of Supplicants,” 1996, 144-145

Horn, Patrick, “The Literary Friendship of George Moses Horton and Caroline Lee Hentz,” 2019, 134-143 essay

Horton, George M., The Political Works of George M. Horton, the Colored Bard of North Carolina, “The Life of the Author,” an excerpt, 1992, 134-137

House, Renae R. Applegate, “On Being Exposed: Body as Witness in Gail Godwin’s The Perfectionists,” 2010, 194-204

Hovis, George, “The Art of Healing: An Interview with Lee Smith,” 2021, 6-21 interview
“The Classical Ecopoetics of Fred Chappell’s Backsass and Midquest,” 2011, 98-110
“Renaissance Man: An Interview with Clyde Edgerton,” 2017, 74-88 interview
“‘the seen and the unseen’: An Interview with Wiley Cash,” 2013, 92-104 interview
“Ten North Carolina Stories that Ought to Be Films,” 2012, 145-158
“A Virtual Road-Trip Interview: A Conversation with Five Expatriate North Carolina Writers,” 2020 online, 56-79 interview
“A Visitation with Randall Kenan,” 2019, 62-78 interview
“An Interview with Rock ‘n’ Roll Novelist Christy Alexander Hallberg,” Winter 2022, 32-47 interview
“Ecstatic in the Shadow: A Conversation with Novelist Phillip Lewis about the Influence of Thomas Wolfe,” 2023, 144-159 interview

Howard, Julie Kate, “Love Song, Gryllinae,” 2004, 143 poetry
“Marlin Run, Ocracoke,” 2001, 113 poetry

Howse, Rose Himber, “Next to Godliness,” 2021 online, 30-37 fiction

Howland, Elizabeth, “Literary Inspiration Award to Honor Reynolds Price,” 2009, 218

Huber, Patrick, “Women Civil War Reenactors: A Combat Dispatch from Fort Branch,” 1999, 7-19

Hudson, Marjorie, “Among the Tuscarora: The Strange and Mysterious Death of John Lawson, Gentleman, Explorer, and Writer,” 1992, 62-82 “Digging for the Bones: Personal Explorations of Story,” 1992, 99-101
“John Lawson and the Warring Nations: A Meditation on Images of Terror and The Other,” 2002, 20-23
“Local and National Efforts to Honor George Moses Horton,” 1999, 181-182
“Two Conferences Honor the Legacy of John Lawson, Carolina’s Gentleman Naturalist and Writer,” 2002, 24-31

Humphreys, Betsy, “Taking a Vote on Creativity,” 1994, 219-220

Hunsinger, Rachel Stroud, “North Carolina Writers’ Network Multiethnic Celebration,” 1993, 214
“Writing Across Borders,” 1993, 215

Hunt, Brittany, “Whoz Ya People? Musings from the Author on Her Lumbee Children’s Book”, Fall 2023, 24-25 essay

Hunt, Justin, “Why I Flinch at the Daylight Squandered,” Winter 2022, 62-63 poetry 

Hunt, Marvin W., “Carolinians of Cherokee Sound: Cultural and Linguistic Connections between North Carolina and the Bahamas,” 1998, 82-295

Hunter, C. Bruce, “Karl Edward Wagner: A Personal Farewell,” 1995, 238-239
“Manly Wade Wellman: A Farewell,” 1993, 107-108

Hunter, Lockie, “My Grandmother’s Love Letters,” Fall 2022, 20-23 cnf
“How to Support Your Daughter When She Moves to San Francisco,” Winter 2023, 114-115 cnf
“Transmission Lines,” Fall 2023, 98-100 cnf

Hyde, Gene, “1994 Poetry Slams National Championships,” 1995, 162-174
“Allan Wolfe’s 15-Step Program for Starting a Poetry Slam in Your Community,” 1995, 169

Hyde, Tim, “Martin Gardner,” 1996, 78

Hywel, Elin ap, “Many Names of God,” 1997, 179 poetry

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Leah Hampton


Idol, John, Jr., “(Un)Blest Be the Ties that Bind: The Dysfunctional Family in Look Homeward, Angel and The Great Santini,” 2000, 142-150
“Body Language and Satiric Portraits in Thomas Wolfe’s The Party at Jack’s,” 2008, 49-58

Ingram, Maria, “Eden Mills Writers’ Festival,” 1994, 211-212

Israel, Charles, Jr., “Blue, Part II of IV,” 2006, 135 poetry
“Second Helpings, 1968,” 2006, 134 poetry

Back to Top


Jackson, George, “Two Saunders Protégés,” 2005, 54-57

Jackson, Elizabeth W., “East End, West End,” the 2014 James Applewhite Poetry Prize, 2015, 83 poetry

Jackson, Ronald, “The Shower,” 2013 online, 40-45 fiction
“The Way Home,” Fall 2024, 60 fiction

Jacobs, Heidi LM, “Speaking the Silences of Slavery: Carolina Lee Hentz’s The Planter’s Northern Bride and Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl,” 1999, 67-83

Jakubowski, Glenda, “Edward Diggs and Desegregation of the UNC Medical School,” 1998, 33-35
“It’s a Guy Thing,” 1999, 12-13

Janssen, Marian, “Carolyn Kizer: Flamboyant Feminist at Chapel Hill,” 2022, 34-49 essay 

Jarrell, Mary, “Randall Jarrell and Kitten,” 1996, 132-133

Jarrell, Randall, “Girl in a Library,” 1992, 14-15 poetry
“Happy Cat,” 1996, 132 poetry
“Mockingbird,” 1992, 15 poetry
“Next Day,” 1992, 16 poetry

Jaynes, Lance, “Consolation,” 1996, 23 poetry

Jenkins, Nigel, “Porth Cwyfan,” 1997, 180-181 poetry

Jernigan, Brenda, “Appearances,” 1997, 112-115 fiction

Johanningsmeier, Charles, “What We Can Learn from a Better Bibliographical Record of Charles W. Chesnutt’s Periodical Fiction,” 1999, 84-96

Johns, Wayne,  “Meditation in a Glass House,” 2020, 170 poetry
“Renovations,” 2019 online, 167 poetry

Johnston, Marcus Gregory “desertion,” 2015 online, 70 poetry
“shadow man,” 2017, 54-55 poetry

Johnston-Hale, Ellen Turlington, “Summer Night,” 1994, 60 poetry

Jones, C. Robert, “NC Playwrights’ Festival,” 1994, 217-218

Jones, Kathleen, “Body Between Mirror and Wall,” 179 poetry

Jones, Kelly, “Borrowed Light,” Winter 2022, 14-15 poetry 

Jones, Lu Ann, ‘“the desire to fly faster, farther, and higher”: Amelia Earhart Remembered,” 2003, 74-77
“Talking Class: The Stories of North Carolina Teachers,” 1998, 51-58

Jones, Paul, “Basketball is a Kind of Poetry,” 2017 online, 37 poetry
“Clear Channel,” 2017, 118-19 poetry
“Dawn on the Watermen’s Dock,” 2022, 172-173 poetry 

Joyner, Janet, “Infrastructure,” 2018 online, 28-29 poetry
“Women’s History Month,” 2015, 126 poetry

Julian, Jeanne, “Prelude to Lust,” 2019 online, 160-61 poetry

Julian, Jen, “Unranium Field,” 2014 online, 28-31 cnf

Juhász, Szidónia, “Alma,” 2015, 23 poetry translation
“Ivy, Sing Ivory,” 2015, 25 poetry translation
“At Kanati Fork,” 2015, 22 poetry translation

Back to Top

Randall Jarrell


Kain, Donna, (with Vernon and Frazier) “North Carolina Connections: An Interview with NCLR Editor Margaret Bauer,” 2016 online, 10-26; rpt. 2016, 8-24

Kane, Suzy T., “Misadventure in Montclair,” 2017 online, 30-34 cnf

Katz, Emily Alice, “A Wayfarer at Devil’s Elbow,” Fall 2023, 88-96 fiction 

Kaufman, Debra, “Daguerrologue,” 2024, 174-175 poetry
“Forty Years Later,” 2012, 229 poetry
“Heading West,” Winter 2023, 66-67 poetry
“Leaving My Mother at the Airport,” 2014, 152 poetry
“To Be Emma Bovary,” 2016, 198-199 poetry
“The Ghost Girls of Ottawa, Illinois,” 2020, 180 poetry

Kearney, Henry, IV, “The Buck,” 2010, 219 poetry
“In the Golden Valley,” 2010, 219 poetry

Kelli, Deonna, “Prayer and Pedagogy,” 1998, 68-69

Kennedy, Jeffe, “Inheritances,” 1998, 157-163

Kennedy, Jess, “Foundations,” Fall 2024, 90 poetry

Kennedy-Nolle, Sharon, “Living for Dixie: The Refrain of Postwar Nationalism in Two North Carolina Magazines,” 1999, 53-63

Kessel, John, “Snake Girl,” 2006, 113-123 fiction

Kich, Martin, ‘“The Outer Banks’: Poems of Muriel Rukeyser and W.D. Ehrhart,” introduction, 2005, 31-42

Kielar, Blaise, “Violin Shop: Behind the Velvet Counter,” Winter 2023, 68-76 cnf

Kimball, Sue Laslie, “Bo Knows Theater and Dancing (and . . . ),” a tribute, 2009, 130-131

Kimberly J., Simms, “There Is No Time,” Winter 2024, 58 poetry

Kindred, Sally R., “Asters,” 2011, 50 poetry; “Goldenrod,” 2011, 51 poetry

King, Basil, “America’s Light Was Not Easy,” 1995, 146-151

King, Martha, “Colored Men: The Distance between Flash and Boom,” 1995, 86-88

Kirkpatrick, Kathryn, “sun – rising – downing,” 2017 online, 22 poetry
“What happened next, happened fast,” 2017, 53 poetry

Knoke, Paul D., “Cold Mountain in Time and Place,” 1999, 20-28

Knotts, Kristina, “’back to beginnings’: Appalachian Women in Kathryn Stripling Byers’s Wildwood Flower and Isabel Zuber’s Salt,” 2007, 142-149

Kratt, Mary, “Aunt Becky’s Way,” 1996, 154-167
“Late Snow,” 1994, 60 poetry

Krawiec, Richard, “Biting the Hand,” 1994, 136-139
“Lovers,” 2009, 94-103 drama

Kremen, Irwin, “On Black Mountain College,” 1995, 55

Kurtz, Richard L., “Freud Checks In: The ‘Oedipus’ in Peter Taylor’s Reservations: A Love Story,” 1996, 55-57
“Occasional Verse as History,” 1996, 187

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Debra Kaufman


Lacy, Bridgette, “Carolina Wren Press of Durham,” 1997, 142-143

Lang, John, “Imitations of Order: Fred Chappell’s More Shapes Than One,” 1998, 140-144

Langley, Dawn Reno, “Teaching Mrs. Dalloway,” Spring 2024, 74-81 cnf 

Lanier, Gene D., “Banned Anything Good Lately?” 1992, 146-147
“Is Hate a Family Value?” 1995, 241-244
“Who Knows What You’ve Been Reading?” 1993, 170-171

Larsen, Nilla, “Girl Praxis,” 2019, 176 poetry
“Post-Date Sunday,” 2019 online, 61 poetry
“You Used to Greet Trees,” 2017 online, 42 poetry

Larson, Jennifer, “Seeing the Opportunity in Tomorrow,” 2019, 36-42 interview

Lawrence, Sally F.,”Collard-Kraut and Blueberry BBQ: Discovering Vivian Howard’s Corner of the South”, 2018, 82-99 interview 
“Ocracoke Bookstores: Distinctive Island Reading,” 2005, 58-61;
“‘The Pleasure of Eating’: Creating a Sustainable Community at Early Girl Eatery,” 2007, 186-198

Lazure, Erica Plouffe, “Spawning Season,” 2007, 89-95 fiction

Leeper, Angela, “‘getting dirty and working hard to find the story”: An Interview with Kerry Madden,” 2008, 96-101
‘“spreading out all the rocks and treasure and creepy crawlies’: An Interview with Frances O’Roark Dowell,” 2006, 39-45

Lefler, Susan, “Burning Bush,” 2015 online, 26 poetry
“Cleaning the Maple,” 2017, 131 poetry
“Getting from Here to There,” 2017 online, 41 poetry
“Inspector 17,” 2015, 114 poetry

Leland, Elizabeth, “Holden Beach: No Trespassing,” 1995, 188

Lembke, Janet, “Ring-a-Ring O’ Roses,” 1994, 6-20
“Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Grackle,” 1992, 31-38
“Weeds,” an essay, 2011, 52-58

Leotta, Joan, “Stands of Pines in a Hurricane,” 2017, 72 poetry

Lewis, Cynthia, “For Every Passion Something: The Myriad Book Clubs of North Carolina,” 2016, 214-220 essay

Lewis, Nell Battle, “Incidentally,” an excerpt, 2006, 22-23

Lifshin, Lyn, “In a Green Shade,” 2010, 151 poetry
“Sunset Limited,” 2010, 151 poetry

liz, heather, “Fairy Dust and Knives,” Spring 2024, 10-15 cnf 

Lloyd, Jeremy, “Time, Place, and a Lament for the Loss of the Chicken House: An Interview with Michael Parker,” 2005, 169-179

Llywd, Iwan, “Richard Jenkins,” 1997, 177 poetry

Lockhart, Zelda, “Call,” 2011, 121 poetry

Locklear, Erica Abrams, “Finding the Forsaken: Lumbee Identity in Charles Chesnutt’s Mandy Oxendine,” 2013, 108-121 lit crit
“Not Either/Or, but Both: Cherokee and Appalachian Identity in Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle’s Even As We Breathe,” 2023, 26-39 lit crit

Loderstedt, Michael, “Why We Fished,” 2022, 170-171 poetry
Fall 2023, 108 poetry performance
“The Eye,” Winter 2022, 48 poetry

Long, Autumn Sunshine, “Flood in the Forest,” 1996, 19

Long, Robert Hill, “7240 Wrightsville Causeway,” 2003, 92 poetry
“Bargain with Transcendence,” 1998, 176 poetry
“Brightness Falls,” 1998, 177 poetry
“Guitar Prostitute,” 2011, 188-189 poetry
“Not Quitting the Choir,” 2003, 93 poetry
“Warehouse 1970,” 2003, 91 poetry

Lovatt, Kathryn Etters, “The Business of Dreaming,” 2013 online, 130-136 fiction
“Eminent Domain,” 2016 online, 92-97 fiction 

Back to Top

Janet Lembke


Mabrey, Edward, “Tondu,” Fall 2024, 90 poetry

Mace, Jennings, “Hardin Taliaferro, the Gentlest of Southwestern Humorists,” 2008, 43-48

MacKethan, Lucinda H., “Virginia ‘Exile’ Lee Smith Inducted into North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame,” presentation remarks, 2009, 232-233

Makuck, Peter, “Night Passage,” 2015, 37 poetry
“Practice,” 2015, 36 poetry

Madden, Ed, “Dream Boy: Jim Grimsley’s Gothic Gospel,” 2000, 111-129

Madden-Lunsford, Kerry, “Missing Ernestine, My Mountain Mother,” 2020 online, 26-36 essay

Magi, Aldo P., “Brief Publishing History of Western Journal and Wolfe’s Purdue Speech,” 1993, 169
“Dear Mrs. Wolfe / Dear Mama: Maxwell Perkins and Elizabeth Nowell in Search of Thomas Wolfe Manuscripts,” 1993, 163-168

Maginnes, Al, “Betty Adcock: ‘a solo we won’t soon forget,’” 2017, 140-141
“A Broadcast from Flyover Country,” 2007, 102-103 poetry
“Chasing Johnny Armstrong,” 1999, 129-132 poetry

Magorian, James, “The Substitute,” 2009, 145 poetry

Mahoney, MaryJo, “Aesthetic Transport,” 1994, 128 poetry

Makuck, Peter, “The Cat [Within],” translation of Charles Baudelaire’s “Le Chat,” 1996, 24 poetry
“Cat,” translation of Charles Baudelaire’s “Le Chat,” 1996, 25 poetry
“Cats,” translation of Charles Baudelaire’s “Les Chats,” 1996, 131 poetry
“Deo Gratias,” 2007, 70-71 poetry
“Egret,” 1995, 200 poetry
“Night Passage,” 2015, 37 poetry
“On the Blue Again,” 1995, 201 poetry
“Out of all places, East Carolina: Talking with NCLR’s Founding Editor, Alex Albright,” 2002, 81-86
“Night Passage,” 2015, 36 poetry
“Roy,” 2007, 72 poetry
“Worldwise by Catlight,” 1996, 123-30 essay

Malone, Gina, “1970,” 2020 online, 114-16 poetry
“Yesterday’s Snow,” 2017 online, 43 poetry

Maney, Kristy, “Snow Queen’s Story,” 2006, 132 poetry
“We Are Tsalagi,” 1996, 21 poetry

Manning, Phillip, “John Lawson, Nature Writer, Inducted into the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame,” presentation remarks, 2013 online, 94-95

Maron, Margaret, “From Manteo to Murphy: A Writer’s Personal Journey,” 2018, 6-17 

Marshall, Dominique, “Breaking Down Walls”: An Interview with David Gessner, 2011, 8-16

Marquess, William, “A Very Public Library: The Brautigan Library” 1992, 159-161

Martin, Brent, “Hunting for Camellias at Horseshoe Bend,” 2011, 70-77 essay

Martin, Gretchen, “Southwest Humor’s Frontier Preacher: Hardin E. Taliaferro and Sketches from Fisher’s River,” 2008, 36-42

Martin, Matthew, “Wells Tower: An ‘engaged life,’” 2010, 220-227 interview

Martínez, Purificación, “Beauty in Knowledge, Knowledge is Beauty,” Fall 2022, 46-48

Martoccia, Randall, “Civil War Letter from Richard to His Father,” introduction, 1999, 44-45

Massey, Kelvin, ‘“Wonderful Terms and Phrases’: Contrasting Dialect in William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and Lee Smith’s Oral History,” 1998, 11-19

Mather, Nikolai, “Highway 17 (failing at local journalism),” Fall 2024, 52 cnf

Mattawa, Khaled, “Taproot & Cradle,” 2000, 130 poetry

Max, Gerry, “Richard Halliburton and Thomas Wolfe: When Youth Kept Open House,” 1996, 82-87

Maxwell, Leslie, “Part of a Little Counterculture: Nic Brown on Music, Workshops, and Being an Artist in the South,” 2017 online, 44-53

McBride, Kecia D., “’If he eats me, he surely can’t swallow me’: Separate Spheres and Subversion in the Folk Plays of the Carolina Playmakers,” 2000, 21-42

McCall, Catherine W., “Some Day,” 2000, 103-10 fiction

McClanahan, Rebecca, “Autobiography of the cab driver who picked me up at the Phoenix hotel to catch a four a.m. flight,” 1997, 111 poetry
“Gratitude,” 1997, 110 poetry
“Trains,” 1999, 143-147 poetry

McCorkle, Jill, “Kaye Gibbons’s ‘strong embrace of the human heart,'” Winter 2025, 26
“Last Sleep,” 1997, 34-38 fiction
“Ron Rash, ‘master of the short story form,'” Winter 2025, 28
“Your Husband Is Cheating on Us,” 2008, CD2, track 4 audio

McDavid, Elizabeth, “Word Wars,” 1995, 244-245

McDonald, Hal, “Fred Chappell as Magic Realist,” 1998, 127-139
“Mountain Magic: An Interview with Sarah Morgan”, 2013 online, 16-27

McDonald, Rob, “Imprinted with Place: A Conversation at Home with James Applewhite,” 2016 184-196

McFee, Michael, “Angel,” 1997, 53 poetry
“‘An Appalachian-in-Exile’: Michael Chitwood Receives a Second Roanoke-Chowan Award for Poetry,” presentation remarks, 2009, 173
“By Numbers,” 2008, 22 poetry; “Diogenes,” 1997, 59 poetry
“Dorianne Laux Receives 2011 Roanoke-Chowan Award for The Book of Men,” presentation remarks, 2012 online, 65
“For Doris,” 2014 online, 46-53 essay
“Let Us Now Praise Shirley Anders,” 1995, 236-237
“Oh Man,” 2008, 23 poetry
“Rural Sunset Blues,” 1997, 58 poetry
“Sorry,” 2010, 124 poetry
“Trampoline,” 1997, 56 poetry
“Wake,” 1997, 58 poetry

McGaha, Jennifer, “Dog Drama,” 2008, 30-35 essay

McGehee, Margaret T.  “Moving Away from the Lenticular?: The Politics of Race, Gender, and Place in Godfrey Cheshire’s Moving Midway,” 2015 online, 52-65 essay

McGuirt, David, “Blind Faith,” 2010, 142-147 fiction

McGuffey, Liz, “Rediscovering Mary Hancock, ‘Warrior For Whimsey,’” 2016, 130-139 essay

McKenna, Richard, “The Left-Handed Monkey Wrench,” 2011, 167-177 ficton

McKinney, Karen J., “There’s always a story to tell: Creating Tradition on Qualla Boundary,” 2004, 25-40

McLean, Joan, “Do you know,” 2017 online, 35 poetry
“Honeysuckle,” 2014 online, 102 poetry
“It Must Be All Right,” 2014 online, 103 poetry
“Last Days,” 2016 online, 72 poetry
“Up Battle Creek,” 2016, 141 poetry

McMillan, Douglas J., “From “Gub’ner Green” to The Story of Cabbage Green: An Appreciation of the Writings of Ovid Williams Pierce, First Writer-in-Residence at ECU,” 2007, 32-35

McMullan, Patricia, Cottie Mourns: A Comedy of Sea Island Folk, 2005, 7-21

McPherson, Mike, “Green and the 105th Engineers,” 1994, 35; “Trench Warfare,” 1994, 34

McWalters, Alex, “All Things Must Pass,” Winter 2025, 46 cnf

Meads, Kat, “Husbands Found Dead,” play and afterword, 2009, 104-109 drama

Melchior, Priscilla, “Circumlocution,” 2020 online, 37 poetry
“May 1954,” 2018, 81 poetry
“Summer Dawn,” 2017, 2017, 89 poetry
“Confederate Memorial Day,” Winter 2022, 124 poetry
“Elegy for a Friend,” Fall 2024, 36 poetry

Memory, Ashley, “A Private History of Deviled Eggs,” Winter 2023, 94-103 cnf

Metcalf, Paul, “Metcalfs in North Carolina,” 1995, 135-141

Meyers, Barak, “Unidentified,” 1996, 23 poetry

Meyers, Susan Laughter, “Anointed Yet Badly Blessed,” 2012, 215 poetry
“Banding Hummingbirds,” 2013 online, 58 poetry
“Begger’s-Lice,” 2013 online, 59 poetry
“The Day After Visiting Grace, 94,” 2007, 97 poetry
“If Not Birds Dodging Loneliness,” 2012, 214 poetry
“Morning Prayer,” 2002, 112 poetry
“My Brother, Last Radiation Treatments,” 2012 online, 38 poetry
“No Ordinary Birdsong,” 2014 online, 63 poetry
“Pompey’s Knob,” 2008, 95 poetry
“Rain,” the 2013 James Applewhite Poetry Prize poem, 2014, 95 poetry
“Ringwood,” 2014, 97 poetry
“The Tilt that Stumbles Me,” 2007, 96 poetry
“To Catch Big Fish: Advice from the Poet,” 2014 online, 62 poetry
“To Catch a Flight to Arkansas,” 2014, 96 poetry

Michel, Jamal, “Any Adjectives for Divorce,” Winter 2023, 120-121 poetry 

Miles, Maggie, “Grandmama Dressing,” 1998, 174-175 poetry

Miller, Heather Ross, “Carmen Miranda in the Twinkling of an Eye,” 1997, 93-98 fiction

Miller, Marilyn, “Vernon Ward’s International Poems: Proletarian Poetry of the Interwar Period,” 2007, 128-131

Millikin, Claire, “Outer Banks,” 2005, 43 poetry

Mills, Jerry Leath, “Celebrating Bland Simpson: 2011 Recipient of the Roberts Award for Literary Inspiration,” presentation remarks, 2012 online, 52-53
“King Mackerel and the Blues Are Running,” introduction, 2005, 24-30
“Ruins of Time,” 2008, 26-29 essay; “‘what I feel I was put on the planet to do’: An interview with Wayne Caldwell,” 2010, 61-6
“Spawning of King Mackerel: The Coastal Cohorts, Jim Wann, Bland Simpson, and Dean Dixon,” 2005, 22-23
“Tim McLaurin: Fayetteville, December 14, 1953 – Morehead City, July 12, 2002, a remembrance,” 2003, 164-165

Mills, Joe, “Aging,” 2005, 146 poetry

Mise, A. Brandon, “North Carolina Studies Program at East Carolina University,” 1998, 156

Mitchell, Diana, “Vanity Search,” 2007, 182 poetry
“Weekend at Nantahala,” 2007, 183 poetry

Mitchell, Steve, “Platform,” a 2009 Doris Betts Fiction Prize competition finalist, 2010, 172-180
“Ultimate Trip,” 2022, 188-194 cnf

Mitchell, Ted, “Two Tons of Manuscript: Thomas Wolfe Archives,” 1995, 214-216

Moeckel, Thorpe, “Bluffs and Laurel: A Uwharrie Weekend,” 2007, 136-139

Moffett, Vic, “Louise Anderson, Storyteller,” 1993, 14-24

Mohney, Sally Stewart, “Jackson From the Third Floor,” 2018, 172 poetry
 “In Your Mother’s Foothills,” 2018, 173 poetry  

Molini, Sally, “Canton Hybrids,” 2003, 118 poetry

Monteith, Sharon, “I was Pearl and my last name was Harbor: Monique Thuy-Dong Truong’s “Kelly” and Ethnic Southern Memory,” 2004, 113-122

Monroe, Settle, “Invasive Pests,” 2022, 174-182 fiction

Moody-Turner, Shirley, “Anna Julia Cooper, A Voice from the South,” Winter 2025, 25

Moore, Lenard D., “Chopping Weeds,” 2018 online, 70 poetry
“Seven Haiku,” 1996, 168 poetry
“Wind Song,” 2004, 86

Moore, MariJo, “To Celebrate Not Explain the Mystery,” 1997, 195 poetry
“Cherokee Rebirth,” 1996, 7-13 poetry
“Everyone Needs Someone,” 1996, 6 poetry
“History of Our Mother’s Dreams,” 1997, 198 poetry
“Invisible Tongues,” 1996, 9 poetry
“Poetry as Ceremony,” 1997, 195-196, 198-199
“Sacred Formula,” 1996, 14 poetry
“Selu,” 1996, 16 poetry
“Solidarity in the Night,” 1996, 15 poetry
“Story,” 1996, 10 poetry
“Tsul ‘kalu’ and the Children of Water” 1997, 197 poetry
“Underneath This Burning Sky,” 1997, 196 poetry
“Women of Words,” 1996, 11 poetry

Moore, Mark A., “Singular Devotion and a Compound of Incongruities: Bryan Grimes and Thomas L. Clingman of North Carolina,” 1999, 64-66

Moose, Ruth, “Bad Motor on the Good Sheet, The,” 1999, 148-153 fiction
“Kilroy and Fred,” 1996, 210
“Playing Baby Dolls with the Girls,” 2002, 132-139 fiction

Moreland, Vicki, “Solitaire,” 2003, 112-117 fiction

Moreno, Daniel, “WANTED: Teachers Teaching North Carolina Literature,” Fall 2023, 40-45 essay 

Morgan, Chris, “Mississippiensis and the Happiness of Thoreau,” 2008, 156-162

Morgan, Lisa, “North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame and a Literary Historian’s Perspective: An Interview with James W. Clark, Jr.,” 2003, 153-159
‘“skill and caring and, yes, passion’: Louise Hawes’s Formula for Writing Fiction,” 2006, 73-81

Morgan, Martha, “Daughter Remembers: Margaret Roberts and Thomas Wolfe,” 2000, 131-141

Morgan, Robert, “Cliff,” 1997, 39-49 fiction
“Cry Naked,” 2010, 28 poetry
“Culture at a Crossroads,” 2007, 29-31
“Dew,” 2010, 29 poetry; Hinterlands, The, an excerpt, 1996, 120-122
“Listening to Clouds,” 2010, 27 poetry
“Of the Tribe of the Tiger,” 1996, 113-119
“Purple Hands,” 2010, 28 poetry
“Resourceful,” 2017 online, 20 poetry
“Scribbler,” 2017, 33 poetry
“Tribute to Wolfe, A” 2000, 151 poetry
“Urnfield,” 2017 online, 21 poetry

Morris, Bill, “In the Kitchen; or, The Things I Might Have Learned from Ed Dorn,” 2004, 144-148

Morys, Twm, “Richard Jenkins,” translation, 1997, 177 poetry

Moss, Mary, “Harried, Hairy, and Harrowing,” 2006, 126-129

Mullins, Maryscot, “Ed Dorn (1929-1999),” 2004, 144-145
“‘finding your voice . . . [is] like falling in love – when it happens, you know it’: An Interview with Louise Shivers,” 2008, 104-113
“NC Newsbriefs,” 2004, 194-196; ‘“the pilot sleeps”: Randall Jarrell’s Wartime Flight Poems,” 2003, 68-69

Murphy, Patt, “Floundering,” 2005, 155-161 fiction

Murray, Charles, “Betrayal,” Winter 2022, 23 poetry 

Murray, Savannah Paige, “An Ethic of Everyday Nature in John Ehle’s The Road,” 2021, 104-13 lit crit
“Finding John Ehle’s Mountain Novels,” 2021 online, 95-96

Myles, Anne, “Horizons” Winter 2023, 110-111 poetry 

Back to Top

Jill McCorkle


Nakata, I.S., “Getting By and Through the ‘40s,” 1995, 45-54

Nash, Florence, “Apotheosis of the Boar,” 2016, 154 poetry
“At Blue Banks,” 2016 online, 117 poetry
“Death of the Cat,” 2016, 155 poetry
“Tell Me About the Ocean and I Will Tell You Who You Are,” 2016 online, 116 poetry

Naumoff, Lawrence, “Men Like White Elephants,” 2008, 10-14 fiction

Neal, Dale, “Least Dread,” 2003, 97-103 fiction

Neisser, Yvette, “Out of the Water,” 2002, 130-131 poetry

Nichols, Tanya, “‘Quickening,’ from Fiction to Film: A Conversation with Liza Wieland and Mary Kate Monahan,” 2013 online, 98-105 interview

Nieman, Valerie, “On the Beach,” 2012 online, 45 poetry
“A Blessing on the Tongue,” 2012, 226-228 poetry
“Eleanor: Suite,” 2019 online, 56-57
“Late Shift,” 2020, 207  poetry
“Renovation,” 2011, 43 poetry
“Work in the Morning,” 2011, 42 poetry

Niven, Steven, “Wesley Critz George: Scientist and Segregationist,” 1998, 39-41

Nixon, Timothy K., “Making Sense of ‘Cornsilk’: Identifying the Intertextual Nature of Randall Kenan’s Short Story,” 2021, 130-44 lit crit  

Norris, Christie Hinson, “Teaching the Darkness Away: Humanities, History, Education,” 2021, 50-59 essay 

Nysether-Santos, Alessandra, “how/like you see me,” Fall 2023, 109 poetry 

“Marvelous Marble Jesus,” Fall 2024, 91 poetry

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Valerie Nieman


Obadike, Mendi Lewis, “Isaac in Durham,” 2004, 85 poetry
“Waiting for America,” 2004, 85 poetry

Obermeyer, Jon, “Feb 25,” 2018, 178 poetry
“The Ledge,” 2019 online, 58 poetry  
“Still Life with Monoclonal Antibodies,” 2020 online, 154 poetry

Ocasio, Grace Cloris, “After Perusing Gradma’s Scrapbook,” 2015 online, 51 poetry
“Little Girlfriend,” 2013, 186-187 poetry
“Photo Album,” 2015, 78 poetry

O’Connor, Kimberly, “Leaving Lake Summit,” 2018, 176-177 poetry

Odom, Eve, “Semi Shallow,” Winter 2022, 140-145 cnf 

Ogilvie, Mark, “You sang me a song, and I heard: The Song Behind a Wellman Legend,” 2002, 32-37

Olson, Ted, “Reconciliation and Return: A.R. Ammons’s Poetry as Autobiography,” 2006, 93-112

Oppenheimer, Joel, “Animals,” 1995, 71 poetry
“Elephant Blues,” 1995, 73 poetry
“For Hoyt Wilhelm,” 1995, 74-75 poetry
“Ghosts,” 1995, 80-81 poetry
“Letters for MC,” 1995, 78 poetry
“News,” 1995, 76

O’Rourke, Ali, “Photograph in an Exhibit about Appalachia,” 2005, 126 poetry

Orr, Elaine Neil, “The Anchored Raft,” Winter 2024, 20 cnf
“Diving into the Wreck: A Review Essay on David Payne’s Trilogy Early form the Dance, Ruin Creek, Gravesend Light,” Spring 2024, 50-67, feature essay

Osborne, Virginia Nickles, “Saving the Outer Banks: Discreet Consumption in David Payne’s Gravesend Light,” 2005, 113-122

Outlaw, B. Landrex, “One North Florida,” 2011, 44 poetry

Owens, Martha, “Regarding the State Dog,” 2008, 24-25 poetry

Back to Top

Grace Ocasio


Parker, Mary Elizabeth, “Combat Boots,” 1994, 207-208
“Short History of the Pickwick,” 1994, 209

Parker, Michael, “Addendum,” acceptance remarks, 2012 online, 71
“Hidden Meanings, Treatment of Time, Supreme Irony, and Life Experiences in the Song ‘Ain’t Gonna Bump No More No Big Fat Woman,’” 2008, CD2, track 2 audio fiction
“I Know 8,000 Lunatics: Reflections of an Apple-Stealing S.O.B.,” 1993, 120-26
“The ‘Inimitable Music’ of Eastern North Carolina,” 2008, 7-9
“Lake Amnesia,” 1995, 250-55 fiction
“A Mighty Pretty Blue,” 2015 online, 92-94 fiction
“Miniature,” 2006, 124-25
“Never Mind,” 2017, 50-52 fiction
“Recruitment,” 2017 online, 23-25 fiction
“Wind and Water: Marrying Fact and Fiction in The Watery Part of the World,” 2012, 160-65
“Blackwinging It in the Digital Age,” 2023, 160-165 cnf

Parkes, Amy Elsie, “After the Acquittal,” 2020 online, 220-221 poetry

Parris, P. B., “In the Land of the Sky,” 1994, 158-163 fiction

Patterson, John S., “Dictionary of North Carolina Writers, Abbott to Blythe,” 1992; Boner to Chesnutt,” 1993, 183-190; Childers to Dykeman,” 1994, 223-229; Earnshaw to Ethridge with updates, A-D,” 1995, 227-232; Fay to Gingher,” 1996, 199-204; Godfrey to Hawks,” 1997, 167-172
“In Memory of Linda Flowers,” 2000, 189-191
“William Maxwell Blackburn,” 1996, 46

Patterson, Laura Sloan, “Delaware River,” 2017, 73 poetry

Patterson, Tom, “Success of Its Own Accident: An Opinionated, Encapsulated History of black Mountain College,” 1995, 17-32

Patterson, Valerie O., “Writing Books that Hold Up, from Pay Phones to Cell Phones: An Interview with YA Suspense Novelist Lois Duncan,” 2012, 123-132

Pattillo, Laura Grace, “Writing His Way Home: An Interview with Samm-Art Williams,” 2007, 15-28

Pearce, Frances J., “Jump,” 2019 online, 166 poetry

Peavey, Seth, “Of Lions and Sparrows,” 2014 online, 34-44 fiction

Perkins, Dolen, “White Heat in Wilmington: The Dialogue Between Journalism and Literature in The Marrow of Tradition,” 2002, 38-41, 43-47

Perkinson, Zachary, “Group Theatre,” 1994, 26; “Early ‘Rules’ at BMC (Black Mountain College),” 1995, 20-21

Pettis, Joyce, “Marrow of Tradition: Charles Chesnutt’s Novel of the South,” 1994, 108-118

Phelps, David Sutton, “Neoheroka Fort: 279 Years after the Battle,” 1992, 102-103

Pierce, Constance, “Learning to Write: Feline by Feline,” 1996, 136-42
“Lost Colony,” 2007, 75-88 fiction

Pierce, Ovid Williams, “A Region’s Face: Beyond the Stereotypes,” 2007, 36-42

Pinckney, Diana, “After My Brother Dies, I Leave for Italy,” 106-107 poetry
“Cave of Hands,” 2017 online, 36 poetry

Plath, James, “Reconstructing Hemingway: An Interview with Biographer Michael S. Reynolds,” 2000, 69-81

Polf, W.A., “Banjo,” 2nd place story in the 2017 Doris Betts Fiction Prize competition, 2018 online, 106-115 fiction  

Poling, Nancy, “Leander’s Lies,” 2019, 178-182 essay

Pollock, Sarah Wooten, “Inglis Fletcher’s African Adventure: Good Journeyings in This Our Land,” 1996, 94-107

Post, Sam, “Ignition Switch,” 2009, 114-117 drama
“Love Poem,” 2009, 110-113 drama
“Responsibility,” 2009, 118-123 drama

Poston, David E., “She, Being Holy Ghost,” 2021, 114-15 poetry 

Pottier, Celeste, “NC Newsbriefs,” 2003, 201
“Pulitzer Prize Winner Rick Atkinson, Former ECU Student,” 2003, 69
“Speculative Fiction in North Carolina, an Addendum,” 2002, 190

Powell, Dannye Romine, “Because I Won’t Be There When He Dies,” 155 poetry
“Jinny Emery vs. Stephen Emery,” 1999, 135 poetry
“Michael Shoffner vs. Sarah Shoffner,” 1999, 135 poetry
“Robin Braswell vs. Calley Braswell,” 1999, 134 poetry

Powell, Gary V., “Fifty-Cal,” 2024, 162-173 cnf
“Uniformity of Carcass” Fall 2023, 110-114 fiction

Powell, Mark, “Ron Rash’s Serena and the ‘blank and pitiless gaze’ of Exploitation in Appalachia,” 2010, 70-89

Powell, Tamara M., “Look at What Happened Here: North Carolina’s Feminary Collective,” 2000, 91-102

Powell, Tara, “Kathryn Stripling Byer: ‘[her] words are gates swinging wide open’,” 2015 online, 116-17 presentation remarks

Powell, Tommi, “NC Newsbriefs,” 2005, 189-191

Pratt, Minnie Bruce, “On the Silver Coast,” 1999, 138-139 poetry

Presnell, Barbara, “Breakdown,” 2005, 164 poetry
“Doing Beans,” 2005, 165 poetry

Price, Rachael, “The Void and the Missing: History, Mystery, and Throwaway Bodies in Monique Truong’s Bitter in the Mouth,” 2015, 50-64

Priest, Gwen, “More Than a Haircut,” Winter 2022, 52-53 poetry 

Pryor, Benjamin, “Pisgah Funeral,” 2005, 163 poetry; “Self-Portrait in an Anamorphic Basement,” 2005, 162 poetry
“Swallowhead Spring,” 2016, 71 poetry
“The Ladder,” Winter 2022, 126 poetry 

Pursley, Lisa M., “leftover women,” 2021 online, 29 poetry

Putnam-Evans, Cindy, “Ron Rash, Childhood Friend, Runner and . . . Recipient of the 2011 North Carolina Award for Literature,” 2012 online, 40-41

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Michael Parker


Quinn, Carol, “Soliloquys at the Outer Banks,” 2007, 140-141 poetry

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Ragan, David Paul, “Flying by Night: An Early Interview with Fred Chappell,” 1998, 105-119

Ragan, Sam, “Manly Wade Wellman: A Remembrance,” 1993, 106
“Patriot,” 1994, 236 poetry
“Poetry Reading,” 1994, 236 poetry

Ragan, Talmadge, “Mother of All North Carolina Writer’s Cats,” 1996, 143

Ramsey, Trace, “Miller Road,” 2017, 120-127

Rankin, Richard, “Early Humorous Tradition of the Lower Cape Fear, from the Lampoon of ‘Old Silenus’ to the Early Work of Johnson Jones Hooper,” 2000, 7-20

Rash, Caroline, “Love – and Mushrooms and Zooms – In the Ruins,” Winter 2022, 76-82 cnf

Rash, Ron, “Genealogy,” 1997, 14 poetry
“Leicester Cemetery,” 1997, 15 poetry
“Rebecca Boone,” 2000, 156 poetry
“Shelton Laurel,” 2008, 114-116

Rashley, Lisa Hammond, “Chicken Man,” 2007, 184 poetry
“The Lizard Man of Lee County,” 2007, 185 poetry

Raskin, Melanie, “Waiting for Azrael,” a 2009 Doris Betts Fiction Prize competition finalist, 2010, 182-192

Rawlins, Paula, “The Hope of ‘dark night songs’: Music and Healing in Charles Frazier’s Nightwoods,” 2021, 38-49 lit crit 

Rawls, Kimberly, ‘“I Just Knew I Wanted to be a Teacher’: Memories of Grace Whitehurst,” 1998, 59-63

Reali, Paul D., “How to Get Struck By Lightning,” 2024, 178-90 fiction

Redmond, Glenis, “Against My Religion,” Spring 2024, 16-17 poetry 
“Blanc,” 2014, 150-151 poetry
“Blue Bottles,” 2014 online, 73 poetry
“Carolinese,” 2012, 216-217 poetry
“Dreams Speak: My Father’s Words,” 2019, 58-59 poetry
“Every One of My Names,” 2019, 60-61 poetry
“House: Another Kind of Field,” 2019 online, 11 poetry
“On Beauty; or, a Reluctant Beauty Queen,” 2021 online, 8-13 cnf
“Racism Squared,” 2020, 148 poetry
“Sketch,” 2019 online, 12-13 poetry
“Raised by Hand,” Winter 2023, 60-64 cnf
“Story,” Winter 2023, 65 poetry 

Redmond, Lois, “Women in Waiting: Women Writers at Black Mountain College,” 1995, 95-97

Reed, Joanna L., “Guitar Man,” 2002, 145-163

Reid, Dan, “Trinoc*con,” 191

Reid, Erin Miller, “Uncaged,” 2023, 168-173 fiction 

Reitz, Christina L., “Cold Mountain: A Journey from Frazier’s Magnus Opus to Higdon’s Magnum Opera,” 2017, 8-20

Reynolds, Katherine C., “Socrates and Serendipity: Ungainly Beginnings of an Improbable College,” 1995, 33-44

Reynolds, Tori, “Herd Animal,” 2020 online, 101 poetry
“Sonny Man and the Snake,” 2017, 49 poetry

Richards, Gary, “Allan Gurganus and his Dildoes,” 2018, 130-134 article“A ‘love of hopeless comedy’: The Humor of Personal and Cultural Crisis in Allan Gurganus’s Plays Well With Others,” 2008, 59-65
“Mr. Williams and Mr. Universe: Jim Grimsley’s Queer Intertextuality,” 2009, 79-83 
“Muscle Men, Tennessee Williams, and the State of Southern Drama: An Interview with Jim Grimsley,” 2009, 67-78
“A Shining Light in the Piazza,” 2009, 86-87

Rieber, John, “In Summer Light, In Summer Fields,” 1997, 78-86 fiction

Riggs, Timothy A., “Pictures for Words: Douglas Gorsline’s Illustrations for Look Homeward, Angel,” 2003, 80-83

Roberts, Terry L., “Except a Corn of Wheat Fall into the Ground and Die,” an excerpt from A Short Time to Stay Here, 2014 online, 8-17 fiction
“Look Homeward, Angel: Of Ghosts, Angels, and Lostness,” introduction, 2003, 78-86
“In Memoriam: The Journey of John Ehle,” 2019 online, 82-89 essay
“‘reflections on a screen’: John Ehle and Film,” 2012, 133-144
“Waiting for Edward: Elizbeth Spencer’s For Lease or Sale,” 2009, 85-92
“‘wonderfully simple, yet complex’: The Mountain Novels of John Ehle,” 2010, 11-23

Robinson, Lorraine Hale, “Abram Joseph Ryan,” 1999, 18
“Claude Howell: Observation-essence-evocation,” 1998, 171
“Dictionary of North Carolina Writers, A-M (addenda),” 2002, 200-212
“Dictionary of North Carolina Writers, Hay to Hymen,” 1998, 194-203; Inborden to Kuralt,” 1999, 183-194; Lacy to Mathabane,” 2000, 204-218; McClanahan to Murrow,” 2001, 157-172; Nash to Proffitt,” 2003, 184-201; Rabb to Rust,” 2004, 180-194; Sadler to Sumner, 2005, 191-216; Talbot to Vorse,” 2006, 173-192; Waddell to Zuniga,” 2007, 221-255
“Fictional Flight “First”—Set in North Carolina,” 2003, 44-45
“Food and Culture,” 2001, 130
“Food Finds: Gary’s Bar-B-Cue,” 2000, 180-181
“Gliding into a New Era Cover Story: First Flight, Photo Finds, and Friendship,” 2003, 7-8
“His Story, History, and Home: Gary Neil Carden Receives North Carolina Award for Literature,” 2013 online, 76-77
“Iconography of Postwar Magazine Covers,” 1999, 55-57
“It’s a bird; it’s a plane; it’s alien technology,” 2001, 74-75;
“Jimmies, Sooks, and the Zen of Soft Crab Shedding,” 2005, 123-125
‘“Little Baby-Snatchin’ Now and Again”: Oral Narratives from North Carolina Midwives,” 1998, 72-81
“New Voyage to Carolina: Dining at Windmill Point Restaurant, Nag’s Head,” 2003, 128-129
“North Carolina Literary and Historical Association Announces Newly Established Hardee-Rives Drama Award,” 2009, 66
“North Carolina Sweet Potato and Pork Stew—or Sweet Potato Stew (vegan),” 2006, 149
“Note on Oktoberfest,” 2002, 19
“Origins and Closure: An Interview with Ariel Dorfman,” introduction, 2004, 99-112
“Short and Sweet: Pat’s Soda Shop, Vanceboro,” 2002, 166
“Stuffed Collard Leaves,” 2007, 194-195
“Udderly Delicious: The Cow Cafe, New Bern, and J. Basul Noble, High Point,” 2001, 131-133
“View from the Kitchen: The Other Side of the Swinging Door,” 2004, 149-151

Rochelle, Warren G., “Interviews in Cold Springs, North Carolina,” 2001, 37-53 fiction
“North Carolina Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers: A Bibliographic Essay,” 2001, 7-20

Rode, Curt, ‘“In what place is this cloud of presences stored?’: James Applewhite, Robert Long Hill and the Questioning of History,” 1998, 186-192

Rogers, Betty Ritz, “Mt. Zion Cemetery,” 2020 online, 202 poetry

Rogers, Maggie, “Drama Dean Gerald Freedman Receives a North Carolina Award for Fine Arts,” 2009, 124
“Two North Carolina Awards for Literature in 2008,” 2009, 227

Rooke, Leon, “Heart Must from Its Breaking,” 1993, 110-119 fiction
“Talking Carolina Talk,” 1993, 212-214

Roper, John Herbert, “Paul Green’s War Songs,” 1994, 22-246

Rostar, James T., “Johns Hopkins University and the Teutonic Germ,” 1994, 92
“Walter Hines Page: Editor, Publisher, and Enlightened Reformer,” 1994, 102-107

Rotchford, Ann, “Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC,” Fall 2023, 46-62 pedagogical initiative/essay 

Rough, William Howard, “[What] the American Public Needs”: A “Theater of the People,” an interview with Paul Green, 2009, 8-21

Roughton, Becke, “Flag,” 1999, 141 poetry
“Last Judgment,” 1999, 140 poetry

Rouphail, Maria, “Appalachia Morning”; “Things that lift my heart and make it glad,” Fall 2024, 83 poetry

Ruffin, Carrie, ‘“People Learned to Live Together’: Two Teachers Remember School Desegregation,” 1998, 63-71

Rumaker, Michael, “Charles Olson Hears Miles Davis for the First Time and Dances,” 1997, 152-153
“Meeting Charles Olson at Black Mountain,” 1995, 56-66

Russell, Stephanie, “Charles W. Chesnutt Association,” 1999, 101 “North Carolina Studies Program at East Carolina University,” 1998, 156

Back to Top

Glenis Redmond


Saalfeld, Daniel, “Summer Haze,” 2010, 181 poetry; “Sweet Diana,” 2006, 130 poetry

Sabella, John, “Migrant Afternoon,” 1992, 192-196

Saddik, Annette J., “Recovering ‘moral and sexual chaos’ in Tennessee William’s Clothes for a Summer Hotel,” 2009, 53-65

Saidin, Kaylie, “The Other Donners,” Fall 2024, 96 fiction

Salerno, Christopher, “Chewing the Fat with a Blues Master: An Interview with Lightnin’ Wells,” 2000, 63-68

Salter, James W., “Memories of Oyster Creek,” 1995, 190-191

Sanderson, Stuart W., “Origins and Closure: An Interview with Ariel Dorfman,” introduction, 2004, 99-112

Sasser, Jane, “In Defiance,” 2000, 157 poetry
“Franz, North Carolina, 1949,” 2020, 183 poetry 

Sarrocco, Nicole, “Babble,” 2017 online, 8 poetry

Saunders, Barry, “Some Strategies for Weathering This Storm of Approval,” 2008, CD1, track 3 audio

Schlobin, Roger C., “Bumbler and the Silken Sleuths: ‘The Cat Who’ Mysteries of Lilian Jackson Braun,” 1996, 235-238

Schmidt, Susan, “1970/1670,” 2017 online, 28-29 poetry
“How to Survive a Bee Attack,” 2017, 49 poetry

Schneider, Steven P., “On Sifting through A.R. Ammons’s Garbage,” 1995, 175-182

Schoots, Matthijs, “An Office Romance,” 2000, 170-177 fiction

Schorb, E.M., “New Man on the Docks,” 2000, 158-159 poetry

Schultz, Katey, “Something Coming,” 2020, 172-179 fiction

Scott-Connor, Carol, “The Great Dimming  of the Year 2020,” 2021 online, 84-89 cnf 

Scrimgeour, Andrew D., “Trouble in the Heartland,” 2021, 194-99 cnf  

Sedaris, David, “The Ship Shape,” 2008, CD2, track 4 audio

Self, Lynda, “Bird Lore,” 2010, 205 poetry
“Sidewalk Pennies,” 2010, 205 poetry

Sellers, Jason, “North Carolina Connection in Cherokee Sound,” 1998, 86-87

Senior, W. A., “Orson Scott Card: A Study in Contrasts,” 2001, 21-30

Shamlin, Jim, “Land,” 1992, 72; “North Carolina’s Native Americans,” 1992, 65
“Politics,” 1992, 73
“Tuscarora War,” 1992, 68

Shapiro, Alan, “Actaeon and Diana,” 2004, 88 poetry

Shepard, Nora Hutton, “Somehow Kin, North Carolina 1957,” 2006, 140-141 poetry

Sherbondy, Maureen A., “Opossum,” 2007, 162-163 fiction
“Captain von Trapp in the Surgical Suite,” Winter 2023, 54 poetry

Shields, E. Thomson, Jr., “‘Into the Vast Unknown’: The Changing Ending of Paul Green’s The Lost Colony,” 2018, 52-71 essay
“John Lawson: Gentleman, Explorer, Writer,” 1992, 58-61
“‘A Modern Poem’ by the Mecklenburg Censor,” Fall 2024, 38-52 intro
“North Carolina’s Multicultural Beginnings in History and Lore,” 2004, 7-24
“Obsession and Loss: New Works on Roanoke and the Lost Colony,” 2003, 141-151
“Paradise Regained, Again: The Literary Context of John Lawson’s A New Voyage to Carolina,” 1992, 83-97
“Publication History of John Lawson’s A New Voyage to Carolina,” 1992, 96

Shipman, Christopher, “Solastalgia,” 2021 online, 52-53 poetry

Shires, Nancy P., “Snow L. and B.W.C. Roberts Collection of North Carolina Fiction,” 2002, 183-188

Shivers, Louise, Leaving Cold Harbor, an excerpt, 2008, 110-111 fiction

Shlensky, Jane “Ketupong,” 2015 online, 32-37 cnf

Shurbutt, Sylvia Bailey, “Robert Morgan’s Peripheral Vision: ‘the point beside the point’ in The Hinterlands,” 2010, 30-43

Sickles, Dolly, “Examining ‘Otherness’ on the Page and in the Classroom with Michelle Berger,” Fall 2022, 38-45 essay

Sidhu, Nicole Nolan, “Reflections of an Accidental Citizen of ‘the New South,” 2013 online, 26-37 essay

Siegel, Robert, “Katamandu,” 2007, 113-124 drama; “Origins and Closure: An Interview with Ariel Dorfman,” 2004, 99-112

Silverthorne, Marty, “2-East at Midnight,” 2008, 167 poetry
“Ain’t Gonna Turn Out to Be Nothing,” 2011, 177 poetry
“How We Got Out Names,” 2015 online, 122 poetry
“Love Letters and Wedding Dress Ashes,” 2018 online, 76 poetry
“Monarch,” 2020, 182 poetry 
“Roots in the Bible,” 2016 online, 28 poetry
“Shape Notes,” 2009, 171 poetry
“We Could Call This Church,” 2016, 197 poetry

Simms, Kimberly J., “Tresspassing After the Hysterectomy,” 2019 online, 179 poetry

Simpson, Bland, “Adventures in Musician’s Theater: 35 Years of Roots-Music Shows,” 2009, 125-133
“Cashie River Days,” 2011, 45-49
“Child of Paradise: A Tribute to Linwood Taylor,” 2009, 124
“Jake Mills, My Old Friend,” 2013, 156-162
“King Mackerel and the Blues Are Running,” 2005, 24-30
“Margaret Maron: First Mystery Writer in the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame,” 2017 online, 80-81
“A Moment on Hooper Lane: How We See, How We Are Seen,” 2018, 34-39 essay
“Ode to Neva May,” 2005, 71-74
“Roanoke Island Historical Association Receives Hardee-Rives Dramatic Arts Award,” 2013 online, 89
“Temperate Air, Requisite Care,” 2013, 6-20 presentation remarks
“World that Kudzu Made: Working with Doug Marlette, 1993-2007,” 2008, 78-81

Simpson, Megan, “Inside to Out: The Poetics of Space,” 1993, 197-201

Skinner, Cheryl, “Blue Delusions,” Winter 2024, 74 poetry

Slide, Anthony, “Thomas Dixon, Filmmaker,” 2012, 48-58

Southern, Ed, “Why We Are the Writingest State,” 2016, 92-99 essay

Smart, Christopher, “For I Will Consider My Cat,” 1996, 114-121 poetry

Smith, Audrey Jennifer, “Auditioning for the Role of Myself: James Tate Hill on Voice, Disability, and (Dis)embodiment in Blind Mans Bluff,” 2024, 20-31 interview
“In the Summer of Missing Girls,” 2023, 196-207 cnf 

Smith, Crystal Simone, “Black Girl Magic in Summers Past,” 2019 online, 24 poetry
“Lenard D. Moore, ‘mentor [for] a new generation of Black poets,'” Winter 2025, 27

Smith, Duncan, “Apple”, Winter 2024, 80 poetry

Smith, Elizabeth H., “Preserving Outer Banks Literature and History with the North Carolina History and Fiction Digital Library,” 2005, 62-70 interview

Smith, James, “Not Always a ‘Piece of Cake’: Harrowing Humor in the Poetry of Kathryn Stripling Byer,” 2008, 66-73
“what poetry can do and how it can do it: An Interview with NCLR’s Poetry Editor, Jeffrey Franklin,” 2007, 55-64
“Working with the Wiggle,” an interview with Betty Adcock, 2009, 150-164

Smith, Jimmy Dean, “Knowing Your Place: Tony Earley’s Human Geography,” 2020, 52-67 lit crit
“Spirit Country: The Voice of the Earth and Ron Rash’s Southern Appalachia,” 2011, 111-120

Smith, Lee, “Blazing Star,” 1998, 7-10 fiction

Smith, Leverett T., Jr., “Black Mountain College Library at North Carolina Wesleyan College,” 1996, 194-197
“Celebrating Allan Gurganus, ‘Our Author,'” 2018 online, 11-12 essay
“Twenty-Seven Batting-Practice Pitches for the John Kruk of American Letters: An Interview with Jonathan Williams,” 1995, 98-111

Smith, Martin K., “How Does Your Garden Grieve?” 2001, 101-104

Smith, R.T., “Starlight,” 1998, 173 poetry

Smith, Stephen, “Most Personal of Teachers: A Student Remembers,” 1993, 65-71

Smith-Soto, Mark, “After Another Death,” 2001, 110 poetry
“Blackboard 1958,” Fall 2022, 67 poetry
“Bubbie Jenny and the Lone Ranger,” 2020 online, 142-43 poetry
“Clichés,” Winter 2022, 67 poetry
“Fish Store Mural Relocated,” 2013 online, 13 poetry
“Last Retreat to Topsail Island,” 2013, 73 poetry
“Loaf,” 2001, 111 poetry
“The Month of Janus,” 2012, 199 poetry
“Stone-Bound,” 2013 online, 12 poetry
“Time Pieces,” 2012, 200 poetry 

Snead, Nathan, “Coastal Town,” Spring 2024, 44 poetry 

Spangler, Bes Stark, “Adantis, Land of Melded Cultures: An Interview with Marly Youmans,” 2004, 41-47

Spann, Nancy, “Kermit Hunter’s Treasure in the High Country,” 2009, 39

Sparrow, “Defeating the Great Poets,” 1993, 201-203

Sparrow, W. Keats, “Early North Carolina Literature: A Syllabus for Serious Readers,” 1992, 138-145
“Fish Stews, Pitt County,” 2003, 130-132

Spear, David M., “Neugents: Close to Home,” 1994, 119-127

Spencer, Elizabeth, “An Elizabethan Drama,” an afterword to For Lease or For Sale, 2009, 93
Look Homeward, Angel: Of Ghosts, Angels, and Lostness,” 2003, 78-86;

Squint, Kristin, “‘both Souths that I’ve known’: An Interview with Monique Truong,” 2015, 38-49
“Many Identities, One Voice: An Interview with Cherokee Novelist Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle,” 2021, 164-79 interview
“The Red Justice Project: An Interview with Brittany Hunt and Chelsea Locklear,” Winter 2023, 8-19 interview

Squire, Elizabeth Daniels, “Cats are Sneaky that Way, or Cats’ll Get Under Your Feet,” 1996, 148-149

Squire, Walter, “Dramatic Renderings of the 1929 Loray Mill Strike,” an afterword to “Finding Clara,” 2009, 51-52
“Resisting Being Written Out of History: Women Activists and Recorders of the 1929 Gastonia Strike,” 2000, 43-57;

Standish, Ali, “North Carolina, my kith, my home” 2018 online, 54-55 acceptance remarks 

Stave, Shirley A., “Performing the South: Lee Smith’s The Last Girls,” 2014, 98-111

Stead, Helen, “The Master of Movement: An Interview with Mary Robinette Kowal,” 2020, 134-147 interview 

Steelman, Bennett L., “Alex Manly after the Riot,” 1994, 78
“Black, White, and Gray: The Wilmington Race Riot in Fact and Legend,” 1994, 69-82
“Manly-Chavis,” 1994, 80; “Riot Lit,” 1994, 74

Stephens, Gabi, “Where I’m Supposed to Be,” Fall 2024, 116 fiction

Stephenson, Shelby, “Grace DiSanto: An Appreciation,” 1994, 229-231
“Pembroke Magazine: A Retrospective,” 1997, 144-145

Steverson, Delia, “Two Different Worlds: The Life and Writings of Mary Herring Wright,” 2024, 6-19 lit crit

Stirewalt, M. Luther, Jr., “North Carolina’s German Literary Heritage: A (Still, Small) Voice Waiting to be Heard,” 2009, 136-140

Stockburger, Nicole, “Portrait: Wesley and Elvina Settling, 1901,” 2018 online, 120 poetry 

Stockard, Emily, “Genus Strombus, Species Alatus,” 2007, 151-159 fiction

Stone, Jordan, “A Hero’s Erran(t)d: The Grotesque, Modern Parody, and Southern Identity in Michael Malone’s Handling Sin,” 2014, 118-136

Story, Becky, “Story of Wildacres Retreat,” 1999, 111-114

Stott, William, “‘living deeper into matter’: Robert Frost’s “Kitty Hawk” and the Creation of Nature,” 2003, 46-56

Strickland, Rhonda, “Night Light,” 2007, 160-161 fiction

Stryk, Dan, “Mall Awaking,” 2006, 142-143 poetry

Sullivan, C.W., III, “Alien in Raleigh: An Interview with John Kessel,” 2001, 54-64

Sullivan, Sally, ‘“Citizens Who Observe’: A Conversation with Fred Chappell,” 1998, 145-155
“Irony and Allegory in I Am One of You Forever: How Fantasy and the Ideal Become the Real,” 1998, 120-126
“More at Home Now: A Conversation with James Applewhite,” 1993, 25-41

Summerlin, Donna, “Murder and Mayhem, Gothic and Grotesque,” 2002, 169-172
“Othering, Stigmatization, and Exclusion in Lee Smith’s Guests on Earth: Highland Hospital and the Treatment and Perception of Mental Illness in the Mid-Twentieth Century,” 2024, 56-77 lit crit

Swanson, Nancy, “Deep Woods,” 2023, 208 poetry 

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Mark Smith-Soto


Tafejian, Melanie, “Blue Light,” Spring 2024, 106-107 poetry 

Tate, Eleanora E., “On her Ideal Audience,” 2006, 40-41
“On her Literary Inspiration,” 2006, 16-17
“Just an Overnight Guest, from Book to Film,” 2012 online, 27-29 essay

Taylor, Art, “Directory of NC Mystery Writers,” 1995, 232-235
“Michael Malone, Witness to the Times,” 2011, 190-202 interview
“Sister-in-Crime: An Interview with Margaret Maron,” 1994, 61-68
“Wanda Canada’s Coastal Crimes,” 2010, 232-237 interview

Taylor, Eleanor Ross, “Visitor, 1923,” 1999, 154-159 fiction

Taylor, Jo, “Amelia Speaks of Open Water,” 2018, 127 poetry

Taylor, Ross, “Imago Mundi,” 1997, 32-33 poetry

Tedesco, Laureen, “Sarah Dessen’s Cautiously Optimistic Realism: Decades Beyond the Teen Problem Novel,” 2006, 53-63

Thiesen, William, “Gray Ghosts and Fading Hope: Two Views of Wilmington’s Civil War History,” 1999, 46-49

Thomas, Amber F., “Afterlife,” Winter 2025, 9 poetry
“The Deep Shovel: A Conversation with Jaki Shelton Green,” 2016, 100-109 interview
“Music is the Bearing: An Interview with Allison Adelle Hedge Coke,” 2020, 98-107 interview
“The Water Calls You: An Interview with Anjail Rashida Ahmad,” 2014 online, 92-101 interview

Thomas, Harry, “‘a wanderer on the earth’ and ‘a son of the community’: Place and the Question of Queers in the Rural Souths of Lee Smith and Randall Kenan,” 2008, 117-130

Thomas, Joel, “Whimsyton, NC,” 2019 online, 173-176 essay

Thomas, Karen Kruse, “Edward Diggs and Desegregation of the UNC Medical School,” 1998, 33-35
“‘I Got These Hands Dirty Saving a Life’: Oral Histories of Three African-American North Carolina Physicians,” 1998, 28-50

Thomas, Sally, “Magus at Twilight,” 2019 online, 177 poetry

Thompson, Charles D. Jr., “Tom and Betsy’s Family: Tobacco People, Memory, and Vernacular History,” 2004, 165-179
“Who is my Neighbor?: Parables of Survival from the Floyd Flood of 1999,” 2002, 87-98

Thompson, C.G., “Border Crossings,” 2012 online, 15 poetry
“Perspective,” 2012, 201 poetry
“Two Forms of Escape,” 2014, 137 poetry
“Things I’d Like to Tell My Mother,” 2016 online, 106-107 poetry

Thomsen, Melinda, “Echeveria,” 2019, 192 poetry
“Old Tractor Equipment,” 2020 online, 91 poetry

Thornton, Mary Kathyryn, “Book Clubs –- and Much More!” 2017, 154-172
“Hopeful Outlook in Hope Mills,” 2000, 53-54
“Union Organizing in Folly Forces Attention to Issues of Gender and Race,” 2000, 49-51

Tilley, Amanda, “Civil War Letter from Richard to His Father,” ed. 1999, 44-45
“Mind of the South: An Epistolary Perspective on the Reconstruction Era,” 1999, 39-52

Tillinghast, David, “After the Ball,” 2001, 108 poetry
“A Pompeiian Dispensation,” 2001, 105 poetry
“Revenir,” 2001, 106-107 poetry

Tise, Larry E., “’The Lost Colony Film’: A Mixed Message of Violence and Peace,” 2012, 12-28

Toineeta, Nehemiah, “Flood in the Forest,” 1996, 19

Tomlinson, Tommy, “Re-vision,” Fall 2024, 92 essay

Towey, Hannah, “At the End of the Causeway,” 2021 online, 48-51 cnf

Tran, Eric, “Treatise on Whether to Write the Mango,” 2020 online, 196-97 poetry

Trew, Lucinda, “requiem for June bugs and dying young,” Winter 2025, 86 poetry
“soon I’ll be fed up with relativity,” Winter 2025, 87 poetry

Trotter, William, “Cold Mountain, Bushwhackers, and the Guerrilla War in Appalachian North Carolina,” 1999, 22-25

Tuck, Dean Marshall, “Let it Go,” Fall 2022, 49 poetry

Tunc, Tanfer Emin, “Paul Green’s South: Gothic Modernism in The House of Connelly,” 2015, 84-97

Turner, Andy, “Royal Road to Carolina,” 1996, 88-93

Tullos, Allen, “You Laugh,” 2022, 184-185 poetry 

Twining, Matthew, “Blue Moon,” 2001, 97-100 fiction

Tyson, Timothy B., “History v. Hollywood: Civil Rights Meet Silver Screen; or, ‘writing history with lightning,’” 2012, 79-93

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Amber Flora Thomas


Underwood, Susan O’Dell, “Appetite,” 2018, 180-192 essay

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Van Dyk, Pam, “Born Southern [But] Restless: An Interview with Kat Meads,” 2020 online, 8-17 interview

Vernon, Zackary, “Boone Summer: Adventures of a Bad Environmentalist,” 2016, 26-40 essay
“Crafting Local Souls: The Metafiction of Allan Gurganus,” 2018 online, 13-18 essay
“Halloween’s Herald of Democracy: Allan Gurganus and the Horror Show of American Politics,” 2014, 140-149
“North Carolina Connections: An Interview with NCLR Editor Margaret Bauer,” 2016 online, 10-26; rpt. 2016, 8-24
“The Late Rebellion: An Interview with Mark Powell,” 2024, 150-61 interview
“Writing the Great War: Ron Rash and Terry Roberts Discuss World War I, the North Carolina German Internment Camp, and the Historical Novel,” 2014, 30-47 interview

Vickers, Jim, “Week or Three Days in Chapel Hill: Faulkner, Contempo, and Their Contemporaries,” 1992, 17-29

Vines, Kelly, “A Drama of Class and Race: Southern Progressivism in Paul Green’s The House of Connelly,” 2016, 72-85 essay

Vivekanand, Jennifer, “Yankees and Indians,” 2004, 123-24

Back to Top

Zackary Vernon


Waddell, Alfred Moore, Some Memories of My Life, an excerpt, 1997, 123

Wade, Crystal, Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals,” 1996, 212-221
“Directory of Small Magazines and Literary Journals,” 1997, 158-166 

Waldo, Denny J., “Hatteras is a Dismal Place,” 1995, 196

Walker, Eric, “‘I want out’: The Expatriate Lionel Shriver,” 2020, 84-97 lit crit  

Walker, Kathryn, “Time, Place, and a Lament for the Loss of the Chicken House: An Interview with Michael Parker,” 2005, 169-179

Walkingstick, Kelli, “We Are Tsalagi,” 1996, 21

Wallace, Daniel, “Everyone Is Some Kind of Animal,” 2013, 84-91 fiction

Wallace, Robert, “As Breaks the Wave Upon the Sea,” 2011, 178-182 fiction
“The Science of Air,” 2018, 146-153 fiction

Wallace, Robert M., “Available Beauty,” 2014 online, 90 poetry

Walters, Andrew, “Sweater Weather,” 2000, 178-179 fiction

Walters, Gwen Ashley, “Barbecue Culture Shock: Stamey’s Barbecue, Greensboro,” 2002, 164-165

Wann, Jim, “King Mackerel and the Blues Are Running,” 2005, 24-30

Ward, David, “‘Morgenland’: The Poetry of Robert Morgan,” 1997, 124-129

Ware, Ruth Winchester, “A Memorial: Wolfe’s Shoes,” 1997, 173 poetry

Wareck, Sarah Borden, “Ortolans,” 2007, 167-172 fiction

Warner, Rachel, “Zora Neale Hurston in North Carolina: Drama, Education, and Contemporary Activism,” 2020, 150-163 essay 

Warren, Robert Penn, “Whip-poor-will,” from the Stuart Wright Collection, 2012, 189 poetry

Washington, Mary Parks, “New Dungarees,” 1995, 84-85

Waters, Chris, “Pelican,” 2001, 112 poetry

Waters, Daniel, “The Culprit,” 2021, 66-70 cnf 

Watkins, James H., “Sword Holes in the Sofa: Documenting the Autobiographical in Ross McElwee’s Sherman’s March,” 2002, 99-111

Watson, Dwight, “Dramatic Topography of Paul Green,” 2000, 27-29

Weatherford, Carole Boston, “Patchwork Princess of the Great Dismal Swamp,” 2006, 7-10

Weil, Eric, “Inner Lights and Inner Lives: The Gospel According to Linda Beatrice Brown,” 1992, 106-114
“Cosmic Background Radiation,” Winter 2023, 46-47 poetry

Weiss, Jennifer, “Tomes and Ducks,” 2016, 25 poetry

Welch, David, “Notes on Voice,” 2006, 138-139 poetry

Wellman, Elizabeth, “Teaching Local: Interdisciplinary Archival Methods for Community-Based Learning in Wilmington, NC,” Fall 2023, 46-62 pedagogical initiative/essay 

Whelchel, Jude “Big Joy Family,” 2015 online, 10-22 fiction

Weldon, Amy E., “Explosions,” 2003, 104-107 fiction

Wellman, Frances Obrist, “94 Cats,” 1996, 146-147
“Remembering Manly Wade Wellman,” 1993, 53-64

Wellman, Manly Wade, “On Being a North Carolina Writer,” 1992, 149-151
“Planning Your Novel,” 1993, 72-74

Wells, Michael Lightnin’, “Tar Heel Tunes: North Carolina Recording and Record Production,” 2000, 58-62

West, Mark I., “Martin Gardner: North Carolina’s Historian of Oz and Annotator of Alice,” 2001, 92-96

West-Puckett, Stephanie, “Seine of the Times: Talking Fish with a Couple of Women,” an interview with Barbara Garrity-Blake and Susan West, 2005, 96-112
“Young Reader Apathy: Assessing the Causes and Posing Solutions with Barbara Bennett, Eleanora E. Tate, and Elizabeth McDavid Jones,” 2006, 82-83

Wheatley, Lois Carol, “Women Writers of Black Mountain College,” 2002, 61-80

Wheaton, Mabel Wolfe, “October Story from the Youth of Thomas Wolfe,” 2002, 7-14

Whisnant, Luke, “Marianne Moore’s Tricorn Hat,” 2007, 104-107 fiction

White, Charles Dodd, “Controlled Burn,” 2010, fiction 125-131
“Wintering,” Winter 2022, 90 poetry

White, Heather M., ‘“the desire to fly faster, farther, and higher”: Amelia Earhart Remembered,” 2003, 74-77

White, Michael, “Coup,” 2009, 146-147 poetry
“St-Paul-de-Vence,” 2004, 125 poetry
“Water Street,” 2004, 126 poetry

Whiteside, Tom, “Downtown Movie Theatres,” 1993, 8-13
“Finding ‘The Lost Colony Film,’” 2012, 29-32

Whitestone, Sara, “Freedom and Power: A Talk with Zelda Lockhart,” 2012, 202-213 interview

Wieland, Liza, (with Bauer) “’I am not Kitty Duncan’: Two Interviews with Kat Meads,” 2009, 194-205

Wienert, Kit, “A Poet Waits,” 2017, 128-129 poetry

Wiggins, Ella May, “Mill Mother’s Lament,” 2000, 45 ballad

Wilentz, Gay, “Authenticating Experience: North Carolina Slave Narratives and the Politics of Place,” 1992, 115-131

Wilhelm, Randall, “Expressive Interplay through Pictures and Words: The Art and Design of the North Carolina Literary Review,” 2017, 90-105

Williams, Jonathan, “True, Only, and Most Secret Entrance to Hog Heaven,” 1996, 80-81

Williams, William Carlos, “Charles Olson’s Maximus,” 1997, 28-31

Williard, Nancy, “Wherever You Go,” 2021 online, 74-81 fiction

Willimetz, Emil, “Adrift in the South,” 2002, 48-60

Willis, Lorrin, “Dada,” 2005, 167 poetry
“Grandmother’s Greenhouse,” 2005, 168 poetry
“Sylvia,” 2005, 166 poetry

Wilson, Emily Herring, “You Must Always Have an ‘Alex'”: How a Wrong Turn Became the Right Place,” 2018 online, 60-62 award story 

Wilson, Mary Ann, “We Were Whole Again: Kaye Gibbons’s On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon,” 1999, 122-128

Wilson, Ruth Jolly, “Carma Credle Gibbs,” 1998, 58-59
“I Wanted an Education, All That I Could Get,” 1998, 64-65

Wilson, Susan, “Measured,” 2021 online, 60-61 essay

Wilson, Tammy, “Dining with Robert Redford,” 2002, 140-143 fiction
“Nora,” 2001, 120-125 fiction

Winters, Sandra Ann, “Water Signs,” 2010, 193 poetry

Wise, James Chris, “Alone in the Air,” 2003, 70-73

Wolf, Allan, “To Leo,” Fall 2023, 107 poetry 

Wolf, Thomas, “Boundaries,” 2012, 192-198 fiction
“Distance,” 2008, 141-143 fiction

Wolfe, George, “Pace of One’s Own: On Taking Early Retirement and Walking Across England,” 2005, 127-138

Wolfe, Thomas, “To Rupert Brooke,” 1996, 198

Wolff-Francis, Liza, “Nest,” Winter 2023, 105 poetry 

Wolfram, Walt, “The North Carolina Connection in Cherokee Sound,” 1998, 86-87

Womack, Nancy, “Poet as Stripper,” 2016 online, 27 poetry

Wood, Howard, “First Symphonic Drama,” 1994, 27

Woodford, Annie, “Draft Animal,” Winter 2023, 125 poetry 

Worley, Paul M., and Melissa D. Birkhofer, “She Said That Saint Augustine is Worth Nothing Compared to her Homeland: Teresa Martín and the Méndez Cancio Account of La Tama (1600),” 2023, 122-42 

Worthington, Pepper, “North Carolina Women Writers Conference,” 1993, 216-217

Wrenn, Christopher, “Breaking Line,” 2010, 134-41

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Daniel Wallace


York, John Thomas, “The Fish Boy,” 2012 online, 56 poetry
“Lamp,” 2012, 191 poetry
“Nighthawks,” 2012, 190 poetry

York, Maurice C., “Land Always Calls to Its Own: The Inglis Fletcher Papers,” 1993, 176-179
“Mary Ann Bryan Mason’s Literary Milestone: A Wreath from the Woods of Carolina,” 2006, 18-23
“A Tribute to Doris Betts, Recipient of the 2008 Roberts Award for Literary Inspiration,” 2009, 180-183

Youmans, Marly, “Alice,” 2016, 118-119 poetry
“Anniversary Song,” 2016 online, 110 poetry
“Night Blooming Cereus,” 2016, 120-121 poetry
“She-Who-Changed,” 2016, 116-117 poetry
“Spring Tree Egg,” 2016, 115 poetry  
“The Woman in the Walls,” 2020 online, 55 poetry

Young, Gideon, “kwansaba crown,” 2021, 128-29 poetry 

Yousaf, Nahem, “‘both Souths that I’ve known’: An Interview with Monique Truong,” 2015, 38-49
“I was Pearl and my last name was Harbor: Monique Thuy-Dong Truong’s “Kelly” and Ethnic Southern Memory,” 2004, 113-122 lit crit

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Zacharias, Lee, “Doing Justice,” 2004, 128-36 essay
“Geography for Writers,” 2008, 131-140 essay

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