Special Feature: North Carolina on the Map and in the News
cover design by Dana Ezzell Lovelace
Pushcart Nomination
W.A Polf
The Notorious and the Noteworthy in the Old South
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“…even in the middle of the darkest chapters of our history, we have much to be proud of here in North Carolina, including talented writers who use their pens (or keyboards) to fight against discrimination.”

Allan Gurganus: Two Tributes
- Homage to THE Allan Gurganus
by Margaret D. Bauer
- Celebrating Allan Gurganus, “Our Author”
by Leverett T. Smith, Jr.
Crafting Local Souls: The Metafiction of Allan Gurganus
by Zackary Vernon
Foodways and the Story of North Carolina
a review by Joanne Joy
Vivian Howard, Deep Run Roots
Randall Kenan, The Carolina Table
Lift Every Voice
a review by Walter Squire
Wiley Cash, The Last Ballad
The Biltmore’s Unlikely Hero
a review by Teresa Bryson
Robert Beatty, Serafina and the Black Cloak
a poem by Janet Joyner
art by Carol Retsch-Bogart
With Eyes to See It
a review by Zackary Vernon
Ron Rash, Above the Waterfall
Redemption in the Imprisoning Mountains
a review by Savannah Paige Murray
Ron Rash, The Risen
Terry Roberts Receives James Still Award
In it for Life
a review by Anna Dunlap Higgins-Harrell
Mae Miller Claxton and Rain Newcomb, eds.
Conversations with Ron Rash
Sea, Sand, and Human Hands
a review by Alton Ballance
David Blevins, North Carolina’s Barrier Islands
Karen Willis Amspacher and Barbara Garrity-Blake, Living at the Water’s Edge
Bland Simpson Receives 2017 Caldwell Humanities Award
a short story by Leah Hampton
art by Donald Sultan
Giving Fictional Shape to History
a review by Kristina L. Knotts
Robert Morgan, As Rain Turns to Snow and Other Stories
Wolfe Award Goes to Debut Novelist
Inside the Mind of Reynolds Price
a review by James W. Clark, Jr.
Alex Harris and Margaret Sartor,
Dream of a House: The Passions and Preoccupations of Reynolds Price
Extraordinary Misadventures
a review by Barbara Bennett
Daniel Wallace, Extraordinary Adventures
North Carolina, My Kith, My Home
by Ali Standish
Exemplary EbzB Team Receives Hardee Rives Award
presentation remarks by Lorraine Hale Robinson
Flashbacks: Echoes of Past Issues

Reconnections and Remembrances
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“As editor, I enjoy reconnecting with people from past issues and finding out what they’ve been up to since they were last in our pages – some recently, others many years ago.”
“You must always have an ‘Alex’”: How a Wrong Turn Became the Right Place
by Emily Herring Wilson
In Memoriam: Thomas E. Douglass
by Alex Albright
A Portrait of Pauli
a review by Christina G. Bucher
Rosalind Rosenberg, Jane Crow
Chopping Weeds
a poem by Lenard D. Moore
art by David C. Driskell
Memories for Safekeeping
a review by L. Teresa Church
Lenard D. Moore, The Open Eye
Glenis Redmond, What My Hand Say
Love Letters and Wedding Dress Ashes
a poem by Marty Silverthorne
art by Courtney Johnson
Growing up in the Blue Ridge: The Lives of Two North Carolina Mountain Writers
a review by Gene Hyde
Wilma Dykeman, Family of Earth
Gregory S. Taylor, James Larkin Pearson
Spreading Awe: Childhood and Heritage
a review by Sarah Huener
Joseph Bathanti, The 13th Sunday after Pentecost
Michael McFee, We Were Once Here
The Ragan Old North State Award
presentation remarks by D.G. Martin
Farm Nights
a poem by Annie Frazier
art by Jensynne East and Phoebe Lewis
Beyond the Moon and the Stars
a review by F. Brett Cox
John Kessell, The Moon and the Other
Fifty Shades of Minotaur
a review by George Hovis
Steven Sherrill, The Minotaur
Takes His Own Sweet Time
New Memories of the Old Jim Crow
a review by Garrett Bridger Gilmore
Danny Johnson, The Last Road Home
Never Ceasing to Be Ourselves
a review by Donna A. Gessell
Kat Meads, In This Season of Rage and
Melancholy Such Irrevocable Acts as These
In Memoriam
Joseph Bathanti Remembers Kathryn Stripling Byer
Barbara Presnell Remembers Susan Laughter Meyers
with poetry by Shelby Stephenson
Sacred Anthems: Familial Relations and Military Service
a review by Hannah Crane Sykes
Barbara Presnell, Blue Star
An Overlook in a Poet’s Corner: The Occasion of “Selected and New Poems”
a review by Eric C. Walker
Mark Cox, Sorrow Bread
In Memoriam
June Guralnick Remembers Sally Buckner
a poem by Shelby Stephenson
North Carolina Miscellany
These are a Few of my Favorite Things
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“The writers included in this section reflect some of the most rewarding aspects of my job as NCLR Editor: publishing work by and about new writers who give so generously of their time in service to other writers.”

a short story by W.A. Polf
art by Heather Evans Smith
“Various and Complex”: Keeping Composed
a review by Celeste McMaster
Alice Fulton, Barely Composed
Dark Wonder
a review by Laura Sloan Patterson
Gabrielle Brant Freeman, When She Was Bad
Portrait: Wesley and Elvina Settling, 1901
a poem by Nicole Stockburger
art by Sallie White
How Memory Heals
a review by Grace C. Ocasio
Irene Blair Honeycutt, Beneath the Bamboo Sky
Of Leaving and What Remains Behind
a review by Hannah Crane Sykes
Patricia Hooper, Separate Flights
Fairytale Rules for the 21st Century Woman
a poem by Christina Clark
art by Rachel Elia and Alec Campbell-Barner
NCLR Editor Receives 2017 North Carolina Award for Literature
introduced by Michele Walker
Nominations from this Issue
Best of the Net
Christina Clark
Annie Frazier
Janet Joyner
Lenard D. Moore
Marty Silverthorne
Nicole Stockburger
Leah Hampton
2017–18 Student Staff
Editorial Assistants
Ryan Smith
Omar Sutherland
Harley Beechner
Amber Colbert
Elizabeth Grimsley
Samantha Grzybek
Autumn Gunsley
Hannah Hensley
Max Herbert
Kristen Williams
Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537