Abbott, Anthony S., Dark Side of North (Press 53, 2021), rev. by James W. Kirkland, Winter 2022, 64-66
Absher, J.S., Mouth Work (St. Andrews University Press, 2016), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2017 online, 84-87
—. Skating Rough Ground (Kelsay Books, 2022), rev. by James Kirkland, Winter 2025, 71
Ackerman, Kathy, Coal River Road (Livingston Press, 2013), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2014 online, 107-10
Adams, Heather Bell, The Good Luck Stone: A Novel (Haywire Books, 2020), rev. By Megan Smith, Fall 2022, 94-95
—. Maranatha Road (Vandalia Press, 2017), rev. by Anna McFayden, 2019 online, 102-04
Adams, Noah, Far Appalachia: Following the New River North (Delacorte, 2001), rev. by James O. Chatham, 2002, 177-79
Adcock, Betty, Rough Fugue (Lousiana State University Press, 2017), rev. by Michael White, 2019 online, 47-49
—.Slantwise: Poems (Louisiana State UP, 2008), rev. by Robert West, 2009, 165-67
Albrecht, Malaika King, The Stumble Fields (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2020), rev. by Patrick Bizzaro, 2021 online, 173-76
Allen, Sarah Addison, Garden Spells (Bantam, 2007), rev. by Joyce Compton Brown, 2009, 235-237
Allen, T. Harrell, Lee’s Last Major General: Bryan Grimes of North Carolina (Savas, 1999), rev. by Mark A. Moore, 1999, 64-66
Amberg, Rob, The New Road, I-26 and the Footprints of Progress in Appalachia (Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago, 2009), rev. by Susan Schmidt, 2011, 61-67
Ammons, A.R., Complete Poems, 2 vols., ed. Robert M. West (W.W. Norton, 2017), rev. by Eric Walker, 2019 online, 41-45
—. Garbage (Norton, 1993), rev. by David R. Slavitt, 1994, 192-94
—. The Mule Poems (R.A. Fountain, 2010), The North Carolina Poems (Broadstone Books, 2010), rev. by Robert West, 2011, 140-42
Amspacher, Karen Willis, Living at the Water’s Edge: A Heritage Guide to the Outer Banks Byway (Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 2017), rev. by Alton Ballance, 2018 online, 37-39
Anderson, Tim, Sweet Tooth (Lake Union Publishing, 2014), rev. by Gary Richards, 2015 online, 42-43
Applewhite, James, Cosmos (Louisiana State UP, 2014), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, 2015 online, 108-12
—. Daytime and Starlight (Louisiana State UP, 1997), rev. by Curt Rode, 1998, 186-92
—. A Diary of Altered Light (Louisiana State UP, 2006), rev. by Patrick Bizzaro, 2006, 165-68
—. A History of the River (Louisiana State UP, 1993), rev. by David R. Slavitt, “Tenzing and Relaxing,” 1994, 192-94; rev. by Megan Simpson, 1994, 194-96
—. Selected Poems (Duke UP, 2005), rev. by Patrick Bizzaro, 2006, 165-68
—. Time Beginnings (Lousiana State University Press, 2017), rev. by Michael White, 2019 online, 47-49
Arnold, Martin, Earthquake Owner’s Manual (Unicorn Press, 2014), rev. by Hannah Crane Skyes, 2019 online, 168-69
Arnoult, Darnell, Sufficient Grace (Free, 2006), rev. by L.A. Heberlein, 2008, 187-91
Avery, Laurence G., Mountain Gravity (New Atlantic Media, 2014), rev. by John Steen, 2015 online, 118-21
—. ed. A Paul Green Reader (U of North Carolina P, 1998), rev. by Dwight Watson, 2000, 27-29
If your recently published book is not in this list, fill out this form.

Bache, Ellyn, The Value of Kindness (Helicon Nine Editions, 1993), rev. by Elisabeth Rose, 1995, 207-10
Bailey, Dale, In the Night Wood (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018), rev. by Sara E. Melton, “‘All This Time, We Are Alone’:Two Modern Tales of Timeless Isolation,” 2019 online, 112-15
—.This Island Earth: 8 Features from the Drive-In (PS Publishing, 2023) rev. by John Kessel, Spring 2024, 68-69
Balaban, John, Path, Crooked Path (Copper Canyon, 2006), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2008, 171-75
Ballard, Sandra L. and Patricia L. Hudson, Listen Here: Women Writing in Appalachia (UP of Kentucky, 2003), rev. by Joyce Compton Brown, 2004, 54-56
Baldwin, Cindy, Where the Watermelons Grow (New York: Harper, 2018), rev. by Anna McFadyen, 2020 online, 162-64
Ballingrud, Nathan, Wounds: Six Stories from the Borders of Hell (Saga Press, 2019), rev. by Jim Coby, 2021 online, 156-57
—. The Strange (Saga Press, 2023) rev. by Jim Coby, Spring 2024, 70-71
—. Crypt of the Moon Spider (Tor Nightfire, 2024), rev. by Dale Bailey, Winter 2025, 66
Barasovska, Joan, Orange Tulips (Redhawk Publications, 2022) rev. by Stan Absher, Winter 2024, 81
Barbee, Sam, The Rain that We Needed (Press 53, 2016), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2017 online, 122-25
—. Apertures of Voluptuous Force: Poems (Redhawk Publications, 2022) rev. by Jim Clark, Spring 2024, 100-102
Barden. John R., Letters to the Home Circle: The North Carolina Service of Pvt. Henry A. Clapp (Company F, Forty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 1862–1863) (NC Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1998), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2015 online, 66-69
Bare, Micki, Blind Fairy (Level Elevate, 2023) rev. by Abby Trzepacz, Spring 2024, 72-73
Barnhardt, Wilton, Lookaway, Lookaway (St. Martin’s, 2013), rev. by Jim McGavran, 2014 online, 84-85
—. ed. Every True Pleasure: LGBTQ Tales of North Carolina (University of North Carolina Press, 2019), rev. by David Deutsch, 2020 online, 194-95
Barr, Tina, Kaleidoscope (Iris Press, 2015), rev. by Elizabeth F. Oxler, 2016 online, 62-64
Barry, Coyla, The Flying Days (Carolina Wren Press, 2014), rev. by Sarah Huener, 2016 online, 66-68
Bathanti, Joseph, The 13th Sunday after Pentecost (Louisiana State University Press, 2017), rev. by Sarah Huener, 2018 online, 80-83
—. Concertina (Mercer UP, 2013), rev. by George Hovis, 2015 online, 101-07
—. Coventry (Novello, 2006), rev. by Rebecca L. Godwin, 2008, 181-84
—. David Potorti, Eds. Crossing the Rift: North Carolina Poets on 9/11 & Its Aftermath (Press 53, 2021), rev. by Jim Clark, Winter 2023, 77-79
—. Half of What I Say Is Meaningless: Essays (Mercer UP, 2014), rev. by Lisa Proctor, 2015 online, 95-97
—. The Art of Contrition & Other Stories (East OverPress, 2023) rev. by Michael Gaspeny, Spring 2024, 48-49
—. The Life of the World to Come (University of South Carolina Press, 2015), rev. Thomas Wolf, 2016 online, 108-09
—. Light at the Seams (Louisiana State University Press, 2022) rev. by Stan Absher, Fall 2023, 66-69
Bayes, Ronald, The Collected Poems (St. Andrews University Press, 2015), rev. by Robert Hill, 2016 online, 78-79
Beam, Jeffery, The Broken Flower (Skysill Press, 2012), rev. by Jim Clark, 2014 online, 74-77
—. The Fountain (North Carolina Wesleyan College P, 1992), rev. by Megan Simpson, Spring 1993, 197-201
—. Gospel Earth (Skysill Press, 2010), rev. by Sally Buckner, 2011, 206-14; with Richard Owens
—. Jonathan Williams: The Lord of Orchards (Prospecta Press, 2018), rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2019 online, 50-52
—. Spectral Pegasus / Dark Movements (Kin Press, 2019), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, Fall 2022, 96-99
Beasley, Cherry, Mary Ann Jacobs, and Urlike Wiethaus, eds. Upon Her Shoulders: Southeastern Native Women Share Their Stories of Justice, Spirit, and Community (Blair, 2022), rev. by Lynne Norris Murray, Winter 2023, 20-21
Beatty, Robert, Serafina and the Black Cloak (New York: Disney Hyperion, 2015), rev. By Teresa Bryson, 2018 online, 26-27
Becker, Kimberly L., Bringing Back the Fire (Spuyten Duyvil, 2022) rev. by Jennifer Peedin, Winter 2023, 24-25
Belz, Aaron, Glitter Bomb (Persea Books, 2014), rev. by John Steen, 2017 online, 130-33
Bender, Karen E., Refund: Stories (Counterpoint Press, 2015), rev. by Laura Segura, 2016 online, 88-90
Berger, Michelle Tracy, Reenu-You (Book Smugglers Publishing, 2017), rev. by Helen Stead, 2019 online, 34-37
Bergman, Megan Mayhew, Birds of a Lesser Paradise: Stories (Scribner, 2012), rev. by Brian Glover, 2015 online, 38-40
Berry, Steve, The Jefferson Key (Ballantine Books, 2011), rev. by Matthew Luter, 2012 online, 66-69
Betts, Doris, The Scarlet Thread (Press 53, 2013), rev. by Tara Powell, 2014 online, 54-55
—. Souls Raised from the Dead (Knopf, 1994), rev. by Elisabeth Rose, 1995, 207-10
Bissell, Sallie, A Darker Justice (Bantam, 2002), rev. by Donna J. Summerlin, 2002, 169-72
—. Deadliest of Sins (Midnight Ink, 2014), rev. by Wanda Canada, 2016 online, 102-03
Bizzaro, Patrick, Responding to Student Poems: Applications of Critical Theory (National Council of Teachers of English, 1993), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1996, 226-35
Bland, Celia, Cherokee Road Kill (Dr. Cicero Books, 2018) rev. by Wayne Johns, 2020 online, 136-41
Blevins, David, North Carolina’s Barrier Islands: Wonders of Sand, Sea, and Sky (Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 2017), rev. by Alton Ballance, 2018 online, 37-39
Blight, David W., A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedom, Including Their Own Narratives of Emancipation (Harcourt, 2007), rev. by David A. Davis, 2010, 152-55
Blythe, Will, To Hate Like This Is To Be Happy Forever: A Thouroughly Obsessive, Intermittently Uplifting, and Occasionally Unbiased Account of the Duke-North Carolina Basketball Rivalry (Harper-Collins, 2006), rev. by James Kirkland, 2008, 175-81
Boggs, Belle, The Gulf: A Novel (Graywolf Press, 2019), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2020 online, 203-05
Bosgraaf, Kay, The Fence Lesson: Poems (Kelsay Books, 2019), rev. by Anna McFadyen, 2021 online, 168-73
Boyd, William L., Poetic Penguins (North Carolina Wesleyan College P, 1992), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1993, 197-201; rev. by Sparrow, 1993, 201-203
Boyles, Mason, Bark On (Driftwood Press, 2023) rev. by Henry L. Wilson, Winter 2024, 98
Brady, Maureen, Folly (Feminist, 1994), rev. by Mary Kathryn Thornton, 2000, 49-51
Brantley, Michael K., Memory Cards: Portraits from a Rural Journey (Black Rose Writing, 2015), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, 2017 online, 56-59
Braun, Lilian Jackson, The Cat Who Could Read Backwards (Jove, 1966; Jove, 1986), The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern (Jove, 1967; Jove, 1986), The Cat Who Turned On and Off (Jove, 1968; Jove, 1986), The Cat Who Saw Red (Jove, 1986), The Cat Who Played Brahms (Jove, 1987), The Cat Who Played Post Office (Jove, 1987), The Cat Who Had 14 Tales (Jove, 1988), The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare (Jove, 1988), The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (Putnam’s, 1988; Jove, 1989), The Cat Who Went Underground(Putnam’s, 1989; Jove, 1989), The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts (Putnam’s, 1990; Jove, 1990), The Cat Who Lived High (Putnam’s 1990; Jove, 1991), The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal (Putnam’s 1991; Jove, 1992), The Cat Who Moved a Mountain (Putnam’s 1992; Jove, 1992), The Cat Who Wasn’t There (Putnam’s 1992; Jove, 1993), The Cat Who Went into the Closet (Putnam’s, 1993; Jove, 1994), The Cat Who Came to Breakfast (Putnam’s 1994), The Cat Who Blew the Whistle (Putnam’s 1995; Jove, 1996), rev. by Roger C. Schlobin, 1996, 235-38
Brenner, Wendy, Phone Calls from the Dead (Algonquin, 2001), rev. by Mary Carroll-Hackett, 2003, 140-41
Bresnahan, Peg, Hunger to Share (Press 53, 2019), rev. by James W. Kirkland, 2021 online, 121-23
Brooks, Rachael, Beads: A Memoir about Falling Apart and Putting Yourself Back Together Again (Köehler Books, 2019), rev. by Loren Ashten, 2021 online, 26-28
Brown, Grey, Staying In (North Carolina Writers’ Network, 1992), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1993, 197-201
Brown, Lee Ann, Crowns of Charlotte: NC Ode (Carolina Wren Press, 2013) 2014 online, 111-14
Brown, Spencer K.M., Move Over Mountain (J. New Books, 2019) rev. by Sharon E. Colley, Winter 2023, 122-123
Brown, Taylor, Fallen Land (St. Martin’s Press, 2016), rev. by Rhonda Armstrong, 2017 online, 77-81
—. Gods of Howl Mountain (St. Martin’s Press, 2018), rev. by Jim Coby, 2019 online, 97-99
Brownlee, J. Scott, Requiem for Used Ignition Cap (Orison Books, 2015), rev. by Peter Makuck, 2017 online, 134-37
Browning, Judkin, Letters from a North Carolina Unionist: John A. Hedrick to Benjamin S. Hedrick (1862–1865) (NC Dept. of Cultural Resources, 2001), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2015 online, 66-69
Butcher, Kenneth, The Middle of the Air (John F. Blair, 2009), rev. by F. Brett Cox, 2010, 132-33
Byer, Kathryn Stripling, Black Shawl (Louisiana State UP, 1998), rev. by Peter Makuck, 1999, 173-77
—. Coming to Rest (Louisiana State UP, 2006), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2007, 199-201
—. Descent (Louisiana State UP, 2012), rev. by Robert West, 2013 online, 72-74
—. Trawling the Silences (Jacar Press, 2019), rev. By Catherine Carter, 2020 online, 96-100
Byrne, Monica, The Girl in the Road (Crown, 2014), rev. by Kathaleen E. Amende, 2015 online, 27-29

Caldwell, Wayne, Cataloochee (Random House, 2007), rev. by Chris Green, 2010, 67-69
—.Requiem by Fire (Random House, 2010), rev. by Chris Green, 2010, 67-69
Callahan, John, Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot (Random House, 1990), rev. by Mike Hamer, 1995, 210-13
Cariño, Ina, Feast, (Alice James Books, 2023) rev. by Hannah Dela Cruz Abrams, Spring 2024, 22-23
Carr, Dawson, Gray Phantoms of the Cape Fear: Running the Civil War Blockade (John F. Blair Publisher, 1998), rev. by William H. Thiesen, 1999, 46-49
Carter, Catherine, Larvae of the Nearest Stars: Poems (Louisiana State University Press, 2019), rev. by Amber Flora Thomas, 2021 online, 54-55
—. The Memory of Gills (Louisiana State UP, 2006), rev. by James Kimbrell, 2007, 205-07
—. The Swamp Monster at Home (Louisiana State UP, 2012), rev. by John Hoppenthaler, 2013 online, 112-15
Carter, Jimmy, The Hornet’s Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War (Simon & Schuster, 2003), rev. by Ed Piacentino, 2004, 152-54
Carty, Jessie, Paper House (Folded Word Press, 2010), rev. by Felicia Mitchell with Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2010, 228-31
Cash, Wiley, The Dark Road to Mercy (William Morrow Paperbacks, 2014), rev. by Zackary Vernon, 2015 online, 98-100
—. The Last Ballad: A Novel (Harper-Collins, 2017), rev. by Walter Squire, 2018 online, 23-25
—. When Ghosts Come Home: A Novel (William Morrow, 2021), rev. by Jim Coby, Winter 2022, 16-17
Caugherty, Jill, Waltz in Swing Time (Black Rose Writing, 2020), rev. by Anna McFadyen, Winter 2022, 108-109
Cawood, Shuly Xóchitl, A Small Thing to Want: Stories (Press 53, 2020), rev. by Helen Stead, 2021 online, 158-61
Cecelski, David S., The Fire of Freedom: Abraham Galloway & the Slaves’ Civil War (U of North Carolina P, 2013), rev. by Willie J. Harrell, Jr., 2013 online, 85-88
Chamberlain, Diane, Big Lies in a Small Town (St. Martin’s Press, 2020) rev. By Janna McMahan, Winter 2023, 129-131
—. The Dream Daughter (St. Martin’s Press, 2018), rev. by Rebecca Duncan, 2020 online, 148-53
—. The Last House on the Street, (St. Martin’s Press, 2022) rev. By Janna McMahan, Winter 2023, 129-131
—. Necessary Lies (St. Martin’s Press, 2013), rev. by Amanda M. Capelli, 2015 online, 72-73
Chamlee, Ken, If Not These Things, (Kelsay Books, 2022) rev. by Michael Beadle, Winter 2024, 42
—. The Best Material for the Artist in the World, (Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2023) rev. by Micheal Beadle, Winter 2024, 42
Chappell, Fred, As If It Were (2019, Louisiana State University Press), rev. by John Lang, 2020 online, 92-93
—. Backsass (Louisiana State UP, 2004), rev. by Michael Poteat, 2004, 163-64
—. Family Gathering (Louisiana State UP, 2000), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2002, 179-82
—. Familiars (Louisiana State UP, 2014), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, 2015 online, 108-12
—. Plow Naked (U of Michigan P, 1993), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1996, 226-35
—. A Shadow All of Light (Tor, 2016), rev. by Warren Rochelle, 2017 online, 62-63
—. Shadow Box (Louisiana State UP, 2009), rev. by John Lang, 2010, 116-19
Chatham, James O., Sundays Down South: A Pastor’s Stories (UP of Mississippi, 1999), rev. by James Norton, 2001, 154-56
Cherry, Kelly, Twelve Women in a Country Called America: Stories (Press 53, 2015), rev. by Matt Dischinger, 2016 online, 86-87
Chess, Richard, Third Temple (U of Tampa P, 2007), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2008, 171-75
Chitwood, Michael, From Whence (Louisiana State UP, 2007), rev. by Brooke Horvath, 2008, 169-71
—. Salt Works (Ohio Review Books, 1992), rev. by Sparrow, 1993, 201-03
—. Search & Rescue (Louisiana State University Press, 2018), rev. by Cameron Bynum, 2020 online, 144-47
—. Spill (Tupelo P, 2007), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2009, 172-77
Church, Kim, Byrd (Dzanc Books, 2014), rev. by Leigh G. Dillard, 2015 online, 48-50
Church, Meagan, The Girls We Sent Away (Sourcebooks Landmark, 2024); The Last Carolina Girl (Sourcebooks Landmark, 2023), rev. by Karin Zipf, Winter 2025, 96
—. with George Frizzell, Horace Kephart: Writings, (Tennessee Press, 2020), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, Winter 2025, 30
Claxton, Mae Miller with Rain Newcomb, Conversations with Ron Rash (University Press of Mississippi, 2017), rev. by Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell, 2018 online, 35-36
Cody, Michael Amos, A Twilight Reel: Stories (Pisgah Press, 2021), rev. by Dale Bailey, Winter 2022, 116-121
Collins, Christie, The Art of Coming Undone, (The Black Spring Press, 2023) rev. by David E. Poston, Spring 2024, 112-116
Colonnese, Michael, Double Feature (Big Pencil Press, 2015), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2017 online, 138-40
Copeland, Beth, Blue Honey (The Broadkill River Press, 2018), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2019 online, 162-65
Transcendental Telemarketer (BlazeVOX, 2012), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2014 online, 107-10
Coster, Naima, What’s Mine and Yours: A Novel (Grand Central Publishing, 2021), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, Winter 2022, 20-22
Cox, Mark, Natural Causes (U of Pittsburgh P, 2004), rev. by B.J. Leggett, 2005, 180-81
—. Readiness (Press 53, 2018) rev. by Joseph Mills, 2020 online, 222-25
—. Sorrow Bread: Poems 1984-2015 (Serving House Books, 2017), rev. by Eric C. Walker, 2018 online, 98-99
Crank, James A., Understanding Randall Kenan (U of South Carolina P, 2019), a rev. by Gary Richards, 2020 online, 108-11
Crone, Moira, The Ice Garden (Carolina Wren Press, 2015), rev. by Anna Jean Mayhew, 2016 online, 103-05
Crook, Noel, Salt Moon (Southern Illinois University Press, 2015), rev. by John Hoppenthaler, 2017 online, 126-27
Crowe, Thomas Rain, Zoro’s Field: My Life in the Appalachian Woods (U of Georgia P, 2005), rev. by Ronald Wesley Hoag, 2006, 158-60
Crowther, Hal, Gather at the River: Notes from the Post-Millenial South (Louisiana State UP, 2005), rev. by Jeff Abernathy, 2007, 219-20
Cumming, Deborah, The Descent of Music (Plum Branch, 2002), rev. by Sally Lawrence, 2004, 157-60
Cusick, Gregg, My Father Moves Through Time Like a Dirigible (University of West Alabama Livingston Press, 2014), rev. by Tim Buchanan, 2016 online, 90-91

Dagenhart, Alana, Yellow Leaves (Redhawk Publications, 2022), rev. By Anna McFadyen, Winter 2023, 106-109
Dargan, Olive Tilford, From My Highest Hill: Carolina Mountain Folks (U of Tennessee P, 1998), rev. by Walter Squire, 1999, 160-62
Davidson, Nanette, The Folk School Cookbook (John C. Campbell Folk School, 2018), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2020 online, 168-72
Daye, Tyree, River Hymns (American Poetry Review, 2017) rev. by Wayne Johns, 2020 online, 136-41
Dayson, Sion, As a River (Jaded Ibis Press, 2019), rev. by Amanda Shingleton Robles, 2021 online, 144-47
Dearlove, Judy, Play On!: A Novel (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South Press, 2019), 2021 online, 150-51
De Gramont, Nina, The Christie Affair, (St. Martin’s Press, 2023) rev. by Shane Trayers, Winter 2024, 90
Dektar, Molly, The Ash Family (Simon & Schuster, 2019), rev. by Amanda Shingleton Robles, 2021 online, 144-47
Deonn, Tracy, Legendborn (McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster, 2020), rev. by Max Kilgore, Winter 2022, 49-51
Dessen, Sarah, That Summer (Orchard, 1996), rev. by Meredith Sue Willis, 1997, 130-35
—. The Rest of the Story (HarperCollins, 2019), rev. by Angela Love Moser, 2021 online, 130-31
Deutsch, David, Understanding Jim Grimsley (U of South Carolina P, 2019), a rev. by Gary Richards, 2020 online, 108-11
Dillard, Annie, Holy the Firm (Harper, 1977), Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (Harper, 1974), rev. by Mike Hamer, 1995, 210-13
Duncan, Julia Nunnally, All We Have Loved (Finishing Line Press, 2023) rev. by Jon Kesler, Spring 2024, 82-83
—. An Endless Tapestry (March Street, 2007), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2009, 172-177
—. When Day Is Done (March Street, 2009), rev. by Mae Miller Claxton, 2010, 108-109
—. When Time Was Suspended, (RedHawk Publications, 2024), rev. by Thomas Rain Crowe, Winter 2025, 74
Duncan, Pamela, Moon Women (Delacorte, 2001), rev. by Paula Gallant Eckard, 2003, 137-40
Dorfman, Ariel, The Suicide Museum, (Other Press, 2023), rev. by Lisa Wenger Bro, Winter 2025, 56
Durban, Pam, Soon: Stories (University of South Carolina Press, 2015), rev. by Monica Miller, 2016 online, 84-85
Dykeman, Wilma, Family of Earth: A Southern Mountain Childhood (UNC Press, 2016), rev. by Gene Hyde, 2018 online, 77-79

Earley, Tony, The Blue Star [Jim sequel] (Little Brown, 2008), rev. by Tim Edwards, 2010, 110-14
—. Jim the Boy (Little, Brown, 2000), rev. by Tim Edwards, 2001, 138-41
—. Somehow Form a Family: Stories that Are Mostly True (Algonquin, 2003), rev. by Maryscot Mullins, 2004, 160-63
Edgerton, Clyde, The Bible Salesman (Little, Brown and Company, 2008), rev. by George Hovis, 2009, 228-31
—. The Night Train (Little, Brown, and Company, 2011), rev. by Jeff Abernathy, 2012 online, 36
—. Solo: My Adventures in the Air (Algonquin, 2005), rev. by Tonita Branan, 2006, 157-58
—. Where Trouble Sleeps (Algonquin, 1997), rev. by Stuart Harris, 1998, 181-84
Ehle, John, The Land Breakers (1964; Press 53, 2006), rev. by Harriette C. Buchanan, 2007, 208-14
—. The Road (1967; U of Tennessee P, 1998), rev. by John Lang, 1999, 163-65
—. The Winter People (Harper & Row, 1982), rev. by Jonathan Yardley, 2010, 24-25
Ekstrand, Erik, Laodicea (Omnidawn, 2015), rev. by John Steen, 2017 online, 130-33
Emerson, Claudia, Claude Before Time and Space (Lousiana State University Press, 2018); rev. by Emily Herring Wilson, 2019 online, 53-55
—. Late Wife (Louisiana State UP, 2005), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2007, 199-201
—. Secure the Shadow (Louisiana State UP, 2011), rev. by John Hoppenthaler, 2013 online, 112-15
Erickson, Terri Kirby, Becoming the Blue Heron (Press 53, 2017). rev. by Valerie Nieman, 2019 online, 59-60
Eubanks, Georgann, Literary Trails of Eastern North Carolina: A Guidebook (U of North Carolina P, 2013), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2014 online, 88-89
—. Literary Trails of the North Carolina Mountains: A Guidebook (U of North Carolina P, 2007), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2008, 198-99
—. Literary Trails of the North Carolina Piedmont (University of North Carolina Press, 2010), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2011, 143-47
—. The Month of Their Ripening: North Carolina Heritage Foods through the Year (UNC Press, 2018), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2020 online, 168-72
—. The Month of Their Ripening: North Carolina Heritage Foods through the Year (UNC Press, 2018), —. Saving the Wild South, (University of North Carolina Press, 2021), rev. by Evan Smith, Spring 2025, 40
Evans, Elizabeth, Doris Betts (Twayne, 1997), rev. by Dorothy M. Scura, 1998, 178-79
Everhart, Donna, The Road to Bittersweet (Kensington Publishing Group, 2018), rev. by Jim Coby, 2019 online, 97-99
Ewen, Charles R. with Thomson Shields, Jr., Becoming the Lost Colony (McFarland & Company, Inc., 2024), rev. by Donald Paul Haspel, Winter 2025, 36

Faladé, David Wright, Black Cloud Rising, (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2022) rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, Fall 2023, 74-75
Fawkes, Jen, Tales the Devil Told Me (Press 53, 2021), rev. by Lisa Wenger Bro, Winter 2022, 28-31
Fiore, L.C., Coyote Loop (Adelaide Books, 2021), rev. by James W. Clark, Jr., Winter 2022, 110-113
Firmat, Gustavo Pérez, A Cuban in Mayberry: Looking Back at America’s Hometown (University of Texas Press, 2014), rev. by Kristy L. Ulibarri, 2016 online, 48-51
Fleming, Karl, Son of the Rough South: An Uncivil Memoir (Public Affairs, 2005), rev. by Nicole Nolan Sidhu, 2006, 153-57
Flynn, Keith, Colony Collapse Disorder (Wings Press, 2013), rev. by Jim Clark, 2014 online, 74-77
—. The Golden Ratio (Iris, 2007), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2009, 172-77
—. The Skin of Meaning (Red Hen Press, 2020), rev. by Robert West, 2021 online, 135-39
Flynn, Keith, with Charter Weeks, Prosperity Gospel: Portraits of the Great Recession (Redhawk Publications, 2021) rev. by Dale Neal, Fall 2023, 128-129
Fonvielle Jr., Chris E., The Wilmington Campaign: Last Rays of Departing Hope (Savas, 1997), rev. by William Thiesen, 1999, 46-49
Ford, Richard, “My Mother in Memory” (Harper’s 275, 1987), rev. by Michael Griffith, 1997, 136-41
Foust, Rebecca, Paradise Drive (Press 53, 2015), rev. by Joan Romano Shifflett, 2017 online, 118-19
Fowler, Therese Anne, A Good Neighborhood (St. Martin’s Press, 2020), rev. by Lisa Wenger Bro, 2020 online, 130-34
Fox, Faulkner, Dispatches from a Not-So-Perfect Life; or How I Learned to Love the House, the Man, the Child (Harmony Books, 2003), rev. by Meredith Anton, 2005, 183-86
Fox, Matthew, Original Blessing (Bear, 1983), rev. by Mike Hamer, 1995, 210-13
Franklin, Jeffrey, Where We Lay Down: Poems by Jeffrey Franklin (Kelsay Books, 2021), rev. by Eric C. Walker, Fall 2022, 64-66
Franks, Julia, Over the Plain Houses (Hub City Press, 2016), rev. by Leah Hampton, 2019 online, 105-07
Frazier, Charles, Cold Mountain (Vintage, 1998), rev. by William R. Trotter, 1999, 22-25
—. Nightwoods (Random House, 2011), rev. by Zackary Vernon, 2013 online, 92-95
—. The Trackers (HarperCollins, 2023), rev. by Barbara Bennett, Fall 2023, 80-81
—. Thirteen Moons (Random House, 2006), rev. by Harriette C. Buchanan, 2007, 208-14
—. Varina (HarperCollins Publishing, 2018), rev. by Terry Roberts, 2019 online, 90-91
Freeman, Gabrielle Brant, When She Was Bad (Press 53, 2016), rev. By Laura Sloan Patterson, 2018 online, 116-17
Frese, Heather, The Baddest Girl on the Planet (Blair Publishing, 2021), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, Winter 2022, 114-115
—. The Saddest Girl on the Beach (Blair, 2024), rev. By Kristi Southern, Winter 2025, 62
Frizzell, George with Mae Miller Claxton, Horace Kephart: Writings, (Tennessee Press, 2020), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, Winter 2025, 30
Fulton, Alice, Barely Composed (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2015), rev. by Celeste McMaster, 2018 online, 114-15

Garber, Pat, Ocracoke Odyssey: A Naturalist’s Reflections on Her Home by the Sea (Down Home, 1999), rev. by Maryscot Mullins, 2005, 90
Gardner, Kati, Brave Enough (Flux, 2018), rev. by Ashley Daughtridge, 2021 online, 44-46
—. Finding Balance, (Flux, 2020) rev. by Jessica L. Allee, Winter 2024, 26
Garin, Marita, ed., Southern Appalachian Poetry: An Anthology of Works by 37 Poets (McFarland, 2008), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2010, 120-23
Garren, Christine, The Piercing (Louisiana State UP, 2006), rev. by James Kimbrell, 2007, 205-207
Garrity-Blake, Barbara, Living at the Water’s Edge: A Heritage Guide to the Outer Banks Byway (Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 2017), rev. by Alton Ballance, 2018 online, 37-39
Gaspeny, Michael, The Tyranny of Questions: Poems (Unicorn Press, 2020), rev. by Patrick Bizzaro, 2021 online, 173-76
—. A Postcard from the Delta, (Livingston Press, 2022), rev. by Christy Alexander Hallberg, Fall 2023, 84-87
Garstang, Clifford, House of the Ancients and Other Stories (Press 53, 2020), rev. by Dale Bailey, 2021 online, 152-55
—. The Shaman of Turtle Valley (Braddock Avenue Books, 2019), rev. by Dale Bailey, 2021 online, 152-55
Garvin, Tim, A Dredging in Swann (Blackstone Publishing, 2020), rev. by Dale Bailey, Winter 2022, 116-121
Gerard, Philip, Cape Fear Rising (Blair, 2019), rev. by Angela Love Moser, 2020 online, 86-90
—. The Dark of the Island (John F. Blair, 2016), rev. by Rhonda Armstrong, 2017 online, 77-81
—. Down the Wild Cape Fear: A River Journey through the Heart of North Carolina (U of North Carolina P, 2013) and The Patron Saint of Dreams and Other Essays (Hub City Press, 2012), rev. by Brian Glover, 2014 online, 86-87
—. The Last Battleground: The Civil War Comes to North Carolina (University of North Carolina Press, 2019), rev. by Angela Love Moser, 2020 online, 86-90
—. Things We Do When No One is Watching (BkMk Press, 2017), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, 2019 online, 136-37
—. Words & Music: An Album of a Life in Story and Song (Beach Glass Books, 2023), rev. by Bland Simpson, Spring 2024, 84-85
Gibson, Becky Gould, Aphrodite’s Daughter (Texas Review Press, 2008), rev. by Felicia Mitchell, 2008, 74-77
—. Heading Home (Main Street Rag, 2014), rev. by Sarah Huener, 2015 online, 123-24
—. Indelible (The Broadkill River Press, 2018). rev. by Christie Collins, 2020 online, 126-29
Gilstrap, Beth, Deadheading and Other Stories (Red Hen Press, 2021), rev. by Dale Neal, Fall 2022, 56-58
Gingher, Marianne, Adventures in Pen Land: One Writer’s Journey from Inklings to Ink (U of Missouri P, 2008), rev. by Rebecca L. Godwin, 2010, 206-11
—. Amazing Place: What North Carolina Means to Writers (University of North Carolina Press, 2015), rev. by Joanne Joy, 2016 online, 29-31
—. A Girl’s Life: Horses, Boys, Weddings & Luck (Louisiana State UP, 2001), rev. by Janet Lembke, 2002, 175-77
Glazier, Loss Pequeño, Transparent Mountain (Night Horn Books, 2022), rev. By John Charles Ryan, Fall 2024, 80-82
Godwin, Gail, Evensong (Ballantine, 1999), rev. by Kerstin W. Shands, 2000, 183-85
—. Flora (Bloomsbury, 2013), rev. by Peggy Dunn Bailey, 2014 online, 20-22
—. Heart: A Personal Journey Through Its Myths and Meanings (William Morrow, 2001), rev. by Janet Lembke, 2002, 175-77
Godwin, Rebecca, Community Across Time: Robert Morgan’s Words for Home (West Virginia Press, 2023), rev by George Hovis, Spring 2024, 35-40
Goldin, Megan, The Night Swim (St. Martin’s Press, 2020), rev. by Jenn Brandt, Fall 2022, 104-105
Goldman, Judy, Child (University of South Carolina Press, 2022), rev. by Josephine Humphreys, Fall 2022, 104-105
—. The Slow Way Back (William Morrow and Company, 1999), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2001, 145-47
—. Together (Doubleday, 2019), rev. by Brandy Reeves, 2021 online, 64-65
Gomez, Halli, List of Ten, (Sterling Publishing Company, 2021), rev. by Patricia A. Dunn, Winter 2024, 24
Gonzales, Sophie, Only Mostly Devastated (Wednesday Books, 2020), rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2021 online, 132-34
Goodman, Henriette, Take What You Want (Alice James Books, 2007), rev. by Felicia Mitchell, 2008, 74-77
Graves, Jesse and Robert M. West, Eds. Robert Morgan: Essays on the Life and Work (McFarland Press, 2022), rev. by Randall Wilhelm, Spring 2024, 41-43
Green, Jaki Shelton, breath of the song: New and Selected Poems (North Carolina Wren Press, 2005), rev. by Tom Lombardo, 2007, 214-18
—. i want to undie you (Jacar Press, 2017), rev. by Gabrielle Brant Freeman, 2019 online, 9-10
Grey, Lucinda, The Woman Who Has Eaten the Moon (Wind Publications, 2004), rev. by Debra Kang Dean, 2005, 181-83
Griffin, Matthew, Hide (Bloomsbury, 2016), rev. by Jim Coby, 2017 online, 112-14
Grimsley, Jim, Comfort & Joy (Algonquin, 1999), rev. by Gary Richards, 2000, 113-16
—. A Dove in the Belly (Levine Querido, 2022), rev. by David Deutsch, Winter 2023, 56-57
—. How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood (Algonquin Books, 2015), rev. by Alex Albright, 2016 online, 32-35
Gurganus, Allan, Local Souls (Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2013), rev. by Gary Richards, 2014 online, 66-67
—. Plays Well With Others (Alfred A. Knopf, 1997; Random House Vintage Contemporaries), rev. by Jeff Abernathy, 2000, 182-83
—. The Practical Heart (Knopf, 2001), rev. by Christina G. Bucher, 2003, 133-36
—. The Uncollected Stories of Allan Gurganus (Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2021), rev. by Zackary Vernon, Winter 2022, 106-107
Gutierrez, Michael Keenan, The Swill (Leapfrog Press, 2022), rev. by Jon Kesler, Fall 2023, 78-79
—. The Trench Angel (Leap Frog Press, 2015), rev. by Jim Coby, 2017 online, 112-14
Gwin, Minrose, Beautiful Dreamer (Hub City Press, 2024), rev. by Barbara Bennett, Winter 2025, 18

Hagy, Alyson, Graveyard of the Atlantic (Grey Wolf, 2000), rev. by Tonita Branan, 2001, 147-49
Halme, Kathleen, Equipoise (Sarabande Books, 1998), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 1999, 177-80
—. The Everlasting Universe of Things (North Carolina Writers’ Network, 1994), rev. by Virginia O. Craighill, 1996, 222-25
Hampton, Leah, F*ckface and Other Stories (Henry Holt, 2020), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, 2021 online, 104-08
Harrington, Janis, How to Cut a Woman in Half, (Able Muse Press, 2022) rev. by Stan Absher, Winter 2024, 81-84.
Harris, Alex, Inside the Mind of Reynolds Price (George F. Thompson, 2017), rev. by James W. Clark, Jr, 2018 online, 50-52
Hart, John, Down River (Thomas Dunne Books, 2007), The King of Lies (Thomas Dunne Books, 2006),
—. The Hush (St. Martin’s Press, 2018), rev. by Betina Entzminger, 2019 online, 108-09
—. Iron House (Thomas Dunne Books, 2012), rev. by Art Taylor, 2012 online, 49-51
—. The Last Child (Minotaur Books, 2009), rev. by Art Taylor, 2009, 223-26
—. The Unwilling (St. Martin’s Press, 2021), rev. by Jim Coby, 2021 online, 100-03
Hawes, Louise, Anteaters Don’t Dream and Other Stories (UP of Mississippi, 2007), rev. by Sally F. Lawrence, 2008, 191-93
Hayes, Anna R., Without Precedent: The Life of Susie Marshall Sharp (U of North Carolina P, 2008), rev. by Rebecca L. Godwin, 2010, 206-11
Hecimovich, Gregg, The Life and Times of Hannah Crafts: The True Story of The Bondwoman’s Narrative (Ecco, 2023) rev. by Jessica Cory, Spring 2024, 26-27
Hedge Coke, Allison Adelle, Look at this Blue: A Poem, (Coffee House Press, 2022) rev. By Jill Goad, Fall 2023, 63-65
—. Streaming (Coffee House Press, 2014), rev. by Gina Caison, 2016 online, 59-60
Herin, Miriam, A Stone for Bread (University of West Alabama Livingston Press, 2015), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, 2017 online, 71-75
Herman, Mimi, The Kudzu Queen (Regal House Publishing, 2023) rev. by Amanda M. Capelli, Fall 2023, 125-127
Hill, Halle, Good Women Stories (Hub City Press, 2023), rev. by John Kesler, Winter 2025, 94
Hill, James Tate, Blind Man’s Bluff: A Memoir (W.W. Norton & Company, 2021), rev. by Laura Hope-Gill, Winter 2022, 96-97
Hines, AE, Any Dumb Animal, (Main Street Rag, 2021), rev. by Melinda Thomsen, Winter 2024, 76
Hobson, Fred, Off the Rim: Basketball and Other Religions of a Carolina Childhood (U of Missouri P, 2006), rev. by James Kirkland, 2008, 175-81
—. The Silencing of Emily Mullen and Other Essays (Louisiana State UP, 2005), rev. by Jeff Abernathy, 2007, 219-20
—. The Southern Writer in the Postmodern World (U of Georgia P, 1991), rev. by Michael Griffith, 1997, 136-41
Hodge, Rebecca, Wildland: A Novel (Crooked Lane Books, 2020), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, 2021 online, 148-49
Hogan, Judy, Those Eternally Linked Lives (Big Table Publishing Company, 2018), rev. by David Clinton, 2020 online, 150-53
Holderfield, Culley, Hemlock Hollow (Regal House Publishing, 2022), rev. by Amanda M. Capelli, Fall 2023, 125-127
Hoppenthaler, John, Domestic Garden (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2015), rev. by Sarah Huener, 2016 online, 66-68
Honeycutt, Irene Blair, Beneath the Bamboo Sky (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2017), rev. by Grace C. Ocasio, 2018 online, 119-22
Hooper, Patricia, Separate Flights (University of Tampa Press, 2016), rev. by Hannah Crane Sykes, 2018 online, 122-23
—. Wild Persistence: Poems (Tampa: University of Tampa Press, 2019, rev. by Anna McFadyen, 2021 online, 168-73
Hopes, David, The Falls of Wyona (Red Hen Press, 2019), rev. by Ashley Daughtridge, 2021 online, 44-46
Night, Sleep and the Dreams of Lovers (Black Mountain Press, 2019), rev. by Mayee Zhu, 2021 online, 128-29
Hovis, George, The Skin Artist (SFK Press, 2019) rev. by Paula Gallant Eckard, 2020 online, 42-43
Howard, Vivian, Deep Run Roots (Little, Brown and Company, 2016), rev. by Joanne Joy, 2018 online, 19-22
Hudson, Marjorie, Accidental Birds of the Carolinas (Press 53, 2011) rev. by Erica Plouffe Lazure, 2012 online, 42-44
—. Indigo Field (Regal House Publishing, 2023), rev. by Rebecca Duncan, Winter 2024, 59
—. Searching for Virginia Dare: A Fool’s Errand (Coastal Carolina, 2002), rev. by E. Thomson Shields, Jr., 2003, 141-51
Huler, Scott, A Delicious Country: Rediscovering the Carolinas along the Route of John Lawson’s 1700 Expedition (University of North Carolina Press, 2019) rev. by Marjorie Hudson, 2020 online, 173-75
Humphreys, Josephine, Nowhere Else on Earth (Viking, 2001), rev. by Jerry Leath Mills, 2002, 167-69
Humphries, Jefferson ed., Conversations with Reynolds Price (UP of Mississippi, 1991), rev. by Mike Hamer, 1995, 210-13
Hutcheson, Neal, The Moonshiner Popcorn Sutton (Reliable Archetype, 2021), rev. by Jessica Martell, Winter 2022, 127-129

Jackson, Jeff, Destroy All Monsters: The Last Rock Novel (FSG Originals, 2018) rev. by Christy Alexander Hallberg, 2020 online, 120-22
Jackson, Mary Cecilia, Sparrow (Tor Teen, 2020), rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2021 online, 132-34
Jackson, Sean, Haw (Harvard Square Editions, 2015), rev. by Kathaleen E. Amende, 2016 online, 118-20
Jacobs, Jessica, Take Me with You, Wherever You’re Going (Four Way Books, 2019), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2021 online, 38-43
Jacobs, Mary Ann, Cherry Beasley and Urlike Wiethaus, eds. Upon Her Shoulders: Southeastern Native Women Share Their Stories of Justice, Spirit, and Community (Blair, 2022), rev. by Lynne Norris Murray, Winter 2022, 20-21
Jacobstein, Roy, A Form of Optimism (Northeastern UP, 2006), rev. by Brooke Horvath, 2008, 169-71
James, Hunter, The Last Days of Big Grassy Fork (UP of Kentucky, 2002), rev. by Gretchen Martin, 2003, 151-52
Jeffrey, Thomas E., Thomas Lanier Clingman: Fire Eater from the Carolina Mountains (Georgia UP, 1998), rev. by Mark A. Moore, 1999, 64-66
Johns, Wayne, Antipsalm (Unicorn Press, 2018), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2021 online, 38-43
Johnson, Danny, The Last Road Home (Kensington, 2016), rev. by Garrett Bridger Gilmore, 2018 online, 90-91
Jones, Ena, Six Feet Below Zero, (Holiday House Press, 2021) rev. by Wendy Tilley, Fall 2024, 74-75
Jones, Jeremy, Bearwallow: A Personal History of a Mountain Homeland (John F. Blair, 2014), rev. by Brent Martin, 2015 online, 81-82
Jones, Karen, The Summer of Grace (Brother Mockingbird, 2022) rev. By Amber Knox, Spring 2024, 72-73
Jones, Paul, Something Wonderful (Redhawk Publications, 2021), rev. by Jim Clark, Fall 2022, 68-71
Jones, Phil, Raleigh’s Pirate Colony in America: The Lost Settlement of Roanoke 1584-1590 (Tempus, 2001), rev. by E. Thomson Shields, Jr., 2003, 141-51
Jordan, Judy, Carolina Ghost Woods (Louisiana State UP, 2000), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2001, 149-54
Joy, David, The Line That Held Us (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2018), rev. by Jimmy Dean Smith, 2019 online, 100-01
—. When These Mountains Burn (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2020), rev. by Dale Neal, 2021 online, 71-73
—. Where All Light Tends to Go: A Novel (G. P. Putnam’s Songs, 2015), rev. by Leah Hampton, 2016 online, 98-99
—. Those We Thought We Knew (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2023), rev. by Elaine Thomas, Fall 2024, 76-79
Joyner, Janet, Waterborne (Logan House, 2016), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2017 online, 84-87
Julian, Jen, Earthly Delights and other Apocalypses (Press 53, 2018), rev. by Dale Bailey, 2020 online, 158-59

Kaufman, Debra, The Next Moment (Jacar Press, 2010), rev. by Sally Buckner, 2011, 206-14
Kelly, Susan, By Accident (Pegasus, 2010), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, 2011, 203-206
—. Now You Know (Pegasus, 2007), rev. by Joyce Compton Brown, 2009, 235-37
Kelner, Toni L.P., Dead Ringer (Zebra, 1994), rev. by Janet Lembke, 1995, 202-207
Kenan, Randall, The Carolina Table: North Carolina Writers on Food (Eno Publishers, 2016) rev. by Joanne Joy, 2018 online, 19-22
—. Black Folk Could Fly: Selected Writings (W. W. Norton & Company, 2022), rev. by Al-Tariq Moore, Winter 2024, 50
—. If I Had Two Wings (W. W. Norton & Company, 2020), rev. by Reginal Watson, 2021 online, 110-13
Kennedy, Terry L., New River Breakdown (Unicorn Press, 2013), 2014 online, 111-14
Kessel, John, The Baum Plan for Financial Independence and Other Stories (Small Beer Press, 2008), rev. by Warren Rochelle, 2010, 160-163
—. The Moon and the Other (Saga Press, 2017), rev. by Brett F. Cox, 2018 online, 86-87
—. Pride and Prometheus (Saga Press, 2018), rev. by Sara E. Melton, 2019 online, 112-15
—. The Dark Ride: The Best Short Fiction of John Kessel (Subterranean Press, 2022), rev. by Dale Bailey, Winter 2023, 38-45
Alexander, Kianna, Carolina Built (Gallery Books, 2022) rev. by Amanda Capelli, Winter 2024, 84
Kimmel, Haven, Something Rising (Light and Swift) (Free Press, 2004), rev. by Sally Lawrence, 2006, 170-71
Kindred, Sally Rosen, No Eden (Mayapple, 2011), rev. by Melissa Edmunson Makala, 2013 online, 54-57
Kirkpatrick, Kathryn, Unaccountable Weather (Press 53, 2011), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2013 online, 118-20
—. The Fisher Queen: New and Selected Poems. (Salmon Publishing Ltd., 2019.) rev. by Catherine Carter, Spring 2024, 94-97
Kossoff, Mirinda, The Rope of Life: A Memoir (Lystra Books & Literary Services, 2020), rev. by Judy Goldman, Winter 2022, 84-85
Kratt, Mary, Watch Where You Walk: New & Selected Poems (Lorimer Press, 2015), rev. by Peter Makuck, 2017 online, 134-37
Krawiec, Richard, The Sound of Poets Cooking (Jacar Press, 2010), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2011, 143-47
Kreyling, Michael, “Fee, Fie, Faux Faulkner: Parody and Postmodernism in Southern Literature” (Southern Review 29, 1993), rev. by Michael Griffith, 1997, 136-41

Lane, Vicki, And the Crows Took Their Eyes (Regal House Publishing, 2020), rev. by Jimmy Dean Smith, Winter 2022, 24-25
Lang, John, Understanding Ron Rash (University of South Carolina Press), rev. by Elisabeth C. Aiken, 2017 online, 64-66
Laux, Dorianne, Only As the Day Is Long: New and Selected Poems (W. W. Norton & Company, 2019), rev. by Janice N. Harrington, 2021 online, 164-67
Lazure, Erica Plouffe, Proof of Me & Other Stories (New American Press, 2022), rev. by Patti Frye Meredith, Winter 2023, 90-91
Lee, David S., Gulf Stream Chronicles: A Naturalist Explores Life in an Ocean River (University of North Carolina Press, 2015), rev. by Scott Hicks, 2017 online, 59-61
Lee, Rebecca, Bobcat and other Stories (Algonquin Books, 2013), rev. by Kristina Knotts, 2014 online, 104-107
Lembke, Janet, Despicable Species: On Cowbirds, Kudzu, Hornworms, and Other Scourges (Lyons, 1999), rev. by Robin Springer, 2000, 187-91
Lewis, Phillip, The Barrowfields (Hogarth, 2018), rev. by Leah Hampton, 2019 online, 105-07
Loderstedt, Michael, Why We Fished, (Redhawk Publishing 2023) rev. by Jim Clark, Spring 2024, 100-102
Lombardo, Tom, What Bends Us Blue (Word Tech Editions, 2013) 2014 online, 111-14
Long, Robert Hill, The Work of the Bow (Cleveland State UP, 1997), rev. by Curt Rode, 1998, 186-92
Lucas, Meagan, Songbirds & Stray Dogs (Main Street Rag, 2019), rev. by Dale Neal, 2021 online, 71-73
—. Here in the Dark, (Shotgun Honey, 2023), rev. By Heather Bell Adams, Spring 2024, 108-109
Ludvigson, Susan, Escaping the House of Certainty (Louisiana State UP, 2006), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2009, 167-70

Mackey, Nathaniel, Blue Fasa (New Directions Publishing, 2015), rev. by Robert West, 2019 online, 28-30
Madden, Kerry, Gentle’s Holler (Viking Juvenile, 2005), Louisiana’s Song (Viking Juvenile, 2007), Jessie’s Mountain (Viking Juvenile, 2008), rev. by Sara K. Day, 2008, 102-103
Maeder, Jo, When I Married My Mother (Da Capo Press/Perseus, 2009), rev. by Rebecca L. Godwin, 2010, 206-11
Maginnes, Al, The Beasts that Vanish (Blue Horse Press, 2021), rev. by Jim Clark, Fall 2022, 68-71
—. Fellow Survivors: New and Selected Poems (Redhawk Publications, 2023) rev. by Jim Clark, Fall 2023, 101-103
—. The Next Place (Iris Press, 2017), rev. by Cameron Bynum, 2020 online, 144-47
—. Sleeping Through the Graveyard Shift (Redhawk Publications, 2020), rev. by Robert West, 2021 online, 135-39
Mahler, Kristine Langley, Curing Season: Artifacts, (West Virginia University Press, 2022) rev. by Jamie Tews, Spring 2024, 110-111
Makuck, Peter, Against Distance (BOA Editions, 1997), rev. by Marc Hudson, 1998, 192-193
—. Allegiance and Betrayal: Stories (Syracuse UP, 2013), rev. by Kristina Knotts, 2014 online, 104-107
—. Costly Habits (U of Missouri P, 2002), rev. by Michael Parker, 2003, 136-37
—. Long Lens: New and Selected Poems (BOA Editions, Ltd, 2010), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2012 online, 57-63
—. Mandatory Evacuation and Wins and Losses (BOA Editions Limited, 2016), rev. by Marly Youmans, 2017 online, 68-70
—. Off-Season in the Promised Land (BOA Editions, 2005), rev. by Brooke Horvath, 2008, 169-71
Malone, Michael, The Last Noel (Sourcebooks, 2002), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, 2004, 154-57
Manning, Philip, Afoot in the South: Walks in the Natural Areas of North Carolina (Blair, 1993), rev. by Bland Simpson, 1994, 188-89
Maren, Mesha, Sugar Run (Algonquin Books, 2018), rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2020 online, 208-10
Maron, Margaret, Shooting at Loons (Mysterious, 1994), rev. by Janet Lembke, 1995, 202-207
Martin, Brent, George Masa’s Wild Vision: A Japanese Immigrant Imagines Western North Carolina (Hub City Press, 2022), rev. by Terry Roberts, Winter 2025, 33
Martin, Eric, Luck (W.W. Norton, 2000), rev. by Jeff Abernathy, 2001, 141-42
Mauldin, Joanne Marshall, Thomas Wolfe: When Do the Atrocities Begin? (U of Tennessee P, 2006), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2008, 193-98
Maupin, Armistead, Logical Family: A Memoir (HarperCollins, 2017), rev. by Monica Carol Miller, 2020 online, 18-20
Mayhew, Anna, Jean, The Dry Grass of August (Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2011), rev. by Christina Bucher, 2012 online, 72-77
—. Tomorrow’s Bread (Kensington, 2019), rev. by John Hanley, 2020 online, 123-26
McBride, Timothy, The Manageable Cold: Poems (Triquarterly Books/ North Western University P, 2010), rev. by Peter Makuck, 2012 online, 63-65
McClanahan, Rebecca, Deep Light (Iris, 2007), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2008, 171-75
—. The Riddle Song and Other Rememberings (U of Georgia P, 2002), rev. by Maryscot Mullins, 2004, 160-63
McClure, Holly Sullivan, Conjuror (Mercer University Press, 2015), rev. by Kirstin L. Squint, 2017 online, 128-29
McCorkle, Jill, Creatures of Habit (Algonquin Books, 2001), rev. by Christina G. Bucher, 2003, 133-36
—. “Final Vinyl Days” and Other Stories (Algonquin, 1998), rev. by Christina G. Bucher, 1999, 166-68
—. Life after Life (Algonquin Books, 2013), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2014 online, 68-69
—. Hieroglyphics (Algonquin Books, 2020), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2021 online, 115-17
—. Old Crimes: and Other Stories (Algonquin, 2024), rev. by Barbara Bennett, Spring 2024, 45-47
McCrumb, Sharyn, The PMS Outlaws (Ballantine, 2002), rev. by Donna J. Summerlin, 2002, 169-72
McDunn, Gillian, Caterpillar Summer (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2019), rev. by Anna McFadyen, 2020 online, 162-64
McElmurray, Karen Salyer, Voice Lessons: Essays (Iris Press, 2021), rev. by Monica Carol Miller, Winter 2022, 92-93
McFee, Michael, Appointed Rounds (Mercer University Press, 2018), rev. by Michael K. Brantley, 2019 online, 63-65
—. A Long Time to Be Gone, (Carnegie Mellon University Press. 2022) rev. by Robert West, Winter 2024, 37
—. Earthly (Carnegie Mellon UP, 2001), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2002, 179-82
—. Shinemaster (Carnegie Mellon UP, 2006), The Smallest Talk (Bull City, 2007), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2008, 171-75
—. That Was Oasis: Poems (Carnegie Mellon UP, 2012), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2013 online, 122-25
—. To See (North Carolina Wesleyan College P, 1991), rev. by F. Whitney Jones, 1994, 191-92
—. We Were Once Here (Carnegie Melton University Press, 2017), rev. by Sarah Huener, 2018 online, 80-83
McIlvoy, Kevin, One Kind Favor: A Novel (WTAW Press, 2021), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, Winter 2022, 20-22
McKenzie, Trevor, Otto Wood: The Bandit (UNC Press, 2021), rev. by Douglas C. MacLeod, Jr., Winter 2025, 38
McLarin, Kim, Taming It Down (William Morrow, 1998), rev. by Erik Bledsoe, 1999, 171-73
McLarney, Rose, Forage (Penguin Books, 2019), rev. by Kathryn Kirkpatrick, Winter 2022, 58-60
McLaurin, Tim, Lola (Down Home, 1997), rev. by Jerry Leath Mills, 2000, 185-87
The River Less Run: A Memoir (Down Home, 2000), rev. by Janet Lembke, 2002, 175-77
Meads, Kat, 2:12 a.m. (Stephen F. Austin State UP, 2013), rev. by Donna Gessell, 2015 online, 44-45
—. Dear Deedee (Regal House Publishing, 2020), rev. by Donna A. Gessell, Winter 2022, 88-89
—. In This Season of Rage and Melancholy Such Irrevocable Acts as These (Mongrel Empire, 2016), rev. by Donna A. Gessell, 2018 online, 92-93
—. The Invented Life of Kitty Duncan (Benedict Roberts Duncan) (Chiasmus, 2006), rev. by L.A. Heberlein, 2008, 187-91
—. Miss Jane: The Lost Years (Livingston Press, 2018), rev. by Donna A. Gassell, 2019 online, 134-35
—. Not Waving (Livingston, 2001), rev. by Sally Lawrence, 2004, 157-60
Meredith, Patti Frye, South of Heaven (Mint Hill Books, 2022), rev. by Elaine Thomas, Winter 2023, 126-127
Meyers, Adele, The Tobacco Wives (William Morrow, 2022), rev. by Stephanie Whetstone, Winter 2025, 98
Meyers, Susan Laughter, Keep and Give Away: Poems (U of South Carolina P, 2006), rev. by Tom Lombardo, 2007, 94-95
—. My Dear, Dear Stagger Grass (Cider Press Review, 2013), rev. by Fred Chappell, 2014 online, 59-61
—. Self-Portrait in the River of Déjà Vu (Press 53, 2019), rev. by Fred Chappell, 2020 online, 38-40
Michels, Kelly, Disquiet (Jacar Press, 2015), rev. by John Hoppenthaler, 2017 online, 126-27
Milam, Lorenzo, The Crippled Liberation Front Marching Band Blues (Mho and Mho, 1984), rev. by Mike Hamer, 1995, 210-13
Miller, Heather, Ross, Lumina: A Town of Voices (Louisiana Literature Press, 2011) rev. by Al Maginnes, 2012 online, 57-63
—. Women Disturbing the Peace (Louisiana Literature Press, 2018), rev. by Emily Herring Wilson, 2019 online, 53-55
Miller, Lee, Roanoke: Solving the Mystery of the Lost Colony (Jonathan Cape, 2000; Arcade, 2001), rev. by E. Thomson Shields, Jr., 2003, 141-51
Miller, Stephen, The Woman in the Yard (Picador, 1999), rev. by Donna J. Summerlin, 2002, 169-72
Mills, Joseph, Bleachers: Fifty-Four Linked Fictions (Press 53, 2019), rev. by Meagan Lucas, 2020 online, 155-57
—. Bodies in Motion, (Press 53, 2022) rev. by Stan Absher, Fall 2023, 66-69
—. This Miraculous Turning, (Press 53, 2014), rev. by Joshua Clegg Caffery, 2016 online, 73-75
Milton, Giles, Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America (Hodder & Stoughton, 2000; Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000), E. Thomson Shields, 2003, 141-51
Miranda, Megan, The Last to Vanish (Simon and Schuster, 2022), rev. By Betina Entzminger, Winter 2023, 116-117
Mitchell, Steve, Cloud Diary (C & R Press, 2018), rev. by Joseph Dewey, 2019 online, 110-11
The Naming of Ghosts (Press 53, 2012), rev. by Fred Chappell, 2013 online, 70-71
Mitchell, Ted, Thomas Wolfe: An Illustrated Biography (Pegasus Books, 2006), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2008, 193-98
—. Windows of the Heart: The Correspondence of Thomas Wolfe and Margaret Roberts (U of South Carolina P, 2007), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2008, 193-98
Moore, Cecilia, The Federal Theatre Project in the American South: The Carolina Pplaymakers and the Quest for American Drama (Lexington Books, 2017) rev. by Gina Caison, 2019 online, 70-71
Moore, Lenard D., The Geography of Jazz (Mountains and Rivers Press, 2018), rev. By Jim Clark, 2020 online, 117-19
—. Long Rain (Wet Cement Press, 2021), rev. by Savannah Geidel, Fall 2022, 73-75
—. One Window’s Light: A Collection of Haiku (Unicorn Press, 2017), rev. by John Zheng, 2019 online, 25-27
—. The Open Eye (Mountain & Rivers Press, 2015), rev. By L. Teresa Church, 2018 online, 71-75
—. A Temple Looming (WordTech, 2008), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2009, 167-70
—. ed., All the Sings We Sing (Blair, 2020), rev. by Reginal Watson, 2021 online, 110-13
Moore, Marshall, I Wouldn’t Normally Do This Kind of Thing (Rebel Satori Press, 2022), rev. by Olivia Cash, Winter 2024, 20
Moore, Wayne, Triumphant Warrior: A Soul Survivor of the Wilmington Ten (Warrior Press, 2014), rev. by Philip Gerard, 2021 online, 108-09
Moose, Ruth, Doing It at the Dixie Dew: a Mystery (Minotaur Books, 2014), rev. by Joseph Horst, 2015 online, 86-87
—. Wedding Bell Blues: A Dixie Dew Mystery (St. Martin’s Press 2016), rev. by Teresa Bryson, 2017 online, 82-83
Morrison, Ray, I Hear the Human Noise (Press 53, 2019), rev. by Helen Stead, 2021 online, 158-61
Morgan, Robert, As Rain Turns to Snow and Other Stories (Broadstone Books, 2017), rev. By Kristie Knotts, 2018 online, 47-49
—. Chasing the North Star (Algonquin Books, 2016), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, 2017 online, 71-75
—. Dark Energy (Penguin Books, 2015) and Sigodlin (Press 53, 2014), rev. by Randall Wilhelm, 2016 online, 54-57
—. In the Snowbird Mountains and Other Stories (Press 53, 2023) rev. by George Hovis, Spring 2024, 35-40
—. October Crossing: Poems (The Captain’s Bookshelf, 2009), rev. by Karen K. Maso, 2013 online, 78-84
—. Terroir (Penguin Poets, 2011), rev. by Karen K. Mason, 2013 online, 78-84
—. Topsoil Road (Louisiana State UP, 2000), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2001, 149-54
—. Wild Peavines (Gnomon, 1996), rev. by David C. Ward, 1997, 124-29
Moses, Shelia P., The Baptism (Simon & Schuster, 2007), rev. by Laureen Tedesco, 2008, 184-87
Moten, Fred, The Little Edges (Wesleyan University Press, 2015), rev. by John Steen, 2017 online, 38-39
Mott, Jason, The Crossing, (Park Row Books, 2018), rev. by Helen Stead, 2019 online, 34-37
—. Hell of a Book: A Novel (Dutton, 2021), rev. by Helen Stead, Winter 2022, 12-13
Mustian, Kelly, The Girls In The Stilt House (Sourcebooks, 2021) rev. By Dennis Turner, Winter 2024, 94-96

Naumoff, Lawrence, A Plan for Women (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1997), rev. by Kristina Knotts, 1998, 184-86
A Southern Tragedy, in Crimson and Yellow (Zuckerman Cannon, 2005), rev. by Philip Gerard, 2006, 168-70
Neal, Dale, Appalachian Book of the Dead (Southern Fried Karma LLC, 2019), rev. by Max Kilgore, 2021 online, 68-69
—. The Half-Life of Home (Casperian Books, 2013), rev. by Sharon Colley, 2014 online, 82-83
New, Joan Cockrell, The River Bend (North Carolina Wesleyan College P, 1993), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1994, 194-96
Newcomb, Rain with Mae Miller Claxton, Conversations with Ron Rash (University Press of Mississippi, 2017), rev. by Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell, 2018 online, 35-36
Newton, Heather, McMullen Circle (Regal House Publishing, 2022), rev. by Katherine Abrams, Fall 2022, 58-59
—. The Puppeteer’s Daughters (Turner Publishing Company, 2022), rev. by Sharon Colley, Winter 2025, 100
Nieman, Valerie, Blood Clay (Press 53, 2011) rev. by Erica Plouffe Lazure, 2012 online, 42-44
—. Hotel Worthy (Press 53, 2015), rev. by Fred Chappell, 2016 online, 51-53
—. In the Lonely Backwater (Regal House Publishing, 2022), rev. by Susan O’Dell Underwood, Fall 2022, 60-61
—. Leopard Lady: A Life in Verse (Press 53, 2018), rev. by Marly Youmans, 2020 online, 160-61
—. To the Bones (West Virginia University Press, 2019), rev. by Marly Youmans, 2020 online, 160-61
—. Wake Wake Wake (Press 53, 2006), rev. by Tom Lombardo, 2007, 214-18

Obadike, Mendi Lewis, Armor and Flesh (Lotus, 2004), rev. by Debra Kang Dean, 2005, 181-83
Ocasio, Grace C., Family Reunion (Broadstone Books, 2020), rev. by Savannah Geidel, Fall 2022, 73-75
—. The Speed of Our Lives (BlazeVox Books, 2014), rev. by Elizabeth F. Oxler, 2016 online, 62-64
Orr, Elaine Neil, Swimming Between Worlds (New York: Berkley, 2018), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2019 online, 132-33
—. Dancing Woman, (Blair, 2025), rev. by Moira Crone, Winter 2025, 60
Osborn, Alice, Heroes without Capes (Main Street Rag, 2015), rev. by Laura Sloan Patterson, 2017 online, 115-18
Owen, Guy, Journey for Joedel (Press 53, 2010), rev. by Casey Clabough, 2011, 186-87
Owens, Delia, Where the Crawdads Sing: A Novel (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2018), rev. by Susannah Hedley, 2021 online, 142-43
Owens, Richard with Jeffery Beam, Jonathan Williams: The Lord of Orchards (Prospecta Press, 2018) rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2019 online, 50-52
Owens, Scott, Counting the Ways (Mainstreet Rag, 2020), rev. By Jim Kirkland, Fall 2022, 78-80
—. Paternity (Main Street Rag Publishing, 2010), rev. by Felicia Mitchell with Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2010, 228-31
—. Prepositional: New & Selected Poems (Redhawk Publications, 2022) rev. by James W. Kirland, Fall 2023, 122-124
—. Sky Full of Stars and Dreaming (Red Hawk Publications, 2021), rev. by Jim Kirkland, Fall 2022, 78-80
—. Something Knows the Moment (Main Street Rag, 2011); For One Who Knows How to Own Land (FutureCycle, 2012), rev. by Karen K. Mason, 2013 online, 78-84
—. Thinking About the Next Big Bang in the Galaxy at the Edge of Town (Main Street Rag 2015), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2017 online, 122-25

Page, Walter Hines, The Southerner: A Novel (U of South Carolina P, 2008), rev. by Susan Prothro Wright, 2010, 156-59
Parker, Alan Michael, The Ladder (Tupelo Press, 2016), rev. by Hannah Crane Skyes, 2019 online, 168-69
Parker, Gwendolyn M., Trespassing: My Sojourn in the Halls of Privilege (Houghton, Mifflin, 1997), rev. by Angeli R. Rasbury, 2000, 191-92
Parker, Michael, All I Have in this World (Algonquin Books, 2014), rev. by Jim Coby, 2015 online, 90-91
—. Hello Down There (Scribner’s, 1993), rev. by Ivor S. Irwin, 1993, 205-09
—. I Am the Light of This World, (Algonquin Books, 2022), rev. by Christy Alexander Hallberg, Fall 2023, 84-87
—. Prairie Fever: A Novel (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2019), rev. by Jim Coby, 2020 online, 40-41
—. The Watery Part of the World (Algonquin Books, 2011), rev. by Matthew Luter, 2012 online, 66-69
Parrish, Robin, Offworld: A Novel (Bethany House, 2009), rev. by Warren Rochelle, 2010, 160-63
Payne, David, Back to Wando Passo (Harper Collins, 2006), rev. by Betina Entzminger, 2007, 201-04
—. Barefoot to Avalon: A Brother’s Story (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2015), rev. by James W. Clark, Jr., 2016 online, 38-39
Peacock, Nancy, Life Without Water (Longstreet, 1996), rev. by Meredith Sue Willis, 1997, 130-35
Perry, Drew, Kids These Days (Algonquin Books, 2014), rev. by Annie Frazier, 2015 online, 83-84
—. This is Just Exactly Like You (Viking, 2010), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, 2011, 203-05
Philips, Ashleigh Bryant, Sleepovers: Stories (Hub City Press, 2020), rev. by Dale Neal, Fall 2022, 56-59
Phillips, Emilia, Empty Clip (University of Akron Press, 2018), rev. by Hannah Sykes, 2020 online, 217-19
Pierce, Constance, Hope Mills (Pushcart, 1997; Avon, 1999), rev. by Mary Kathryn Thornton, 2000, 53-54
Pinckney, Diana, The Beast and the Innocent, (FutureCycle Press, 2015), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2016 online, 68-71
Pope, Deborah, Fanatic Heart (Louisiana State UP, 1992), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1993, 197-201
—. Mortal World (Louisiana State UP, 1995), rev. by Virginia O. Craighill, 1996, 222-25
—. Wild Liar, (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2023), rev. by David Poston, Fall 2023, 118-121
Porter, Joe Ashby, Touch Wood (Turtle Point, 2003), rev. by Sally Lawrence, 2004, 157-60
Poston, David E., Slow of Study (Main Street Rag, 2015), rev. by Jeanne Julian, 2017 online, 120-21
Potorti, David and Joseph Bathanti, Eds. Crossing the Rift: North Carolina Poets on 9/11 & Its Aftermath (Press 53, 2021), rev. by Jim Clark, Winter 2023, 77-79
Powell, Dannye Romine, In the Sunroom with Raymond Carver (Press 53, 2020), rev. by Jim Clark, 2021 online, 56-59
—. A Necklace of Bees (U of Arkansas P, 2008), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2009, 167-70
—. Nobody Calls Me Darling Anymore, (Press 53, 2015), rev. by Joshua Clegg Caffery, 2016 online, 73-75
Powell, Mark, Prodigals (U of Tennessee P, 2002), rev. by Paula Gallant Eckard, 2003, 137-40
—. The Late Rebellion, (Regal House Publishing, 2024), rev. by Zachary Vernon, Winter 2024, 62
—. The Lioness (West Virgina University Press, 2022), rev. By Barbara Bennet, Winter 2023, 86-87
Pratt, Minnie Bruce, The Dirt She Ate: Selected and New Poems (U of Pittsburgh P, 2003), rev. by Christina G. Bucher, 2006, 160-64
—. Inside the Money Machine (Carolina Wren Press, 2011), rev. by Deborah Hooker, 2012 online, 46-48
Presnell, Barbara, Blue Star (Press 53, 2016), rev. By Hannah Crane Sykes, 2018 online, 96-97
—. Piece Work (Cleveland State UP, 2007), rev. by Felicia Mitchell, 2008, 74-77
Price, Charles F., The Cock’s Spur (John F. Blair, 2000), rev. by Jerry Leath Mills, 2002, 167-69
Price, Reynolds, Feasting the Heart: Fifty-Two Commentaries for the Air (Simon and Schuster, 2000), rev. by James O. Chatham, 2002, 177-79
—. Kate Vaiden (Atheneum, 1986), Tongues of Angels (Atheneum, 1990), A Whole New Life (Atheneum, 1994), rev. by Mike Hamer, 1995, 210-13

Radavich, David, The Countries We Live In (Main Street Rag, 2014), rev. by George Hovis, 2015 online, 101-07
Ramsey, Calvin Alexander and Bettye Stroud, Belle, the Last Mule at Gee’s Bend (Candlewick, 2011), rev. by Gabrielle Brant Freeman, 2013 online, 90-91
—. Ruth and the Green Book (Carolrhoda Books, 2010), rev. by Gabrielle Brant Freeman, 2013 online, 90-91
Rash, Ron, Above the Waterfall (Harper Collins, 2015), rev. by Zackary Vernon, 2018 online, 30-32
—. Eureka Mill (Bench, 1998), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2001, 149-54
—. In the Valley: Stories and a Novella Based on SERENA (Doubleday, 2020), rev. by Jimmy Dean Smith, 2021 online, 97-99
—. The Caretaker (Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2023) rev. By Jimmy Dean Smith, Spring 2024, 18-19
—. The Risen (Harper Collins, 2016), rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2018 online, 33-34
—. Waking (Hub City Press, 2011), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, “Dark and Light – And Wonderment”, 2012 online, 39-41
Ravenel, Shannon, ed., New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, 1989 (Algonquin, 1989), New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, 1990 (Algonquin, 1990), New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, 1991 (Algonquin, 1991), New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, 1992 (Algonquin, 1992), New Stories from the South: The Year’s Best, 1996 (Algonquin, 1996), rev. by Michael Griffith, 1997, 136-41
Redmond, Glenis, What My Hand Say (Winston-Salem: Press 53, 2016), rev. By L. Teresa Church, 2018 online, 71-75
Reed, John Shelton and Dale Volberg Reed, with William McKinney, Holy Smoke: The Big Book of North Carolina Barbecue (U of North Carolina P, 2008), rev. by Jerry Leath Mills, 2009, 256-58
Reinhardt, Susan, The Beautiful Misfits (Regal House Publishing, 2023), rev. by Wendy Tilley, Winter 2025, 102
Rice, Molly, Forever Eighty-Eights (Press 53, 2022) rev. by Chris Abbate, Winter 2024, 78
Riggan, Rob, The Blackstone Comentaries (John F. Blair, 2007), rev. by Rebecca L. Godwin, 2008, 181-84
Rigsbee, David, The Red Tower: New and Selected Poems (NewSouth Books, 2010) rev. by Al Maginnes, 2012 online, 57-63
—. This Much I Can Tell You (Black Lawrence Press, 2017), rev. by Jim Clark, 2020 online, 117-19
Ricketson, Mary, Stutters: A Book of Hope, (Redhawk Publications, 2023) rev. By Julia Nunnally Duncan, Spring 2024, 20-22
Rippin, Kevin, Amber Drive (Main Street Rag Publishing Co., 2018), rev. by Hannah Sykes, 2020 online, 217-19
Riviere-Seel, Pat, When There Were Horses (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2021), rev. by Grace C. Ocasio, Winter 2022, 72-75
Roberts, Liza, Art of the State: Celebrating the Visual Art of North Carolina (University of North Carolina Press, 2022), rev. by Heather D. Wilson, Winter 2024, 46
Roberts, Terry, The Holy Ghost Speakeasy and Revival (Turner Publishing Company, 2018), rev. by Sharon Colley, 2019 online, 92-93
—. My Mistress’ Eyes are Raven Black (Turner Publishing, 2021), rev. by James W. Clark Jr., Winter 2022, 110-113
—. The Sky Club (Keylight Books, 2022) rev. by Rebecca Godwin, Winter 2024, 54
—. That Bright Land (Tuner, 2016), rev. by Rebecca Godwin, 2017 online, 71-75
Rochelle, Warren, The Called (Golden Gryphon, 2009), rev. by F. Brett Cox, 2011, 148-49
Rosenberg, Rosalind, Jane Crow: The Life of Pauli Murray (Oxford University Press, 2017) rev. by Christina G. Bucher, 2018 online, 64-69
Rowland, Amy, Inside The Wolf, (Algonquin books, 2023), rev. By Julia Ridley Smith, Winter 2024, 92
Ruark, Gibbons The Road to Ballyvaughan (Jacar Press, 2015), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2017 online, 138-40
Rufener, Brenda, Where I Live (HarperTeen, 2018), Since We Last Spoke (HarperTeen, 2019), rev. by Brianne Holmes, 2020 online, 165-67
Rum, Etaf, A Woman is No Man (HarperCollins Publishers, 2019), rev. by Savannah Paige Murray, 2020 online, 208-10
Rumaker, Michael, Pagan Days (Circumstantial Productions Publishing, 1999), rev. by Jeffery Beam, 2002, 172-74

Sandlin, Tim, Sorrow Floats (Henry Holt, 1992), rev. by Ivor S. Irwin, 1993, 205-09
Saraceno, June Sylvester, Feral, North Carolina, 1965 (Southern Fried Karma LLC, 2019), rev. by Emily Herring Wilson, 2021 online, 162-63
—. The Girl from Yesterday (Cherry Grove Collections, 2019), rev. by Emily Herring Wilson, 2021 online, 162-63
Sartor, Margaret, Dream of a House: The Passions and Preoccupations of Reynolds Price (George F. Thompson Publishing, 2017), rev. by James W. Clark, Jr., 2018 online, 50-52
Schmidt, Susan, Let Go or Hold Fast: Beaufort Poems (Library Partners Press, 2018), rev. by Christie Collins, 2020 online, 126-29
Schultz, Katey, Flashes of War (Apprentice House, 2013), rev. by Ron Jackson, 2014 online, 32-33
—. Still Come Home (Apprentice House Press, 2019), rev. by Meagan Lucas, 2021 online, 82-83
Schwille, Kathryn, What Luck, this Life (Hub City Press, 2018), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2020 online, 203-05
Seay, James, Come! Come! Where? Where?, (University of North Carolina Press, 2024), rev. by Robert M. West, Fall 2024, 34-35
Sedaris, David, The Best of Me (Little, Brown and Company, 2020), rev. by Timothy Nixon, Fall 2022, 100-101
—. Calypso (Little, Brown and Company, 2018), rev. by Randall Martoccia, 2019 online, 68-69
—. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (Little, Brown, 2004), rev. by Randall Martoccia, 2005, 186-87
—. Happy-Go-Lucky (Little Brown and Company, 2022), rev. By Jennifer McGaha, Winter 2025, 16
Serageldin, Samia, Mothers and Strangers: Essays on Motherhood from the New South (UNC Press, 2019), rev. by Helen Stead, 2020 online, 190-91
Shamp, Dawn, On Account of Conspicuous Women (Thomas Dunne Books, 2008), rev. by Joyce Compton Brown, 2009, 235-37
Shearin, Faith, Lost Language: Poems (Press 53, 2020), rev. by John Lang, Winter 2022, 68-70
Sherbondy, Maureen, Dancing with Dali (FutureCycle Press, 2020), rev. by Grace C. Ocasio, Winter 2022, 72-75
Sherrill, Steven, The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break (John F. Blair, 2000), rev. by George Hovis, 2001, 142-44
—. The Minotaur Takes His Own Sweet Time (John F. Blair, 2016), rev. by George Hovis, 2018 online, 88-89
Shields Jr., Thomson with Charles R. Ewen, Becoming the Lost Colony, (McFarland & Company, Inc., 2024), rev. by Donald Paul Haspel, Winter 2025, 36
Shinn, Kelley, The Wounds That Bind Us, (West Virginia University Press, 2023), rev. by Annie Woodford, Winter 2024, 18
Shriver, Lionel, Property (HarperCollins, 2018), rev. by Eric Walker, 2020 online, 22-24
Silverthorne, Marty, Collected Poems (St. Andrews University Press, 2021), eds. Malaika King Albrecht and Marsha White Warren, rev. by Rebecca Godwin, Winter 2023, 34-37
Simpson, Bland, The Coasts of Carolina: Seaside and Sound Country (University of North Carolina Press, 2010), rev. by Susan Schmidt, 2011, 61-67
—. with photography by Ann Cary Simpson, Little Rivers and Waterway Tales: A Carolinian’s Eastern Streams (University of North Carolina Press, 2015), rev by Scott Hicks, 2017 online, 59-61
—. Two Captains from Carolina: Moses Grandy, John Newland Maffitt, and the Coming of the Civil War (U of North Carolina P, 2012), rev. by Willie J. Harrell, Jr., 2013 online, 85-88
—. et al, North Carolina: Land of water, Land of Sky, (University of North Carolina Press, 2021), rev. by Evan Smith, Winter 2025, 40
Simpson, Nancy, Living Above the Frost Line: New and Selected Poems (Wren Press, 2010), rev. by Sally Buckner, 2011, 206-14
—. ed. Echoes Across the Blue Ridge: Stories, Essays, and Poems by Writers Living In and Inspired By the Southern Appalachian Mountains (Winding Path Press, 2010), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2011, 143-47
Singleton, George, Staff Picks (Louisiana State University Press, 2019), rev. by Jim Kirkland, 2020 online, 198-201
Smith, Deborah, The Stone Flower Garden (Little Brown, 2002), rev. by Donna J. Summerlin, 2002, 169-72
Smith, James, Don’t Leave Hungry: Fifty Years of Southern Poetry Review (University of Arkansas Press, 2009), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 2011, 183-85
Smith, Julie Ridley, The Sum of Trifles (University of Georgia Press, 2021), rev. by Molly Sentell Haile, Fall 2022, 35-37
—.Sex Romp Gone Wrong, (Blair, 2024), rev. by Heather Bell Adams, Winter 2025, 92
Smith, Katy Simpson, The Story of Land and Sea (Harper-Collins, 2015), rev. by Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs, 2016 online, 114-15
Smith, Krystal A., Two Moons: Stories (BLF Press, 2018), rev. by Meagan Lucas, 2020 online, 155-57
Smith, Lee, Blue Marlin (Blair, 2020), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2021 online, 115-17
—. Dimestore: A Writer’s Life (Algonquin Books, 2016), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, 2017 online, 56-59
—. Guests on Earth (Algonquin Books, 2013), rev. by John Hough, 2014 online, 64-65
—. News of the Spirit (G.P. Putnam’s, 1997), rev. by Tanya Long Bennett, 1998, 179-81
—. On Agate Hill (Algonquin Books, 2006), rev. by Betina Entzminger, 2007, 201-04
—. Silver Alert, (Algonquin Books, 2023), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, Fall 2023, 82-83
Smith, Michael Thomas, Letters from a North Carolina Unionist: John A. Hedrick to Benjamin S. Hedrick (1862–1865) (NC Dept. of Cultural Resources, 2001), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2015 online, 66-69
Smith, Mike, Multiverse (BlazeVOX Books, 2010), rev. by Leah Miranda Hughes, 2013 online, 121-22
Smith, Steven E., A Short Report on the Fire at Woolworths: Selected New and Old Poems, 1980-2010 (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2010), rev. by Sally Buckner, 2011, 206-14
Smith-Soto, Mark, Time Pieces (Main Street Rag, 2015), rev. by Kristy L. Ulibarri, 2016 online, 48-51
Soniat, Katherine, The Swing Girl (Louisiana State UP, 2011), rev. by John Hoppenthaler, 2013 online, 112-15
—. Polishing the Glass Storm, (Luisiana State University Press, 2022), rev. By David Poston, Winter 2023, 118-121
Southern, Ed, Fight Songs: A Story of Love and Sports in a Complicated South (Blair, 2021), rev. by Fred Hobson, Winter 2022, 130-131
Spence, June, “Missing Women” and Others (Riverhead, 1998), rev. by Joy Castro, 1999, 168-71
Spencer, Elizabeth, Starting Over (Liveright, 2014), rev. by Sally Lawrence, 2015 online, 88-89
—. The Edward Tales, (University Press of Mississippi, 2022), rev. by Terry Roberts, Fall 2023, 76-78
Spill, Frédérique, The Radiance of Small Things in Ron Rash’s Writing (University of South Carolina Press, 2019), rev. by Jimmy Dean Smith, 2021 online, 97-99
Squire, Elizabeth Daniels, Remember the Alibi (Berkley, 1994), Who Killed What’s-Her-Name? (Berkley, 1994), rev. by Janet Lembke, 1995, 202-07
Stacy, Judith Minthorn, Styles by Maggie Sweet (Banks Channel Books, 1999), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2001, 145-47
Stephenson, Shelby, The Hunger of Freedom (Red Dashboard, 2104), rev. by John Steen, 2015 online, 118-21
—. Our World (Press 53, 2018), Nin’s Poem (St. Andrew’s University Press, 2018), Paul’s Hill (Sir Walter Press, 2017), rev. by Robert West, 2020 online, 102-107
—. Plankhouse (North Carolina Wesleyan College P, 1993), rev. by F. Whitney Jones, 1994, 191-92
Stewart, Leah, The Myth of You and Me (Shaye Areheart Books, 2005; Three Rivers, 2006), rev. by L.A. Heberlein, 2008, 187-91
Stick, David, An Outer Banks Reader, (U of North Carolina P, 1998), rev. by Tonita Branan, 2001, 147-49
Suk, Julie, Lie Down With Me: New and Selected Poems (Autumn House, 2011), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2013 online, 116-17
Swift, Earl, Auto Biography: A Classic Car, an Outlaw Motorhead, and 57 Years of the American Dream(HarperCollins, 2014) rev. by Lisa Proctor, 2015 online, 95-97

Tate, Eleanora, Celeste’s Harlem Renaissance (Little, Brown, and Company, 2007) rev. by Laureen Tedesco, 2008, 184-87
Taylor, Eleanor Ross, Captive Voices: New and Selected Poems, 1960-2008 (Southern Messenger Poets) (Lousisanna State University P, 2009), rev. by Al Maginnes, 2012 online, 57-63
Taylor, Gregory S., James Larkin Pearson: A Biography of North Carolina’s Longest Serving Poet Laureate (Lexington Books, 2015), rev. by Gene Hyde, 2018 online, 77-79
Teicher, Morton I., Looking Homeward: A Thomas Wolfe Photo Album (U of Missouri P, 1993), rev. by Tim Hampton, 1994, 189-90
Terres, John K., From Laurel Hill to Siler’s Bog: The Walking Adventures of a Naturalist (U of North Carolina P, 1993), rev. by Bland Simpson, 1994, 188-89
Terry, Daniel Nathan, Waxwings: Poems (Lethe, 2012), rev. by Jake Adam York, 2013 online, 122-25
Terry, John Skally, The Wax Cylinders: Julia Wolfe Interviews (Thomas Wolfe Society, 2008), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2009, 249-54
Thomas, Amber Flora, Red Channel in the Rupture (Red Hen Press, 2018), rev. by Janice N. Harrington, 2019 online, 14-15
Thompson, John Milliken, Love and Lament (Other Press, 2013), rev. by Alison Arant, 2014 online, 18-19
Thomsen, Melinda, Armature, (Hermit Feathers, 2021), rev. by Christie Collins, Winter 2024, 40
Tillinghast, David, Sisters, Cousins, and Wayward Angels (Texas Review Ress, 2017), rev. by David Clinton, 2020 online, 150-53
Tourgée, Albion W., Bricks without Straw (Duke UP, 2009), rev. by Susan Prothro Wright, 2010, 156-59
Townsend, Jacinda, Mother Country, (Graywolf Press, 2022), rev. by Charles Duncan, Winter 2024, 88
Tran, Eric, The Gutter Spread Guide to Prayer (Autumn House Press, 2020), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2021 online, 38-43
Troung, Monique, The Sweetest Fruits (Viking, 2019), rev. by Tanya Long Bennett, 2021 online, 118-20
Tucker, Karen, Bewilderness, (Catapult Books, 2021), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, Winter 2024, 94
Turner-Yamamoto, Judith, Loving the Dead and Gone (Regal House Publishing, 2022), rev. by Monica Carol Miller, Winter 2023, 123-124
Tyson, Timothy B., Blood Done Sign My Name: A True Story (Crown Publishers, 2004), rev. by Nicole Nolan Sidhu, 2006, 153-57

Wallace, Allison, A Keeper of Bees: Notes on Hive and Home (New York: Random House, 2006), rev. by Susan Schmidt, 2011, 61-67
Wallace, Daniel, Big Fish: A Novel of Mythic Proportions (Algonquin, 1998), rev. by Erik Bledsoe, 1999, 171-73
—. Extraordinary Adventures: A Novel of Mythic Proportions (St. Martin’s Press, 2017), rev. by Barbara Bennett, 2018 online, 53-55
—. Mr. Sebastian and the Negro Magician (Doubleday, 2008), rev. by George Hovis, 2009, 228-31
—. This Isn’t Going to End Well (Algonquin Books, 2023), rev. by Elaine Thomas, Winter 2025, 44
Wallace, Robert, As Breaks the Wave Upon the Sea (Mint Hill Books, 2021), rev. by Dennis Turner, Fall 2022, 90-94
Walls, Jr., Dwayne, Backstage at The Lost Colony, rev. by E. Thomson Shields, Jr., 2019 online, 72-75
Walsh, William J., Speak So I Shall Know Thee: Interviews with Southern Writers (Down Home, 1990), rev. by Lois Redmond, 196-98
Warlick, Ashley, The Distance from the Heart of Things (Houghton Mifflin, 1996), rev. by Meredith Sue Willis, 1997, 130-35
Watts, Stephanie Powell, No One is Coming to Save Us (HarperCollins Publishers, 2017), rev. by Garrett Bridger Gilmore, 2019 online, 32-33
Way, Maura, Another Bungalow (Press 53, 2017), rev. by Laura Sloan Patterson, 2020 online, 212-13
Weiss, Leah, All the Little Hopes: A Novel (Sourcebooks Landmark, 2021), rev. by Donna A. Gessell, Winter 2023, 48-50
West, Robert M. and Jesse Graves, Eds. Robert Morgan: Essays on the Life and Work (McFarland Press, 2022), rev. by Randall Wilhelm, Spring 2024, 41-43
Wharton, Laura, S., The Pirate’s Bastard (Second Wind Publishing, 2010), rev. by Matthew Luter, 2012 online, 66-69
Whisnant, Luke, Down in the Flood (Iris, 2006), rev. by Lee Zacharias, 2007, 105-07
—. The Connor Project (Iris Press, 2022), rev. by Heather B. Adams, Winter 2023, 82-83
—. Watching TV with the Red Chinese (Algonquin, 1992), rev. by Ivor S. Irwin, 1993, 205-09
Whitaker, Jennifer, The Blue Hour (University of Wisconsin Press, 2016), rev. by Laura Sloan Patterson, 2017 online, 115-18
White, Charles Dodd, How Fire Runs (Shallow Press, 2020), rev. by Jim Coby, 2021 online, 100-03
—. A Year Without Months (West Virginia University Press, 2022), rev. by John Lang, Winter 2024, 64
—. In the House of the Wilderness (Swallow Press, 2018), rev. by Lisa Wenger Bro, 2020 online, 130-34
—. Lambs of Men (Casperian Books, 2010), rev. by Ed Piacentino, 2011, 150-51
—. Sinners of Sanction County (Bottom Dog, 2011), rev. by Nick Ripatrazone, 2013 online, 75-77
White, Michael, Palma Cathedral (UP of Colorado, 1998), rev. by Jeffrey Franklin, 1999, 177-80
—. re-entry (U of North Texas P, 2006), rev. by James Kimbrell, 2007, 205-07
—. Travels in Vermeer (Persea Books, 2015), rev. by Grace Horne, 2016 online, 36-37
White, Rhonda Browning, The Lightness of Water and Other Stories (Press 53, 2019), rev. by Sharon E. Colley, 2021 online, 104-08
White, Ross, Charm Offensive, (The Black Spring Press, 2023) rev. by David E. Poston, Spring 2024, 112-116
Whitlow, Carolyn Beard, Vanished (Lotus, 2006), rev. by Tom Lombardo, 2007, 214-18
Wiethaus, Urlike, Cherry Beasley, and Mary Ann Jacobs, eds. Upon Her Shoulders: Southeastern Native Women Share Their Stories of Justice, Spirit, and Community (Blair, 2022), rev. by Lynne Norris Murray, Winter 2023, 20-21
Wilder, Cheryl, Anything That Happens (Press 53, 2021), rev. by Anna McFadyen, Winter 2023, 106-109
Wilhelm, Randall, The Ron Rash Reader (University of South Carolina Press, 2014), rev. by Elisabeth C. Aiken, 2017 online, 64-66
—. with Zackary Vernon, Summoning the dead: essays on Ron Rash (University of South Carolina Press, 2018), rev. by Michael J. Belifuss, 2019 online, 94-96
Williams, Alicia D., Genesis Begins Again (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2019), rev. by Mark I. West, Winter 2022, 54-55
—. Jump at the Sun: The True Life Tale of Unstoppable Storycatcher Zora Neale Hurston (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2021), rev. by Mark I. West, Winter 2022, 54-55
—. Shirley Chisolm Dared: The Story of the First Black Woman in Congress (Anne Schwartz Books, 2021), rev. by Mark I. West, Winter 2022, 54-55
Williams, Leslie, Success of the Seed Plants (Bellday Books, 2010), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2013 online, 118-20
Willis, C.L., Hillbilly Odyssey: Resilience in a Small Mountain Mill Town (Redhawk Publications, 2023), rev. By Elaine Thomas, Fall 2024, 76-79
Wilson, Dede, Under the Music of Blue (FutureCycle Press, 2017), rev. by Catherine Carter, 2019 online, 162-65
Wilson, Emily Herring, “When I Go Back to My Home Country”: A Remembrance of Archie Ammons(Fountain NC: R. A. Foundation, 2019), rev. by Eric C. Walker, 2021 online, 92-94
Wilson, Tamra, Dining with Robert Redford and Other Stories (Little Creek Books, 2011), rev. by Amanda Stevens, 2012 online, 18-21
Winslow, De’Shawn Charles, In West Mills (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019), rev. by John Hanley, 2020 online, 123-26
—. Decent People, (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023) rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, Winter 2024, 86-87
Winters, Sandra Ann, Do Not Touch (Salmon Poetry, 2020), rev. by Jim Clark, 2021 online, 56-59
—. The Place Where I Left You, (Salmon Poetry, 2014), rev. by Susan Laughter Meyers, 2016 online, 68-71
Wolfe, Thomas, The Death of Gant (Thomas Wolfe Society, 2007), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2009, 249-54
—. The Four Lost Men: The Previously Unpublished Longer Version (U of South Carolina P, 2008), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2009, 249-54
—. The Good Child’s River (U of North Carolina P, 1991), ed. Suzanne Stutman, rev. by Willam G. Cherry III, 1993, 191
—. The Lost Boy (U of North Carolina P, 1992), ed. James W. Clark Jr., rev. by Willam G. Cherry III, 1993, 191
—. The Magical Campus: The U of North Carolina Writing, 1917-1920 (U of South Carolina P, 2008), rev. by Wiley Cash, 2009, 249-54
—. The Starwick Episodes (Louisiana State UP, 1994), rev. by James W. Clark Jr., 1995, 217-19
Wolfram, Walt and Natalie Schilling-Estes, Hoi Toide on the Outer Banks: The Story of the Ocracoke Brogue (U of North Carolina P, 1997), rev. by Jeutonne Brewer, 1998, 88-89
Wood, Ernie, One Red Thread (Tyrus Books, 2014), rev. by Brianne Holmes, 2016 online, 120-21
Woodford, Annie, Bootleg (Groundhog Poetry Press, LLC, 2019), rev. by Janice N. Harrington, 2021 online, 164-67
Woodring, Susan, Goliath (St. Martin’s, 2012), rev. by Tanya Long Bennett, 2013 online, 126-29
Wright, Charles, Quarter Notes (U of Michigan P, 1995), rev. by Megan Simpson, 1996, 226-35

Yellin, Jean Fagan, ed., The Harriet Jacobs Family Papers (U of North Carolina P, 2008), rev. by David A. Davis, 2010, 152-55
York, John Thomas, Cold Spring Rising (Press 53, 2012), rev. by Melissa Edmunson Makala, 2013 online, 54-57
York, Lynn, The Piano Teacher (Plume, 2004), rev. by Casey Clabough, 2005, 188-89
Youmans, Marly, Charis in the World of Wonders (Ignatius Press, 2020), rev. by Lorraine Hale Robinson, 2021 online, 124-27
—. Glimmerglass (Mercer University Press, 2014), rev. by Lisa Wenger Bro, 2016 online, 112-14
—. Ingledove (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005), rev. by Sara K. Day, 2006, 171-72
—. Seren of the Wildwood (Wiseblood Books, 2023), rev. by Amber Knox, Winter 2025, 68
Young, Gideon, my hands full of light (Backbone Press, 2021), rev. by John Zheng, Winter 2022, 60-61

Zacharias, Lee, Across the Great Lake (University of Wisconsin Press, 2018), rev. by Rebecca Duncan, 2020 online, 148-53
—. At Random (Fugitive Poets Press, 2013), rev. by Tanya Long Bennett, 2014 online, 78-81
—. The Only Sounds We Make (Hub City Press, 2013), rev. by Brian Glover, 2015 online, 38-40
—. What a Wonderful World This Could Be (Madville Publishing, 2021), rev. by Sheryl Cornett, Winter 2023, 51-53
Zogry, Kenneth Joel, Print News and Raise Hell: The Daily Tar Heel and the Evolution of a Modern University (UNC Press, 2018), rev. by Dale Neal, 2019 online, 66-67
Zuber, Isabel, Red Lily (Press 53, 2010), rev. by Sally Buckner, 2011, 206-14
Salt (Picador, 2002), rev. by Kristina L. Knotts, 2004, 154-57