Writers discussed in essays, literary criticism, and other articles are listed below. Interview subjects are not included in this listing.
Abbott, Anthony, 2016 online 57
Winter 2023, 28-29
Abernathy, Arthur Talmadge, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Adcock, Betty, 2015 online (*Bauer), 125-127
2017 (Crook and Maginnes), 136-39
Albertson, Catherine, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Albright, Alex, 2018 online (Wilson), 60-62
Winter 2022 (Bauer), 98-101
Ammons, A.R., 1992 (Gantt), 164-65
1995 (Schneider), 175-82
2006 (Albright), 96-97
2006 (Olson), 93-112
Spring 2024 (Clark), 28-34
Anders, Shirley, 1995 (*McFee), 236-37
Anderson, Louise, 1993 (Moffett), 23-24
Andrews, John Williams, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Angelou, Maya, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2013 online, 74
Anthony, Mark, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
Anthony, Jr., Robert G., Winter 2022 (Blythe), 94-95
Applewhite, James, 2011 (*Hicks), 122-137
2013 online (Franklin), 48-50
2017 (*Wilhelm*), 95-99
Athas, Daphne, 2016 online 105
Atkinson, Rick, 2003 (Pottier), 6

Bailey, Loretto Carroll, 2000 (*McBride), 21-42
Baily, Waldron, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Barcott, Rye, 2012 online (Clark), 77
Barker, Benjamin, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Barlowe, Arthur, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Barnes, Mary Williams, 2004 (Thompson and Barnes), 165-79
Barrax, Gerald, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2017 online, 88-89
Barron, Natania, Winter 2023, 132
Barton, William, 1993 (Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Bartram, William, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Bathanti, Joseph, 1994 (*Hemley), 129-35
2017 online, 88-89
Winter 2025, 24
Bauer, Margaret D., 2018 online 126-27
2019 online (*Albright), 116-118
Bayes, Ronald H. , 2015 online (*Bauer), 125-127
Spring 2024 (Bathanti), 86-93
Bemis, John Claude , 2013 online, 93
Berberick, Nancy Varian, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (Rochelle), 7-20
Berger, Michelle Tracy, Fall 2022, 38
Bernhardt, Jean Alexander, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Betts, Doris, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
2009 (York), 180-183
2014 online (*McFee), 46-53
Betz, Richard, 2017 (*Wilhelm), 92-94
Bland, Margaret, 2000 (*McBride), 21-42
Bledsoe, Jerry, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Borg, Jack, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Boyd, James, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Boyer, Rick, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Bradbury, Ray, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Braun, Lillian Jackson, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara, 2023 (Cory), 2-17
Britain, Bill, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Brewer, J. Mason, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Brockman, Zoe Kincaid, 2019 (Duncan), 156-167
2019 (Triplett)
Brown, Linda Beatrice, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Browne, Rose Butler, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Broyles, Charles W., Sr., 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Buckner, Sally, 2018 online (Guralnick), 100-102
Burgwyn, Mebane Holoman, 2006 (Davis), 24-31
Burke, Thomas 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Butner, Richard, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Byer, Kathryn Stripling, 2007 (*Knotts), 142-49
2014 online, 61
2015 online (Powell), 116-117
2018 online (Bathanti), 94
Byrd, William, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Byrnes, Monica, Fall 2022, 84

Cannistra, Meg, 2021 online, 134
Cantrell, Lisa, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Card, Orson Scott, 1993 (Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
2001 (Senior), 21-30
Carden, Gary Neil, 2013 online (Robinson), 76-77
Cardiff, Gladys, 2023 (Goad), 70-85
Carlson, Tom, 2006 (Hoag), 84-92
Carson, Rachel, 2003 (Stott), 456-56
2011 (Cecelski), 20-26
2011 (Hicks), 122-37
Cash, W.J., 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Cash, Wiley, 2019 online (Fripp), 104
Cavano, Joseph Francis, 2016 online (*Glover), 83
Cecelski, David S., 2014 online, 22
2017 online, 76
Chappell, Fred, 1992 (Albright), 166-70
1998 (Lang), 140-44
1998 (McDonald), 127-39
1998 (Sullivan), 120-126
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
2011 (Hovis), 98-110
2014 online, 56
2024 (Albright), 122-127
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
1994 (Pettis), 108-18
1999 (*Byerman), 98-105
1999 (Fossett), 107-20
1999 (Johanningsmeier), 84-96
2002 (Perkins), 38-47
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
2013 (Locklear), 108-22
2014 (Baggett), 80-94
2015 (Ellis), 98-113
2019 (Harding), 92-103
2019 (Harris), 104-115
2020 (Ferguson), 22-35
2024 (Browner), 80-87
Clapsaddle, Annette Saunooke, Winter 2022 (Bauer), 26-27
2023 (Locklear), 26-39
Clarke, Mary Bayard 1999 (Crow and Barden), 29-38
Clark, James W., Jr. 2019 online (*Bauer), 76-81
2021 online, 139
Cole, Peggy Bennett, 1995 (Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Conroy, Pat, 2000 (*Idol), 142-50
Cooney, Caroline, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Cooper, Anna Julia, Winter 2025, 25
Cox, F. Brett , 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Craft, Hannah, 2007 (Hecimovich), 43-54
Craft, Howard, Winter 2025, 65
Crane, Hart , 2003 (*Stott), 46-56
Crowe, Jeffrey J., 2013 online, 71
Cuadros, Paul, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11

Daniels, Lucy, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Dargan, Olive Tilford, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Darnielle, John, 2023 (Dill), 180-194
Davis, Donald, 1998 (Higgins), 21-27
2016 (Higgins-Harrell), 42-47
Davis-Gardner, Angela, 2018 (Chappell), 108-24
DeBlieu, Jan, 2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
DeGuzmán, María, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Dessen, Sarah, 2006 (Tedesco), 53-63
Dial, Anetra L., 2023 (Cory), 2-17
Díaz, Junot, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Dickey, James, 2013 online (Douglass), 66
Dixon, Thomas, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
1994 (Gilmore), 87-101
1999 (*Fossett), 107-20
2012 (Slide), 48-58
Dorfman, Ariel, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Dorfman, Rodrigo, 2013 online *(Conwell), 6-11
Dorn, Ed, 2004 (Morris), 144-148
2004 (Mulllins), 144-45
Douglass, Thomas E., 2018 online (Albright), 62-63
Dowell, O’Roark Frances, 2016 online, 109
Downer, Hilda, 2003 (Higgins), 174-183
2016 (Higgins-Harrell), 59-64
Drake, David, 1993 (Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Drysdale, William, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Duncan, Andy, 2002 (Pottier), 190
Dunn, Jim , 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Dykeman, Wilma, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62

Earley, Tony, 2020 (Smith), 52-67
EbzB Productions, 2018 online, 56
Edgerton, Clyde, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
2003 (Edwards), 31-43
2016 online, 37
Winter 2022 (Abrams), 71
Edmondston, Catherine Ann Devereux, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Ehle, John, 2010 (*Roberts), 11-23
2012 (*Roberts), 133-44
2019 online (*Roberts), 82-91
2021 online (Murray), 95-96
2021 (Murray), 104-13
Elliott, Elmore, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Emiliano, Joaquin (born Joaquin Dorfman), 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
English, James W. , 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Engelhardt, Elizabeth S.D., Winter 2025, 103

Farmer, Philip José, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Faulkner, William, 1992 (Vickers), 17-29
1998 (Massey), 11-19
Felts, David, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Firmat, Gustavo Pérez, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Fitzgerald, Zelda 2018 (Cornett), 72-80
Fletcher, Inglis , 1993 (York), 176-179
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Forstchen, William, 2014 (Amende), 68-77
Fosdick, Charles Austin, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Foster, M.A, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Franks, Julia, 2018 online, 49
Frazier, Charles, 1999 (Knoke), 20-28
2017 (Reitz), 8-20
2021 (Rawlins), 38-49
2021 (Hanley), 116-27
Winter 2023, 31-32
Frost, Robert, 2003 (*Stott), 46-56

Gales, Winifred Marshall, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Gardner, Martin, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
2001 (West), 92-96
Gay, James, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
200 (Rankin), 7-20
Gerard, Philip, 1994 (*Hemley), 129-35
2020 online (Walker), 84-85
Winter 2023, 36-37
Gibbons, Kaye, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
1999 (Wilson), 122-28
Winter 2025, 26
Gilmore, Glenda E., 1997 (Gerard), 117-22
Gilster, Paul A., 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Godwin, Gail, 2010 (House), 194-204
2024 (Cash), 106-121
Goins, Becky, 2023 (Cory), 2-17
Gold, Daisy Hendley, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Golden, Harry, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Gomez, Halli, Winter 2023, 71
Gotschalk, Felix, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Gottlieb, Elaine, 2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Grandy, Moses, 1992 (*Wilentz), 115-31
Gray, Elizabeth Janet (born Elizabeth Gray Vining), 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Green, Erma, 2000 (*McBride), 21-42
Green, Jaki Shelton, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2015 online (*Bauer), 125-127
2019 online (Eubanks), 8
2020 online, 113
Green, Paul 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
1994 (Devany), 47-55
1994 (Roper), 22-46
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
2009 (Avery), 34-38
2009 (Bauer), 23
2012 online (Bauer), 8
2012 (Avery), 34-46
2015 (Tunc), 84-97
2016 (Vines), 72-85
2018 (Shields), 52-71
2022 (Eubanks), 6-17
2024 (Haspel), 88-105
Greenfield, Eloise, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Grimsley, Jim, 2000 (Madden), 111-29
2009 (Richards), 79-83
2019 online, 115
Winter 2022 (Robinson), 31
Gurganus, Allan, 2008 (Richards), 59-65
2014 (Vernon), 140-49
2015 online, 100
2018 online (Bauer), 8-10
2018 online (Smith), 11-12
2018 online (Vernon), 13-18

Haas, Ben, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Haas, Irene, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
Hahn, Hannelore 1995 (Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Halliburton, Richard, 1996 (Max), 82-93
1996 (*Turner), 88-89
Hampton, Leah, 2016 online (*Glover), 83
Hancock, M.A., 2016 (McGuffey), 130-39
Hanes, Sr., Frank Borden, 2022 (Clark, Jr.), 197
Hansberry, Lorraine, 2024 (Browner), 80-87
Hariot, Thomas, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Harrell, William Bernard, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Harris, Bernice Kelly, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2000 (*McBride), 21-42
Hart, John, 2014 online, 80
Hartman, Keith, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
Hay, James, Jr., 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Heaney, Seamus, 1996 (*Douglass), 26-44
Hedden, Worth Tuttle, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Hedge Coke, Allison Adelle, 2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1992 (Sparrow), 138-145
1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Hemley, Elaine Gottlieb, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
Hemingway, Ernest, 2000 (Plath), 69-81
Hentz, Carolina Lee, 1999 (Entzminger), 73-76
1999 (Jacobs), 67-83
Herringtion, William D., 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Herschberger, Ruth, 1995 (Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Hijuelos, Oscar, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Hill, Richard1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Hill, Mike, 2020 online, 111-13
Holden, Joseph William, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Holub, Joan, 2015 online, 43
Hooper, George, 2000 (*Rankin), 7-20
Hooper, Johnson Jones, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
2000 (*Rankin), 7-20
Horton, George Moses, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2019 (Horn), 134-143
2019 (Williams), 144-53
Houston, Gloria, 2012 online, 48
Humphreys, Josephine, 2013 online, 129
Hunt, Brittany, 2023 (Haladay), 106-121
Hunter, C. Bruce, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Hurmence, Belinda, 1993 (Buckner), 151-62
Hurston, Zora Neale, 2020 (Warner), 150-63

Jacob, Harriet Ann, 1992 (Wilentz), 115-31
1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
1999 (Jacobs), 67-83
2019 (Burge), 116-133
2020 (Furlong), 6-21
Jarrell, Randall, 2015 (*Applewhite), 67-75
1992 (Chappell), 8-16
1996 (Jarrell), 132-33
2003 (Mullins), 68-69
2014 online (McFee), 46-53
Johnson, James Ralph, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Jones, Hamilton Chamberlain, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-44
Joy, David, Winter 2025, 54

Kelner, Toni, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Kenan, Randall, 1993 (Buckner), 151-162
2006 (Cornett), 11-17
2008 (*Thomas), 117-30
2011 (Hicks), 122-37
2012 (Benfey), 94-107
2019 online (Holland), 30-31
2021 online (*Bauer), 112-13
2021 (Nixon), 130-44
Kessel, John, 1993 (Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Winter 2023 (Bailey), 38-45
King, Martha, 1995 (Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Kirke, Edmund (*born James R. Gilmore), 2002, 183-88
Kirkpatrick, Kathryn, 2020 online, 147
Kizer, Carolyn, 2022 (Janssen), 34-49
Knox, Rose Bell, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Koch, Frederick H., 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Kowal, Mary Robinette, 2020 online, 24-25

L’Amour, Louis, 2002 (*Shires), 2002, 183-88
Lane, Lunsford, 1992 (*Wilentz), 115-31
Lane, Ralph, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Lathrop, George Parsons, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Lauterstein, Ingeborg, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Laux, Dorianne, 2012 online (McFee), 65
Lawson, John, 1992 (Hudson), 62-82
1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
1992 (Shields), 83-97
2011 (Hicks), 122-137
2013 online (Manning), 94-95
Lay, Elizabeth A., 2000 (*McBride), 21-42
Levine, Philip, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Lincoln, C. Eric, 2019 (Allen-Lincoln), 80-91
1993 several works (*Buckner), 151-62
Lisle, Holly, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
Locklear, Leslie, 2023 (Haladay), 106-121
Lodge, Marc, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Long, William Ivey, 2012 online, 51
lumBEES, Women of the Dark Water, Fall 2023, 28-36

Maclaine, Archibald, 2000 (*Rankin), 7-20
Malone, Michael, 1995 (Taylor), 232-235
2014 (Stone), 118-36
Maron, Margaret, 1995 (Taylor), 232-235
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
2014 online, 81
2017 online (Simpson), 80-81
2018 (Maron), 6-17
Winter 2022 (Martin), 104-105
Maron, Joe, Winter 2022 (Martin), 104-105
Martin, Leigh, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Martín, Teresa, 2023 (Birkhofer & Worley)
Mason, Mary Ann Bryan 2006 (*York), 18-23
Maxwell, Lisa, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Mayhall, Jane, 1995 (Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Mayhall), 61-80
McCarthy, Cormac, 2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
McCorkle, Jill, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
2006 (Bennett), 64-72
2017 online, 67
2019 online (Ravenel), 137-139
McCullough, Rose Goode, 1993 (Fearing), 133-38
McDowell, Ian, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
McCrumb, Sharyn, 1995 (Taylor), 232-235
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
McFee, Michael, 2019 online (Walker), 64-66
McGirt, James, 2014 (Gruesser), 18-29
McDonald, Walt, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
McGuirt, David, 2016 online (*Glover), 82
McKenna, Richard Milton, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
2011 (*Douglass), 154-66
McLaurin, Tim, 2003 (Mills), 164-65
2011 (Hicks), 122-37
McNeill, John Charles, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
McRae, John, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Mebane, Mary E., 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Metcalf, Paul, 1995 (*Alexander), 142-145
Meyers, Susan Laughter, 2017 (*Wilhelm), 94-95
2018 online (Presnell), 95
Miller, Arthur, 2014 (Cecelski), 48-59
Miller, Jim Wayne, 1997 (Chappell), 7-13
Mills, Jerry Leath , 2013 (Simpson), 156-62
Mooney, James, 2016 (Church), 110-14
2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
Moore, Lenard D., 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2015 online, 106-107
Winter 2025, 27
Moore-Cummings, Wendy, 2023 (Cory), 2-17
Morgan, Robert, 2010 (Shurbutt), 30-43
Morley, Hilda, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
Morrill, David, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Mott, Jason, 2019 (Larson), 36-42
Winter 2022 (Bauer), 10-11
Murray, Pauli, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2000 (Rankin), 7-20
2004 (Bucher), 59-73
Murray, Savannah Paige, 2021 online, 95

Naipaul, V.S. , 2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
Neely, Barbara, 2004 (Arnold), 79-84
Nieman, Valerie, Winter 2023, 53
Niven, Penelope, 2019 online (Niven), 178
Nordan, Robert, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-23
Odum, Howard, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
2002 (Shires), 183-88
Olmsted, Stanley, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Olson, Charles, 1995 (Rumaker), 56-66
1997 (Williams), 28-31
Oppenheimer, Joel, 1995 (Gilmore), 68-83
Oster, Jerry, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-23
Pacheco, Christina, 2023 (Haladay), 106-121
Page, Thomas Nelson, 1999 (Byerman), 98-105
Parker, Michael, 2012 online (Bauer), 70-71
2016 online, 53
2021 online, 114
Parker, Alan Michael, 2013 online, 117
Parris, Peggy, 1994 (*Hemley), 129-35
Patterson, Irania Macías, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Patterson, James, 2012 (Froula), 77-78
2012 (Hart), 59-76
Payne, David, 2005, (Osborne), 113-22
Spring 2024 (Orr), 50-67
Payson, William Farquhar, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Peake, Elmore Elliott, 2002(*Shires), 183-88
Pearson, Henry, 1996 (*Douglass), 26-44
Peterson, Margaret Williamson, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Peterson, Mattie J., 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Pettigrew, James Johnston, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Pierce, Ovid Williams, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
2007 (McMillian), 32-35
Plante, Brian, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Pollard, Eliza, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Pollet, Elizabeth, 1995 (Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Prévost, Antoine, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Price, Reynolds, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
2009 (Bailey), 213-22
2016 (Clark, Jr.), 164-78
2016 online (Clark, Jr.), 40-46

Rash, Ron, 2004 (Higgins), 49-58
2010 (Brown with Powell), 70-89
2011 (Smith), 111-20
2012 online (Putnam-Evans), 40-41
2016 (Higgins-Harrell), 64-70
2021 (Hanley), 116-27
2024 (Hagood), 44-55
Winter 2025, 28
Redford, Dorothy Spruill, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Reid, Christian, (born Frances Fisher Tiernan), 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Rhodes, William Henry, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Richards, Mary Caroline, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Riley, Sue Spaythe, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Roberts, Ralph, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
Roberts, Terry, 2018 online, 34
Robinson, Benjamin, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Rochelle, Warren G., 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
Rodman, Selden, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Roper, Moses , 1992 (Wilentz), 115-131
2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
Ross, James , 2013 (Hatcher), 164-85
Royall, Anne, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Ruark, Robert, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Rukeyser, Murial, 2003 (*Stott), 46-56
Russell, Julia Lowry, 2023 (Cory), 2-17
Ryan, Abram Joseph, 1999 (Robinson), 18

Sandburg, Carl, 2017 online, 88-89
Saunders, W.O., 2018 (Edwards), 40-51
Sawyer, Lemuel, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Sayid, Omar ibn, 1993 (Gantt), 180-82
Schaub, Mary, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Schaw, Janet, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Schnurr, Carla, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Schöpfels, Johann Wolfgang Andreas, 2003 (Hale), 44-45
Shackelford, Eleanor A. Putnam, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Shapiro, Alan, 2015 online, 106-107
Shiner, Lewis, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Shriver, Lionel, 2020 (Walker), 84-97
Simpson, Bland, 2012 online (Mills), 52-53
2016 (Dixon), 122-28
2018 online, 39
Fall 2022, 82
Winter 2023, 32-33
Sloan, Christine, 2003 (*Carawan), 48-55
Smart, Christopher, 1996 (Brewster), 117-19
Smith, Betty, 2017 (Bridgers), 140-53
Smith, Lee, 1998 (Massey), 11-19
2008 (*Thomas), 117-130
2014 (Stave), 98-111
2015 online, 50
2021 (Colley), 22-37
2024 (Summerlin), 56-77
Fall 2024 (Eckard), 22-33
Smith, Stephen, 2019 online, 52
Smith-Soto, Mark, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
Spencer, Elizabeth, 2009 (Richards), 86-67
2009 (Roberts), 85-92
Squire, Elizabeth Daniels, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Standish, Ali, 2018 online, 54-55
Steele, Max, Winter 2023, 29-30
Stephenson, Shelby, 2015 online (*Bauer), 125-127
2017 online, 88-89
Stockard, Henry Jerome, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Stokely, James, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Strange, Robert, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
2002 (*Shires), 183-188
Swimmer, Eddie, 2019 online (Robinson), 96

Talbot, Mary Elizabeth, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Taliaferro, Harden E., 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
2008 (Mace), 43-48
2008 (Martin), 36-42
Taylor, Peter, 1996 (Chappell), 45-54
2022 (Dempster), 18-33
Thomas, Dicey, 1995 (*Taylor), 232-35
Thomas, Ethel , 1996 (Kratt), 154-67
Thompson, Paul , 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Throop, George Higby (also known as Gregory Seaworthy), 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Tourgée, Albion W., 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
1993 (*Buckner), 151-162
Truong, Monique Thuy-Dung, 2004 (Yousef and Monteith), 113-122
2015 (Price), 50-64
2015 online (Hinrichson), 23-25
Turchi, Peter , 1994 (*Hemley), 128-35
Turnage, Shelia, 2017 online, 83
Valladares, Banu, 2013 online (*Conwell), 6-11
van Name, Mark, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Verne, Jules, 2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Wagner, Karl Edward, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
1995 (Hunter), 238-39
1995 (Patterson), 237-238
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Walker, David, 1992 (*Wilentz), 115-131
Wall, Mary Virginia, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Wallace, Daniel, 2019 online (*Bennett), 119
Wallace, Ian, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Wallace, Robert, 2016 online (Glover), 83
Ward, Vernon, 2007 (Miller), 128-31
Warren, Marsha White, 2019 online (*Eubanks), 76-81
Winter 2022 (Walker), 70
Washington, Howard, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Watts, Stephanie Powell, 2019 (Hawkes/Butler; Cory), 6-18; 19-30
2020 (Butler, Hawkes), 120-33
Weatherford, Carole Boston, 2019 online, 33
Winter 2023, 30-31
Winter 2025 online, 63
Weil, Gertrude, 2018 online, 83
Weil, Susan, 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
Wellman, Manly Wade, 1993, 99-100
1993 (Coble),
1993 (Duncan), 87-98
1993 (Hunter), 107-108
1993 (Ragan), 106
1993 (Smith), 65-71
1993 (Wellman), (55-64)
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
2002 (Ogilvie), 32-37
Welty, Eudora, 2013 online (Douglass), 62-63
West, John Foster, 2000 (Higgins), 195-203
2003 (Carawan), 48-55
2016 (Higgins-Harrell), 48-53
Wheeler, A.O., 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Whelchel, Jude, 2017 (*Wilhelm), 99-103
White, John, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-45
Whitham, Grace, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Whittlesey, Sarah Johnson Cogswell, 2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Wiley, Calvin Henderson, 1992 (*Sparrow), 138-145
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
Williams, Alicia D., Winter 2025 online, 60
Williams, Michael G., 2021 online, 107
Williams, Samm-Art, 2014 online (Robinson), 72
Williams, Tennessee, 2009 (Saddik), 53-65
Williams, Vera B., 1995 (*Redmond), 95-97
2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Wilson, Emily Herring, 1993 (*Buckner), 151-62
Wilson, William Thomas, 2005 (*Smith and Bauer), 62-70
Wold, Allen, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Wolfe, Thomas, 1993 (Magi), 163-68
1994 (Bentz), 199-205
1995 (Mitchell), 214-15
1996 (*Max), 82-93
1997 (Ware), 173
2000 (*Idol), 142-50
2000 (M. Morgan), 131-41
2000 (R. Morgan), 151
2002 (Wheaton with Blythe), 7-19
2002 (*Shires), 183-88
2003 (Spencer), 78-86
2008 (Idol), 49-58
2011 (*Hicks), 122-37
2023 (Hovis), 144-59
Wood, Ira David, 2015 online, 87
Wordsworth, William, 2015 (*Applewhite), 67-75
Wolpe, Hilda Morley, 2002 (*Wheatley), 61-80
Wright, Mary Herring, 2024 (Steverson), 6-19
Wright, Stuart, 2012 (Chappell), 178-188
2012 (Douglass), 186

Zachary, Hugh, 1993 (*Coble and Albright), 101-105
2001 (*Rochelle), 7-20
Zuber, Isabel, 2007 (*Knotts), 142-49
Created/Compiled by Jessica Forbes, Intern, 2010
expanded/reformatted by Mayee Zhu, Editorial Assistant, 2020