Special Feature: Children’s and Young Adult Literature in North Carolina
Cover art by Karen Lee
The Patchwork Princess of the Great Dismal Swamp
by Carole Boston Weatherford
illustrated by Molly Windsor
Smitten by Victoriana: Randall Kenan’s Down East Boyhood with Books, Storytelling, and the Power of Language
by Sheryl Cornett
Eleanora E. Tate on her Literary Inspiration
Mary Ann Bryan Mason’s Literary Milestone: A Wreath from the Woods of Carolina
by Maurice C. York
“[Her] destiny lay in the land”: An Overview of the Literature of Mebane Holoman Burgwyn
by Sarah Davis
a children’s story and illustrations by Mebane Holoman Burgwyn
“spreading out all the rocks and treasure and creepy crawlies”: An Interview with Frances O’Roark Dowell
by Angela Leeper
Eleanora E. Tate on her Ideal Audience
“about a girl”: An Interview with Sarah Dessen
by Anthony James Holston
Sarah Dessen’s Cautiously Optimistic Realism: Decades Beyond the Teen Problem Novel
by Laureen Tedesco
Gender Understanding in Young Adult Literature: Reading Jill McCorkle’s Ferris Beach
by Barbara Bennett
“skill and caring and, yes, passion”: Louise Hawes’s Formula for Writing Fiction
an interview by Lisa Morgan
Young Reader Apathy: Assessing the Causes and Posing Solutions with Barbara Bennett, Eleanora E. Tate, and Elizabeth McDavid Jones
by Stephanie West-Puckett
Flashbacks: Echoes of Past Issues
Hatteras Blues: Greatness and Grace on the Edge
by Ronald Wesley Hoag
Reconciliation and Return: A.R. Ammons’s Poetry as Autobiography
by Ted Olson
The North Carolina Poems of A.R. Ammons
by Alex Albright
Snake Girl
a short story by John Kessel
illustrated by Joan Mansfield
creative nonfiction by Michael Parker
photography by Will Cook
Devil Girl from Mars
a poem by Brenda Hammack
art by Scott Eagle
Creative Writing
Harried, Hairy, and Harrowing
an epistolary essay by Mary Moss
Sweet Diana
a poem by Daniel Saalfeld
photography by Will Cook
The Purple Monster
a poem by Bill Duvall
art by Louis St. Lewis
The Snow Queen’s Story and Co-Dependent God Poem
two poems by Brenda Mann Hammack
art by Walter Piepke
Second Helpings, 1968 and Blue, Part II of IV
two poems by Charles Israel, Jr.
art by Richard Stenhouse
Red Poppy and Like a Shell the Body Opens
two poems by Henrietta Chaussee
art by Barbara Fisher
Notes on Voice
a poem by David Welch
art by Christine Siegfried
Somehow Kin, North Carolina 1957
a poem by Nora Shepard
photography by R.H. Sturges
Mall Awaking
a poem by Dan Stryk
photography by Jim White
Rehearsal: Achibald MacLeish’s JB
a poem by Gary Ettari
art by Henryk Fantazos
Food Finds
Love, Death, and Sweet Potato Biscuits
by David Cecelski
photography by Sandra Carawan
Pass the Collards, Please!: Writing about East Carolina Culinary Traditions
North Carolina Sweet Potato and Pork Stew—or Sweet Potato Stew (vegan)
a recipe by Lorraine Hale Robinson
Book Reviews
Tales from the “Other” White South
a review of historical memoirs by Timothy B. Tyson and Karl Fleming
by Nicole Nolan Sidhu
Hero, Interrupted
a review of Clyde Edgerton’s flying memoir
by Tonita Branan
In Place and Out
a review of Thomas Rain Crow’s Ragan Cup-winning memoir
by Ronald Wesley Hoag
A “book of pages waiting to be turned”
a review of Minnie Bruce Pratt’s selected poems collection
by Christina G. Bucher
“Reckon[ing] up losses”
a review of two new James Applewhite collections
by Patrick Bizzaro
Novel Revisits Real-Life Catastrophe in Small Town
a review of Laurence Naumoff’s Raleigh historical novel
by Philip Gerard
Family Physics
a review of Haven Kimmel’s latest novel
by Sally Lawrence
The Enchanting World of Adantis
a review of a sequel by Marly Youmans
by Sara K. Day
North Carolina Writers
Dictionary of North Carolina Writers, Talbot to Vorse
by Lorraine Hale Robinson
NC Newsbriefs
2005-2006 Student Staff
Editorial Assistants
Elizabeth Corson
Marinella Macri
Tommi Powell
Damien Aldacosta
Barrett Jarvis
Emily Jordan
Nicole Keech
Sally Peed
Stephanie Ross
Marjorie Saia
Amanda Winar

Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537