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Dictionary of North Carolina Writers

One of the most popular features in the North Carolina Literary Review is the serialized “Dictionary of North Carolina Writers.” Begun by John Patterson in 1992 and continued and expanded by Lorraine Robinson from 1998 to 2007, the dictionary has taken an inclusive approach to listing the writers of belles lettres in North Carolina: those who were born in, worked in, or wrote about the Old North State in their creative works. Additionally, some persons connected with important publishing efforts and journalists whose work was renowned for its style and tone are also included. 

In 2007, the editor remarked to founding editor Alex Albright that we had finally “finished” the Dictionary, concluding with an entry on Jose Zuniga. Alex smiled and noted that it was a project that should go on continuously, as the entries of the living writers would have to be continuously updated, and new writers continuously added. After a moment of chagrin, we agreed, and we do plan updates and expansions, here on our website, as staffing and funds allow. 

In the meantime, here we list the writers that have been included in the published “Dictionary” installments of our back issues, the year next to their names indicating which issue to find their entries.



Abernethy, Arthur Talmadge (1992)
Abernethy, Jr., Charles Laban (1992)
Adamic, Louis (1995)
Adams, Alice (1992)
Adcock, Elizabeth Sharp “Betty” (1992)
Adkins, Janet (1992)
Albertson, Catherine (2002)
Alderman, Edwin Anderson (1992)
Allen, Sarah (Pearson) Sawyer (1992)
Alley, Felix Eugene (1992)
Ammons, Archie Randolph (1992)
Anders, Shirley Bowers (1995)
Angelou, Maya (1992)
Applewhite, James William (1992)

Archdale, John (1992)
Armfield, Eugene (Morehead) (1992)
Aronson, Stuart (1992)
Arthur, John Preston (1992)
Ashe, Samuel A’Court (1992)
Athas, Daphne (1992)
Atkins, Stuart (1992)
Atkinson, IV, Lawrence “Rick” Rush (1992)
Atwood, Calvin Wayne (1992)
Austin, Neal Fuller (1992)
Avery, Isaac Erwin (1992)
Avirett, James Battle (1992)
Abbott, Anthony S. (1992)

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Baily, (Dykeman) Waldron (1992)
Baker, Sharlene (1992)
Banks, Russell Earl (1995)
Banning, Margaret Culkin (1992)
Barbour, Ruth P. (1995)
Barker, Benjamin (2002)
Barlowe, Sir Arthur (1992)
Barrax, Gerald William (1992)
Bartlett, Paul (1992)
Bartram, William (1992)
Bassett, John Spencer (1992)
Basso, Joseph Hamilton (1992)
Bathanti, Joseph (1992)
Battle, Kemp Plummer (1992)
Bayes, Ronald H. (1992)
Beam, Jeffery (1992)
Beaman, Joyce Proctor (1992)
Beecher, John (2002)
Beeler, Dollie Freeman (1992)
Bell, Corydon Whitten (1992)
Bell, Mae Woods (1992)
Bellamy, Joe David (1995)
Bentley, Eric Russell (1995)
Betts, Doris Waugh (1992)
Bevington, Helen Smith (1992)
Biggs, Walter (1992)
Bird, William Ernest (1992)
Bizzaro, Patrick (1992)
Bjorkman, Edwin August (1992)
Blackburn, Alexander Lambert (1995)
Blackburn, William Maxwell (1995)
Blackstock, Walter (1992)
Blair, John Fries (1992)
Blake, Lillie Devereux (1992)
Bledsoe, Jerry (1992)
Blythe, [William] LeGette (1992)
Boner, John Henry (1993)
Borden, Mattie Fuller (1993)
Boyd, James (1993)
Boyd, William Kenneth (1993)
Boyd, William L[ee] (1995)

Boyer, [Richard Lewis] Rick (1993)
Braggs, Earl S. (1995)
Brandon, Evan (1993)
Branson, Eugene Cunningham (1993)
Brantley, Russell (1993)
Brenner, Wendy (2002)
Brickell, John (1993)
Bridgers, Anne Preston (1993)
Bridgers, Sue Ellen (1993)
Britt, Suzanne (1993)
Brittain, William Bill (1993)
Brockman, Zoe Kincaid (2002)
Brody, Harry (1993)
Brookhouse, Christopher (1993)
Brooks, Bruce (1993)
Brooks, Eugene Clyde (1993)
Brown, Aycock (1993)
Brown, Frank Clyde (1993)
Brown, Grey (1993)
Brown, Linda Beatrice (1993)
Brown, Nancy Keen (1993)
Brown, William Hill (1993)
Browning, Dixie Burrus (1993)
Browning, Raymond (1993)
Bryant, H[enry] E[dward] C[owan] (1993)
Buckner, Sally [Beaver] (1993)
Burch, Robert (1993)
Burch, Viola [Seltz] and Ruth Dorval Jones     (1993)
Burgess [Wilson], [John] Anthony (1995)
Burgwyn, Mebane Holoman (1993)
Burke, Thomas (1993)
Burnett, Frances [Eliza Hodgson] (1993)
Burns, Sherman [Skip] (1993)
Burt, [Maxwell] Strothers (1993)
Burt, Katharine Newlin (1993)
Buttitta, Anthony [Tony] J. (1993)
Byars, Betsy [Cromer] (1993)
Byer, Kathryn Stripling (1993)
Byrd, [Samuel] Sam Armanie (1993)
Byrd, William (1993Bache, Ellyn (1992)
Baddour, Margaret Boothe (1992)

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Caldwell, Erskine (1993)
Campbell, Mary Belle (1993)
Cannon, Marion (1993)
Cantrell, Lisa W. (1995)
Card, Orson Scott (1993)
Carr, John (1993)
Carroll, [Archer] Latrobe (1993)
Carroo, Ayodele [Tara] (1993)
Carson, Rachel (2002)
Cash, W[ilbur] J[oseph] (1993)
Caudle, Neil (1993)
Cecelski, David (1995)
Chappell, Fred [Davis] (1993)
Chase, Richard (1993)
Chatham, James O. (2002)
Cherry, Kelly (1993)
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell (1993)
Chess, Richard (1995)
Childers, David C[hristian] (1994)
Childers [Jr.], Max [Lamar] (1994)
Chiltoskey, Mary U. (1995)
Chitwood, Michael (1994)
Chunn, Leona Hayes (1994)
Claiborne, Jack (1994)
Clarke, Mary Bayard (1994)
Clarke, William John (1994)
Cleaver, Vera and Bill Cleaver (1994)
Clingman, Nixon Poindexter (1994) Cobb, Lucy MariaCobb, Lucy Maria (1994)
Cobb, Needham Bryan (1994)

Cobb, William E[dward] (1994)
Coffin, Oscar Jackson (1994)
Cole, Peggy Bennett (1995)
Coleman, Elliott (1994)
Coleman, Thaddeus Charles (1994)
Conn, Alicia M. (1994)
Connor, R[obert] D[iggs] W[imberley] (1994)
Conyers, Marshall (1994)
Cooke, Nancy [Stone] (1994)
Cooney, Caroline B. (1994)
Copeland, Helen [Masson] (1994)
Corkran, David (1995)
Cotten, Bruce (1994)
Cotten, Sallie [Swepson Sims] Southall (1994)
Coulter, E[llis] Melton (1995)
Councill, William Hooper (1994)
Councilman, Emily Sargent (1994)
Cox, Elizabeth (2002) and (1994)
Cranford, Fred P. (1994)
Craven, Braxton (1994)
Credle, Ellis (1994)
Creech, Wilbur [Lewis] (1995)
Creecy, Richard Benbury (1994)
Creeley, Robert (1994)
Crisp, Lucy Cherry (1994)
Crow, Jeffrey J[ay] (1995)
Crowe, Thomas Rain [formerly Thomas Dawson]      (1995)
Crowther, Hal (2002)
Cushman, Rebecca (1994)

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Dabbs, Ethyl Thomas  (1994)
Dahlberg, Edward T[heodore] (1995)
Daly, Betty Miller (1994)
Daly, John Augustin (1994)
Daniel, III, Hal Jefferson (1995)
Daniels [Inman], Lucy (1994)
Daniels, Jonathan Worth (1994)
Daniels, Josephus (2002) and (1994)
Dargan, Olive Tilford (1994)
Davenport, Jr. Guy [Mattison] (1994)
Davidson, Cathy N[otari] (1995)
Davidson, Chalmers Gaston (1994)
Davis, Burke (1994)
Davis, Donald (1995)
Davis, Paxton (1995)
Davis, Rebecca Blaine Harding (1994)
Davis, Terry [Terrence Albert] (1995)
Davis-Gardner, Angela (1994)
Dawson, Fielding [“Fee”] (1994)
Dayton, Irene Catherine (1994)
De Leon, Thomas Cooper (1994)
De Mille, Cecil Blount (1994)
De Mille, Henry Churchill (1994)
Deagon, Ann [Fleming] (1994)
Dean, Benjamin Hawkins (2002)
DeBlieu, Jan (1995)
Deems, Charles Force (1994)
Delaney, Sarah [“Sadie”] and Elizabeth (1995) 
deMille, William Churchill (1994)

Dessen, Sarah (2002)
Devany, Ed (1995)
Devereux, Catherine Ann [Kate] (1995)
Dickson, Sally O’Hear (2002)
Dillard, Richard (2002)
DiSanto, Grace [Johanne] (1994)
Dischell, Stuart (1994)
Dixon, Dorsey Murdock (2002)
Dixon, Jr., Thomas W. (1994)
Doar, Harriett Fraser (1994)
Dobbs, Arthur (2002)
Dodd, Susan M. (2002)
Dodson, James (2002)
Dorfner, John J. (1995)
Dorn, Ed (1995) and Dorn, Edward (1994)
Dotson, Raymond P. (1994)
Douglass, John Jordan (1994)
Dowd, James Edward (2002)
Downer, Hilda (2002)
Downing, Frances [Murdaugh] (1994)
Drake, David (1994)
Draughon, Esther [Johnson] (1995)
Drumgolle, Peter (2002)
Duberman, Martin (1994)
Dugger, Shepherd Monroe (1994)
Duncan, Pamela (2002)
Duncan, Robert [Edward] (1995)
Durban, Pam (2002)
Dykeman, Wilma (1994)

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Earnshaw, Edith [Taylor] (1995)
Eaton, Charles Edward (1995)
Eaton, William Clement (1995)
Edgerton, Clyde [Carlyle] (1995)
Edson, Russell (1995)
Ehle, Jr., John [Marsden] (1995)
Ellenwood, Henry Small (1995)

Erdman, Marian W. (1995)
Erskine, Emma Payne (1995)
Ervin, Jr. Samuel J[ames] (1995)
Escott, Paul D[avid] (1995)
Ethridge, Willie Snow (1995)
Evans, Eli (2002)

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Fay, Julie (1996)
Fearing, Bertie Carlyle Edwards (1996)
Ferrell, Anderson (1996)
Fiawoo, Gershon Bumuwa (1996)
Fields, Julia (1996)
Filene, Peter [Gabriel] (1996)
Fitch, William Edwards (1996)
Fitzgerald, [Francis] Scott {Key] (1996)
Fitzgerald, Oscar Penn (1996)
Fitz-Simons, Foster (1996)
Fletcher, Inglis (1996)
Flowers, Linda (1996)
Flynn, Keith (2002)
Flynt, Candace (1996)

Foote, William Henry (1996)
Foote (Jr.), Shelby (Dade) (1996)
Forbus, Ina B[ell] (1996)
Foster, [Michael] A[nthony] (1996)
Fowler, Malcolm (1996)
Franklin, John Hope (1996)
Frazer, William Henry (1996)
Freeman, Grace Beacham (1996)
Fries, Adelaide Lisetta (1996)
Fry, Jesse (1996)
Fuller, Edwin Wiley (1996)
Fuller, Jr. R[ichard] Buckminster (1996)
Fulton, David Bryant [also Jack Thorne] (2002)
Fulwood, III, [Samuel] Sam [Levi] (1996)

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Gales, Joseph (2002)
Gales, Winifred Marshall (1996)
Garrison, Webb (1996)
Gassé, Zebulan Lucian (1996)
Gaston, William (1996)
Gay, James (1996)
Gee, Pattie Williams (1996)
Gerard, Philip (1996)
Gibbons, Kaye (1996)
Gibson, Grace [Evelyn Loving] (1996)
Gilchrist, Ellen (2002)
Gillespie, Joseph H. (1996)
Gingher, Marianne (1996)
Godfrey, Jr. Thomas (1997)
Godwin, Gail (1997)
Goerch, Carl (1997)
Goforth, Frances Annabel (1997)
Gold, Daisy [Hendley] (1997)
Golden, Harry [Lewis] (1997)
Goldhurst, Richard (1997)

Goldman, Judy (1997)
Gordon, Caroline (1997)
Gotschaulk, Felix (1997)
Grace, Eugene Vernon (1997)
Graham, Billy [William Franklin] (1997)
Greaves, Charles Luther (1997)
Green, Charlotte Hilton (1997)
Green, Elizabeth Lay (1997)
Green, Jaki Shelton (1997)
Green, John Patterson (2002)
Green, Louis W[allace] (1997)
Green, Paul [Eliot] (1997)
Greene, Harlan (1997)
Greenfield, Eloise (1997)
Grey, Robert Waters (1997)
Grimsley, Jim (2002)
Gurganus, Allan (1997)
Gurkin, Kathryn Bright (1997)
Guy, David (1997)
Gaillard, Frye (2002)  

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Haas, B[enjamin] L[eopold] (1997)
Haley, Alex (2002)
Hall, Alonzo Cleveland (1997)
Hall, Clement (1997)
Halme, Kathleen (2002)
Hamberlin, Lafayette Rupert (1997)
Hamilton, Joseph Grégoire de Roulhac (1997)
Hamilton, William Baskerville (1997)
Hanes, Frank Borden (1997)
Hannum, Alberta Pierson (2002)
Hanson, Howard Gordon (1997)
Harden, John William (1997)
Hardison, Jr. O[sborn] B[ennett] (1997)
Hardré, Jacques (1997)
Hardy, William [Marion] (1997)
Hargrave, Richard (1997)
Hargrove, Marion (1997)
Harmon, William R[uth] (1997)
Harper, Howard M[orrall] (1997)
Harrell, William Bernard (1997)
Harriot [also Hariot or Harriott], Thomas (1997)
Harris, Bernice K[elly] (1997)
Harris, Caroline [Carrie] Aiken Jenkins (1997)
Harris, Hunter Lee (1997)
Harris, Max F[rank] (1997)
Hartley, Lodwick [Charles] (1997)
Hathaway, James Robert Bent (1997)
Hawkins, Walter Everette (2002)
Hawks, Francis Lister (1997)
Hay, Jr., James (1998)
Haydn, Hiram Collins (1998)
Hayes, Hubert Harrison (1998)
Haywood, Marshall DeLancey (1998) 
Heartt, Heartt, Heartt, Dennis (1998)
Heck, Fannie Exile Scudder (1998)
Heckler, Jonellen (2002)
Hedden, Worth Tuttle (1998)
Heffernan, Jr. Thomas Carroll (1998)
Helper, Hardie Hogan (1998)
Helper, Hinton Rowan (1998)
Hemley, Robin (1998)
Henderson, Archibald (1998)
Henderson, Jr., Thomas (1998)

Henderson, Philo (1998)
Henderson, William McCranor (1998)
Hendricks, William C. (1998)
Henry, O. [also William Sydney Porter] (2003)
Hentz, Caroline Lee Whiting (1998)
Herrington, William D. (1998)
Hewitt, Andrew (1998)
Heyward, DuBose (1998)
Hickerson, Thomas Felix (1998)
Hicks, Mary A. [also Mary Hicks Hamilton] (1998)
Hill, Daniel Harvey (1998)
Hill, Jr. Daniel Harvey (1998)
Hill, Theophilus Hunter (1998)
Hilton, William (1998)
Hines, Jr. Carl Wendell (1998)
Hodge, Abraham (1998)
Hodge, John [pseudonym Goose Quill] (2002)
Hodges, Betty A. (1998)
Hoffmann, Margaret Jones [also Peggy Hoffmann] (1998)
Hogan, Judy (1998)
Holden, Joseph William (1998)
Hollingsworth, Jesse (1998)
Hooks, William H. (1998)
Hooper, Archibald Maclaine (1998)
Hooper, Johnson Jones (1998)
Hooper, William (1998)
Hopkins, Lila (1998)
Horton, George Moses (1998)
Housekeeper, Mrs. William G. (1998)
Houston, Gloria (1998)
Houston, Noel (2002)
Howell, Rednap (1998)
Hudson, Arthur Palmer (1998)
Hughes, [Harvey] Hatcher (1998)
Hulme, Frances Pledger (1998)
Hunt, Mabel Leigh (1998)
Hunter, Charles Norfleet (1998)
Hunter, Cyrus Lee (1998)
Hunter, Kermit (1998)
Hurmence, Belinda (1998)
Hyman, Mac (1998)

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Inborden, Thomas Sewell (1999)
Inman, Robert (1999)
Inman, Will [also William Archibald McGirt, Jr. and Bill McGirt] (1999)

Iredell, Sr. James (1999)
Ivey, Thomas Neal [also Bildad Akers] (1999)

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Jackson, Mary Anna Morrison (1999)
Jackson, Walter Clinton (1999)
Jacobs, Harriet Ann [also Linda Brent, among other pseudonyms] (1999)
Jarrell, Randall (1999)
Jeffers, Lance Plippin (1999)
Jensen, Margaret T[weten] (1999)
Jernigan, Thomas Roberts (1999)
Johnson, F[rank] Roy (1999)
Johnson, Gerald White [also Charles North] (1999)
Johnson, Guy B. (1999)

Johnston, Mary (1999)
Jones, H[ouston] G[wynne] (1999)
Jones, Joseph Seawell [“Shocco”] (1999)
Jones, Loyal (1999)
Jones, Nellie Rowe [also Nellie M. Rowe] (1999)
Jones, Simmons (1999)
Jones, Sr., Hamilton Chamberlain (1999)
Jordan, Judy (2002)
Joyner, Edmund Noah (1999)Jackson, Jesse J[asper] (1999)

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Kaufman, Wallace (1999)
Kelly, Susan S. (2002)
Kenan, Randall (1999)
Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont (1999)
Kenney, Richard (1999)
Kephart, Horace Sowers (1999)
Kessel, John [Joseph Vincent] (1999)
Key [Hill], Alexander (1999)
Kimzey [Hatch], Ardis (1999)
King, Florence (2002)
King, Henry (1999)
Kingsbury, Theodore Bryant (1999)

Kirkland, Winifred Margaretta [also James Priceman] (1999)
Kizer, Carolyn (1999)
Kjelgaard, Jim [James Arthur] (1999)
Knox, Joe (1999)
Knox, Rosa Bell (1999)
Koch, Dorothy (1999)
Koch, Frederick Henry “Prof” (1999)
Kratt, Mary [Norton] (1999)
Krawiec, Richard (2002)
Kroll, Harry Harrison (1999)
Kuralt, Charles (1999)

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Lancaster, Marshall (2000)
Lander, Samuel (2000)
Lane, Lunsford (2000)
Lane, Ralph (2000)
Langston, John [Jonathon] Dallas (2000)
Lanier, Sidney Clopton (2000)
Lanman, Charles (2000)
Laprade, William T. (2000)
Lassiter, Rena Bingham (2000)
Latham, Edythe (2002)
Lathrop, Virginia Terrell (2000)
Lautermilch, Steven J. (2000)
Laws [also Lawes], R[omulus] Don (2000)
Lawson, John (2000)
Lazarus, Rachel Mordecai (2000)
Lederer, Johann [John] (2000)
Lefler, Hugh Talmadge (2000)
Lehman, Emma Augusta (2000)
Lemay, Thomas J. (2000)
Lembke, Janet (2000)

Lentricchia, Frank (2002)
Leon, Mita [Mrs. Robert W. Riverbark] (2000)
Leonard, Burgess (2000)
Lewbart, Greg[ory] A[ldo] (2000)
Lewis, [Cornelia] Nell Battle (2000)
Liddell, [Anna] Forbes (2000)
Lincoln, C[harles] Eric (2000)
Lindsay, Sarah (2000)
Liner, Amon (2000)
Linney, Romulus (2000)
Lockridge, Richard (2000)
Long Lance, Buffalo Child [Sylvester Clark Long]     (2000)
Long, Robert Hill (2000)
Loring, William Wing (2000)
Love, Spencie (2000)
Luby, James (2000)
Ludvigson, Susan (2000)
Lumpkin, Grace (2000)Lacy, William Sterling (2000)

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MacKay, Amanda (2000)
Macleod, Norman (2000)
MacNeill, Ben Dixon (2000)
MacNelly, Jeff (2000)
MacRae, John [Iain MacMhurchaidh] (2000)
Maden, Mary (2000)
Maginnes, Al (2000)
Makuck, Peter (2000)
Malone, Jr., E[lmer] T[aylor] [Ted Malone] (2000)
Malone, Michael [Christopher] (2000)
Manly, Alex (2002)
Mann, Albert W[illiam] (2002)
Marlette, Doug (2000)
Maron, Margaret (2000)
Marsh [Longmeyer], Carole (2000)
Marshall, Robert K. (2000)
Martell, Joanne (2000)
Martin, François [Francis] Xavier (2000)
Martin, Leonora Montiero (2000)
Mason, May Ann Bryan (2000)
Mathabane, Mark (2000)
McClanahan, Rebecca (2001)
McCorkle, Jill [Collins] (2001)
McCorkle, Sarah Tallulah [Lutie] Andrews (2001)
McCorkle, William Parsons (2001)
McCoy, Millie-Christine (2001)
McCrumb, Sharyn (2001)
McCullers, Carson (2001)
McCulloh, Henry (2001)
McCullough, Rose Goode (2002)
McDonald, Agnes (2001)
McDonnell, Jane Taylor (2001)
McDowell, Silas (2001)
McFee, Michael (2001)
McGirt, James (2001)
McGuinn, Rex (2001)
McKenna, Richard Milton (2001)
McKoy, Millie-Christine (2001)
McLarin, Kim (2002)
McLaurin, Tim (2001)
McMillan, Hamilton (2001)
McMullan, Thomas Shelton (2001)

McNeill, John Charles (2001)
McRee, Griffith John (2001)
Meader, Stephen W. (2001)
Meads, Kat (2001)
Mebane, George Allen (2001)
Medawar, Mardi Oakley (2001)
Meekins, Daniel Victor (2001)
Melbourn, Julius (2001)
Meredith, Hugh (2001)
Merrick, Elliott (2001)
Metcalf, Paul (2001)
Michaux, François André (2001)
Micklejohn, George (2001)
Miller, Heather Ross (2001)
Miller, Helen Topping (2001)
Miller, Jim Wayne (2001)
Mills, Quincy Sharpe (2001)
Mitchell, Joseph (2001)
Moncure, Jane Belk (2001)
Moody, Shirley (2001)
Moore, Bertha B. [also Brenda Cannon, Betsy McCurry, and Bertha B. McCurry] (2001)
Moore, Hight C (2001)
Moore, John Wheeler (2001)
Moore, Lenard D. (2001)
Moore, MariJo (2001)
Moore, Marinda B. (2001)
Moose, Ruth (2001)
Mordecai, Ellen [also Esther Whitlock] (2001)
Mordecai, Ellen deceased, daughter (2001)
Morehouse, Kathleen (2001)
Morgan, Robert (2001)
Morrah, Dave (2001)
Morrill, David (2002)
Mumford, Laurence Quincy (2001)
Murfree, Mary [also Charles Egbert Craddock]     (2001)
Murphy, John Albert (2001)
Murphy, Spencer (2001)
Murray, Pauli (2001) 
Murrow, Edward (originally Murrow, Edward (originally Edgar) R(oscoe) (2001)

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Naumoff, Lawrence [also Peter Nesovich] (2003)
Nash, Frances Frank
Newton, Suzanne (2003)

Nolan, Han (2003)
Norris, Hoke (2003)
Nye, Edgar Wilson [Bill] (2003)

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Odum, Howard Washington (2003)
Ogburn, Dorothy (2003)
Ogburn, Jacqueline K. (2003)
Olmsted, Frederick Law (2003)
Olmsted, Stanley (2003)
Olson, Charles (2003)

Oppenheimer, Joel (2003)
Otis, James [also James Otis Kaler] (2003)
Owen, Jr. Guy (2003)
Owen, Howard (2003)
O’Leary, Patsy Baker (2003)
O’Leary, Patsy Baker (2003) 

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Page, Walter Hines (2003)
Pahlow, Gertrude (2003)
Palmer, Michael (2003)
Parker, Gwendolyn (2003)
Parker, Jr., James E. (2003)
Parker, Mary Elizabeth (2003)
Parker, Michael (2003)
Parson, Donald (2003)
Patton, Frances Gray (2003)
Paul, Hiram Voss (2003)
Payne, [William] David (2003)
Payne, Anne Blackwell (2003)
Payne, Peggy (2003)
Peace, Samuel Thomas (2003)
Peacock, Nancy (2003)
Pearson, James Larkin (2003)
Pearson, T. R. (2003)
Pearson, William Simpson (2003)
Peattie, Ella Wilkinson, also Maria Cahill
Percy, Walker (2003)

Petroski, Catherine (2003)
Pierce, Constance [also Constantine Pierce]  (2003)
Pierce, Ovid (2003)
Pinckney, Diana (2003)
Poate, Ernest M. (2003)
Polk, William T[annahill] (2003)
Polsky, Thomas (2003)
Pool, Maria Louise (2003)
Pope, Deborah (2003)
Porter, Joseph [Joe] Ashby (2003)
Poteat, Jr., Edwin McNeill (2003)
Powell, Dannye Romine (2003)
Powell, Mark (2003)
Powell, Talmage (2003)
Powell, William Stevens (2003)
Pratt, Minnie Bruce (2003)
Pressfield, Steven (2003)
Price, [Edward] Reynolds (2003)
Price, Charles F. (2003)
Proffitt, Frank Noah (2003)

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Rabb, Margaret (2004)
Ragan, Samuel Talmadge (2004)
Raleigh [also Ralegh], Sir Walter (2004)
Rash, Ron (2004)
Ravenel, Shannon (2004)
Raymond, René (2004)
Raymond, Zillah [also Lou H. Frayser] (2004)
Reavis, Cheryl [also Cinda Richards] (2004)
Redding, Jay Saunders [also J. Saunders Redding, Saunders Redding] (2004)
Reddy, T. J. (2004)
Redford, Dorothy Spruill (2004)
Reeves, Campbell (2004)
Rehder, Jessie Clifford (2004)
Reichs, Kathy [Kathleen J.] (2004)
Reid, Christian [Frances Christine Fisher Tiernan]     (2004)
Rettke, Marian Pope [also Anne Devon and Marian Devon] (2004)
Rhett, Kathryn (2004)
Rhodes, William Henry [also W. H. Caxton] (2004)
Rice, John Andrew (2004)
Richardson, Howard (Dixon) (2004)
Ricks, Peirson (2004)
Rigsbee, David (2004)
Ripley, Clements [Clem] (2004)
Ripley, Katharine [Kattie] Ball (2004)

Roberts, Elizabeth Bond (2004)
Roberts, Nancy (2004)
Robinson, William H. (2004)
Rochelle, Warren (2004)
Rockwell, James Chester (2004)
Rockwell, Kiffin Yates (2004)
Rogers, Dennis (2004)
Rogers, Gloree (2004)
Rogers, Lettie H. (2004)
Rooke, Leon (2004)
Roper, Moses (2004)
Ross, Ann B. (2004)
Ross, Fred (2004)
Ross, James (2004)
Rounds, Glen [Harold] (2004)
Rountree, Susan Byrum (2004)
Royster, Vermont Connecticut (2004)
Ruark, Gibbons (2004)
Ruark, Jr., Robert [Bobby] Chester (2004)
Rubin, Jr., Louis D. [Decimus] (2004)
Rudder, Virginia [also Virginia Love Long] (2004)
Rudner, Lawrence (2004)
Rumaker, Michael (2004)
Russell, [Charles] Phillips (2004)
Russell, Anne (2004)
Rust, Rebecca Ball (2004)

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Sadler, Mary Lynn Veach (2005)
Safransky, Sy (2005)
Said, Omar ibn (2005)
Salinger, Herman (2005)
Sandburg, Carl (2005)
Saterstrom, Selah (2005)
Sauls, Roger (2005)
Saunders, Barry (2005)
Saunders, W. O. [William Oscar] (2005)
Sawyer, Lemuel (2005)
Schaw, Janet (2005)
Schulman, David (2005)
Scott, Joanna Catherine (2005)
Seay, III, James [Jim] E. (2005)
Sedaris, Amy (2005)
Sedaris, David (2005)
Segrest, Mab (2005)
Selch, Andrea (2005)
Shabazz, Phillip (2005)
Shaber, Sarah (2005)
Shapiro, Alan (2005)
Sharp, Paula (2005)
Sharpe, Stella Gentry (2005)
Sharpe, William [Bill] Pleasants (2005)
Shelnutt, Eve (2005)
Shepard, James Biddle (2005)
Sherrill, Steven (2005)
Shivers, Louise (2005)
Siddons, Anne Rivers (2005)
Siegel, Robert (2005)
Siegel, Robert Anthony (2005)
Siman, Ken (2005)
Simms, William Gilmore (2005)
Simpson, Bland (2005)
Simpson, Judith H. [with June Haydon, as Rosalind Foxx and Sara Logan] (2005)
Sims, Marian (2005)
Sink, Alice E. (2005)
Slaughter, Frank G. [also C. V. Terry] (2005)

Sledd, Benjamin (2005)
Smith, Betty (2005)
Smith, Doris Buchanan (2005)
Smith, Lee (2005)
Smith, Michael (2005)
Smith, R. [Rodney] T. (2005)
Smith, Stephen E. (2005)
Smith-Beattie, Sara (2005)
Smith-Soto, Mark (2005)
Snow, A. C. (2005)
Snow, Leo (2005)
Sparks, Nicholas (2005)
Spearman, Walter (2005)
Spence, James R. (2005)
Spence, June (2005)
Spencer, Elizabeth (2005)
Squire, Elizabeth Daniels (2005)
Stallings, Laurence (2005)
Steele, Max (2005)
Steele, Wilbur Daniel (2005)
Stem, Jr., Thad (2005)
Stephenson, Shelby (2005)
Stewart, Leah (2005)
Stick, David (2005)
Stockard, Henry Jerome (2005)
Stone, Bruce (2005)
Stout, Wilbur (2005)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (2005)
Strange, Robert (2005)
Street, James Howell (2005)
Street, Julia Montgomery (2005)
Strother, David Hunter (2005)
Stryk, Dan (2005)
Styron, William (2005)
Suberman, Stella (2005)
Suk, Julie (2005)
Sullivan, Chuck [Charles] (2005)
Summerrow, Dorothy Edwards (2005)
Sumner, Mark R. (2005)

Back to Top


Talbot, Hake [Henning Nelms] (2006)
Talbot, Mary Elizabeth (2006)
(Talliaferro), Hardin Edwards (2006)
Tapp, Sidney C[alhoun] (2006)
Tarleton, Banastre (2006)
Tate, Eleanora E. (2006)
Tate, Suzanne (2006)
Taylor, Eleanor Ross (2006)
Taylor, James (2006)
Taylor, Matt and Bonnie (2006)
Taylor, Peter (2006)
Taylor, Roy G. (2006)
Taylor, Theodore (2006)
Tetel, Julie [also Julie Tetel Andresen & Julia Joyce] (2006)
Terrenoire, David (2006)
Thaden, Louise [Marcellus McPhetridge] (2006)
Thomas, Theresa Meroney (2006)
Thomasson, Clarissa (2006)
Thompson, Adele E[ugenia] (2006)
Thompson, William Tappan (2006)
Thorne, Jack [David Bryant Fulton] (2006)
Thornton, Marcellus Eugene (2006)
Throop, George Higby [also Gregory Seaworthy]     (2006)
Thruston [also Thurston], Lucy Meacham (2006)
Tidball, Mary Langdon [Dana] (2006)
Tilly, Nancy (2006)
Tippett, James Sterling [with Martha (Louise) (Kelly) Tippett] (2006)
Tisdale, Charles P. R. (2006)
Tobin, Juanita Brown (2006)
Tomlinson, Edward (2006)

Throop, George Higby [also Gregory Seaworthy] (2006)
Thruston [also Thurston], Lucy Meacham (2006)
Tidball, Mary Langdon [Dana] (2006)
Tilly, Nancy (2006)
Tippett, James Sterling [with Martha (Louise) (Kelly) Tippett] (2006)
Tisdale, Charles P. R. (2006)
Tobin, Juanita Brown (2006)
Tomlinson, Edward T(itworth) [also spelled Titsworth](2006)
Torrence, Jackie [Seals] (2006)
Torrey, R[euben] A[rcher] (2006)
Tost, Tony (2006)
Tourgée, Albion Winegar (2006)
Townsend, Meta Folger (2006)
Tracy, Don[ald Fiske] (2006)
Tracy, J. Perkins (2006)
Trowbridge, J[ohn] T[ownsend] (2006)
True, John Preston (2006)
Tryon, William (2006)
Tucker, Helen [Beckwith] (2006)
Tunis, John R[oberts] (2006)
Tupper, Tristram (2006)
Turchi, Peter (2006)
Turner, Orren Jack (2006)
Turner, Robert H[arry] (2006)
Turtledove, Harry [also Eric G. Iverson, Mark Gordian, Harry Turtletaub] (2006)
Tuttle, Louise Jennings (2006)
Tyler, Anne (2006)
Tyson, Bryan (2006)
Tyson, Timothy (2006)

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Udry, Janice May (2006)
Umberger, Jr. Randolph (2006

Urmston, John (2006)

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van Loon, Elizabeth (2006)
van Noppen, Leonard Charles (2006)
Vance, Robert Brank (2006)
Vance, Zebulon Baird (2006)
Vaughan, Frank [also Francis] (2006)
Vermont, Adolph (2006)

Verne, Jules (2006)
de Verrazano, Giovanni [also Verazzani and Verrazzano] (2006)
Vining, Elizabeth (Janet) Gray (2006)
Vollmer, Lula [Louisa Smith] (2006)
Vorse, Mary [Harvin] Heaton [O’Brien] (2006)

Back to Top


Waddell, Alfred Moore (2007)
Wagner, Karl Edward (2007)
Walden, Islay (2007)
Walker, [Robert] Lochlin [Loch] (2007)
Walker, Nona (2007)
Walker, Susan Eileen (2007)
Wall, Mary Virginia (2007)
Wallace, Daniel (2007)
Wallace, Ian [John Wallace Pritchard] (2006)
Wallace, Rudy (2007)
Wallin, Clarence Monroe (2007)
Walser, Richard (2007)
Walters, Thomas N. (2007)
Walz, Audrey Boyers [Francis Bonnamy] (2007)
Wann, Jim (2007)
Ward, Jr., Vernon A. (2007)
Warlick, Ashley (2007)
Warren, Cathy (2007)
Warren, Edward (2007)
Wartski, Maureen [also Rebecca Ward, Sharon Frances, Evelyn Shannon, and Francine Shore] (2007)
Washburn, Claude Carlos (2007)
Watkins, Shirley (2007)
Watson, Robert (2007)
Weatherford, Carole Boston (2007)
Weaver, John V. A. [Van Alstyne] (2007)
Weaver, Jr., Richard Malcolm (2007)
Webb, Mena Fuller (2007)
Webster, Henry Kitchell (2007)
Wechter, Nell [Carolyn] Wise (2007)
Weeks, Stephen Beauregard (2007)
Weems, David B. (2007)
Weir, James (2007)
Wellman, Manly Wade (2007)
Welter, John (2007)
Wertenbaker, Lael Tucker (2007) _West, John Foster (2007)
Wheeler, Arthur Oliver [A.O.W.] (2007)
Wheeler, Cindy (2007)
Whisnant, Luke [James Luther Whisnant, Jr.] (2007)
White, John (2007)
White, Mary Jane (2007)
White, Michael (2007)
White, (Peregrine) Pepper (2007)
White, Philo (2007)
White, Ruth (2007)
Whitham, Grace I. (2007)
Whitlow, Carolyn Beard (2007)
Whitney, Annie Weston (2007)
Whitney, Phyllis A. (2007)
Whitsett, William Thornton (2007)

Whitt, Annie Hall (2007)
Whittlesey [Smith], Sarah J. C. (Johnson Cogswell) (2007)
Wibberley, Leonard [also Leonard Holton, Patrick O’Connor, Christopher Webb] (2007)
Wicker, Tom [also Paul Connolly] (2007)
Wieland, Liza (2007)
Wiggins, Ella Mae (2007)
Wilder, Robert (2007)
Wiley, Calvin Henderson (2007)
Wilhelm, Helen Sanford (2007)
Wilkinson, Sylvia [also Eric Speed] (2007)
Willett [also Willet, J. Stanley Henderson, Carl Brent], Edward (2007)
Williams, Ben Ames (2007)
Williams, Edward (2007)
Williams, Jonathan (2007)
Williams, Maxville Burt (2007)
Williams, Philip Lee (2007)
Williams, Samm-Art (2007)
Williams, Tennessee [Thomas Lanier] (2007)
Williams, Vera (2007)
Wilson, Emily Herring (2007)
Wilson, Franklin [Frank] Inge (2007)
Wilson, Louis Round (2007)
Wilson, William Thomas (2007)
Winfield, Robert [Harold Glascock] (2007)
Winkler, Jörg [Julius] S. (2007)
Winslow, John (2007)
Winslow, Milton (2007)
Winston, Sr. Robert W. (Watson) (2007)
Wirt [Benson], Mildred Augustine [also Carolyn Keene] (2007)
Wise, John Sergeant (2007)
Wold, Allan (2007)
Wolfe, Thomas [Clayton] (2007)
Wolff, Jr. Miles (2007)
Womble, Walter (2007)
Woo, Alexander (2007)
Wood, Charles Barnette (2007)
Wood, Frances M. (2007)
Wood, III, Ira David (2007)
Wood, L.C. (Lydia) (Cope) (2007)
Woolson, Constance Fenimore (2007)
Worth, Kathryn (2007)
Worthington, Dennis (2007)
Wright, Barbara (2007)
Wright, Charles David (2007)
Wright, (Jr.), Charles (Penzel) (2007)
Wright, Watkins Eppes (2007)
Wyche, Blonnie Bunn (2007)

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Yates, Elizabeth (2007)  
Yoder, Edwin (2007)
York, John (2007)
York, Lynn (2007)
Youmans, Marly (2007)
Young, Charlotte (2007)

Young, Jon M. (2007)
Young, Perry Deane (2007)
Young, Stanley Preston (2007)
Younger, Barbara (2007)
Yount, Ila (2007)
Yount, John (2007)

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Zacharias, Lee (2007)
Zachary, Hugh [also Zack Hughes, Elizabeth Z] (2007)

Zuber, Isabel (2007)
Zuniga, Jose (2007)