Special Feature: Ethnic North Carolina
cover photography by Jim White;
design by Mary Hatch Thiesen
North Carolina’s Multicultural Beginnings in History and Lore
by E. Thomson Shields
“There’s always a story to tell”: Creating Tradition on Qualla Boundary
by Karen J. McKinney
Wachovia Wilds
a poem by Allison Hedge Coke
Adantis, Land of Melded Cultures: An Interview with Marly Youmans
by Bes Stark Spangler
“The Sea as Destination”
a poem by Philip Arnold
art by Tim Bruce
“anything but surrender”: Preserving Southern Appalachia in the Works of Ron Rash
by Anna Dunlap Higgins
The Binding Ties between Women, their Art, and the Mountains
a review by Joyce Compton Brown
Pauli Murray: A Case for the Poetry
by Christina G. Bucher
clay; big hair, fat kitchen, lean loc; kodak moments; and burn cork bop
four poems by Cherryl Floyd-Miller
art by Shelton Bryant and Sharon Barksdale-Worth
Place in the Family
a poem by L. Teresa Church
art by John Biggers
Investigating Social Injustice: BarbaraNeely’s Blanche White Mysteries
by Ellen Arnold
Waiting for America and Isaac in Durham
two poems by Mendi Lewis Obadike
art by Sharon Barksdale-Worth
Wind Song and Rhythmic Feet
two poems by Lenard D. Moore
art by John Biggers and Sharon Barksdale-Worth
Actaeon and Diana
a poem by Alan Shapiro
photography by Frank Hunter
Out of the Diaspora: Alan Shapiro on Poetry, Community and Life in the South
an interview by Sheryl Cornett
Origins and Closure: An Interview with Ariel Dorfman
by Robert Siegel; introduced by Stuart W. Sanderson with Lorraine Hale Robinson
“I was Pearl and my last name was Harbor”: Monique Thuy-Dong Truong’s “Kelly” and Ethnic Southern Memory
by Nahem Yousaf and Sharon Monteith
Yankees and Indians
an essay by Jennifer Vivekanand
photography and design by Jennifer Vivekanand
Creative Writing
St-Paul-de-Vence and Water Street
two poems by Michael White
photography by Henry Stindt and Jim White
Doing Justice
an essay by Lee Zacharias
photography by Candice Drohan
On the Hinge
an essay by Meredith Anton
photography and design by Dana Ezzell Gay
Love Song, Gryllinae
a poem by Julie Kate Howard
art by Susan Luddeke
Flashbacks: Echoes of Past Issues
“in the kitchen”; or, The Things I Might Have Learned from Ed Dorn
by Bill Morris
Food Finds
A View from the Kitchen: The Other Side of the Swinging Door
by Lorraine Hale Robinson
Book Reviews
A Revisionist Perspective on the American Revolution in the South
a review of President Jimmy Carter’s The Hornet’s Nest
by Ed Piacentino
“attached to life at all four corners”
a review of new novels by Michael Malone and Isabel Zuber
by Kristina Knotts
Seeking and Surviving
a review of recent short story collections by Joe Ashby Porter, Kat Meads, and Deborah Cumming
by Sally Lawrence
Family Reunions of Words
a review of recent collections of creative nonfiction by Tony Earley and Rebecca McClanahan
by Maryscot Mullins
Talking Back; or, “an irreverent retort”
a review of Fred Chappell’s Backsass
by Michael Poteat
North Carolina Writers
Tom and Betsy’s Family: Tobacco People, Memory, and Vernacular History
by Charles D. Thompson and Mary Williams Barnes
photography by Charles D. Thompson and Robert Puckett
Dictionary of North Carolina Writers, Rabb to Rust
by Lorraine Hale Robinson
NC Newsbriefs
by Maryscot Mullins
2003-2004 Student Staff
Editorial Assistants
Pamela Walker Dees
Josette Michelle Downey
Maryscot Mullins
Susan Butler
Ryan Fulcher
Amber Kirby
Mary Catherine Knight
Amanda Phillips
Stuart W. Sanderson

Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537