Writers Who Teach; Teachers Who Write
cover art by Joan Mansfield;
cover design Dana Ezzell Lovelace
The Many Hats a North Carolina Writer Wears
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“My own passion for both teaching and writing and my appreciation for those who do both inspired the special feature topic I chose for my twenty-fifth year as NCLR Editor.”

One Hell of a Book (By a North Carolina Writer) Receives the National Book Award for Fiction
by Margaret D. Bauer
“The Black Condition” in Hell of a Book
a review by Helen Stead
Jason Mott, Hell of a Book
Borrowed Light
a poem by Kelly Jones
art by Rand Kramer
People Constructed of Pain and Grief
a review by Jim Coby
Wiley Cash, When Ghosts Come Home
Mixed Messages: A Southern Childhood
a poem by Sylvia Freeman
art by Charles Alston
New Fiction Reckons with Landscape of Change
a review by Kristina L. Knotts
Naima Coster, What’s Mine and Yours
Kevin McIlvoy, One Kind Favor
a poem by Charles Murray
art by Lacey McKinney
They Have Been at Something, Some Carrion, a Deer or Such
a review by Jimmy Dean Smith
Vicki Lane, And the Crows Took Their Eyes
First Published Novel by a Member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
Receives 2021 Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award
by Margaret D. Bauer
Linking the Common and the Uncanny
a review by Lisa Wenger Bro
Jen Fawkes, Tales the Devil Told Me
You Can Come Home Again – and Be Lauded:
Jim Grimsley Receives 2021 Hardee Rives Dramatic Arts Award
by Lorraine Hale Robinson
An Interview with Rock ’n’ Roll Novelist Christy Alexander Hallberg
by George Hovis
The Eye
a poem and photography by Michael Loderstedt
Listen to the poem here. ?
An Unsung Legend
a review by Max Kilgore
Tracy Deonn, Legendborn
More Than a Haircut
a poem by Gwen Priest
art by Moriah LeFebvre
Stories about Growing Up
Black and Female in America
a review by Mark I. West
Alica D. Williams, Genesis Begins Again, Jump at the Sun, and Shirley Chisholm Dared
Ghazal: Reflection and We Think of Night as Still
two poems by Lavonne J. Adams
art by Carmen Grier and Alicia A. Armstrong
A Roving Search for Provisions of Any Kind
a review by Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Rose McLarney, Forage
A Reading Full of Light
a review by John Zheng
Gideon Young, my hands full of light
Why I Flinch at the Thought of Daylight Squandered
a poem by Justin Hunt
art by Linda Foard Roberts
Poems of Love and Loss
a review by James W. Kirkland
Anthony S. Abbot, Dark Side of North
a poem by Mark Smith-Soto
art by Francisco Gonzalez
Charting Grief, Seeking Solace
a review by John Lang
Faith Shearin, Lost Language
Debut Novel by Halli Gomez
Wins NC AAUW Award
Turning Reality on Its Head
a review by Grace C. Ocasio
Pat Riviere-Seel, When There Were Horses
Maureen Sherbondy, Dancing with Dali
Love – and Mushrooms and Zooms – in the Ruins
an essay by Caroline Rash
art by Sue Holder Rash
Listen to the essay here. ?
Timothy B. Tyson Receives 2021 North Carolina Award for Literature
by Michele Walker
Being Christian, Being Jewish
a review by Judy Goldman
Mirinda Kossoff, The Rope of Life
J.J. 1985
a poem by Sandra Dreis
art by Jesse Murry
A Year of Collected Notes: Storytelling Sublime
a review by Donna A. Gessell
Kat Meads, Dear Deedee
a poem by Charles Dodd White
art by Kenny Nguyen
The Transformational Potential of Writing
a review by Monica Carol Miller
Karen Salyer McElmurray, Voice Lessons
2021 Crittenden Award, Well-Deserved Honor for “Mr. North Carolina,” Robert G. Anthony, Jr.
by John Blythe
Calling the Bluff on Show-Don’t-Tell
a review by Laura Hope-Gill
James Tate Hill, Blind Man’s Bluff
art by Cynthia Bickley-Green
Tireless and Selfless Promoter of North Carolina Literature Alex Albright: Recipient of the 2021
John Tyler Caldwell Award for the Humanities
presentation remarks by Margaret D. Bauer
A Lifetime’s Labors
acceptance remarks by Alex Albright
Flashbacks: Echoes of Past Issues

Back Issue Bonanza
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“In this section, find reviews of books by writers we’ve published – Allan Gurganus’s selected stories collection and Ed Southern’s memoir – and on the subject of previous content – Popcorn Sutton. Enjoy poems by writers who have been James Applewhite Poetry Prize finalists before: J.S. Absher, Priscilla Melchior, and Benjamin Pryor. And here too we pay our respects to North Carolina’s much lauded and beloved mystery writer, Margaret Maron, and her husband, Joe, who passed away within months of each other this past year.”
That ye be not judged: A Remembrance of Margaret and Joe Maron
by D.G. Martin
Gluttons for Local Color
a review by Zackary Vernon
Allan Gurganus, The Uncollected Stories of Allan Gurganus
Memory’s Songbook
a review by Anna McFadyen
Jill Caugherty, Waltz in Swing Time
Two New City-Set Novels
a review by James W. Clark, Jr.
L.C. Fiore, Coyote Loop
Terry Roberts, My Mistress’ Eyes Are Raven Black
Telling Her Story
a review by Sharon E. Colley
Heather Frese, The Baddest Girl on the Planet
Lost in the Maze of Genre
a review by Dale Bailey
Michael Amos Cody, A Twilight Reel
Tim Garvin, A Dredging in Swann
Flower of Zeus
a poem by J.S. Absher
art by Meredith Hebden
Confederate Memorial Day
a poem by Priscilla Melchior
art by Stephen L. Hayes, Jr.
Listen to the poem here. ?
The Ladder
a poem by Benjamin Pryor
art by Chris Foley
The Vitruvian Outlaw
a review by Jessica Martell
Neal Hutcheson, The Moonshiner Popcorn Sutton
A Tale of Two Souths
a review by Fred Hobson
Ed Southern, Fight Songs: A Story of Love and Sports in a Complicated South
North Carolina Miscellany
New Voices
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“Both Emily Dunlap Carter, whose submission last year was selected by final judge Michael Parker for second place, and Eve Odom, selected for Honorable Mention, are new to our pages, and Eve reports that this is her first publication. . . . I remind you here that the North Carolina Miscellany section of our issues allows us to publish interviews with and essays on new writers – and not so new but previously uncovered by NCLR.”

Sandspurs and Briars, I
an essay by Emily Dunlap Carter
Semi Shallow
an essay by Eve Odom
art by Peter Butler
Nominations from this Issue
Best of the Net
Eve Odom
Carolina Rash
Lavonne Adams (“Ghazal: Reflection”)
Sandra Dreis
Justin Hunt
Kelly Jones
Gwen Priest
Charles Dodd White
Francisco Gonzalez
Carmen Grier
Lacey McKinney
Orison Books’ Best Spiritual Literature anthology
J.S. Absher
Lavonne Adams (“We Think of Night as Still”)
Sylvia Freeman
Kelly Jones
John Burroughs Nature Essay Award
Eve Odom
Caroline Rash
Fall 2021 Student Staff
Editorial Assistant
Megan Smith
Sarah Godfrey
Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537