If you have given to NCLR and you do not see your name in this list, we apologize. Please let us know at NCLRStaff@ecu.edu, and we will add it immediately. Thank you all for your support!
Greg Abashian
Jeffrey Abernathy
Heather Bell Adams
Anne Albright
Donald Albright
American Foundation
Sarah Anderson
Susan Anderson
William Andrews
Anne Anthony
Robert C. Anthony, Jr.
James and Jan Applewhite
Frances L. Ashburn
Terah Archie
Betty Bailey
Mary L. Ballance
Miles and Lynn Barefoot
Joseph Bathanti
Margaret D. Bauer
Jeffery Beam
Angela Belcher Epps
Rita Berman
Richard Betz
Alexander and Arianna Blakeslee
Lisa Raymond Blakeslee
Karen Turnage Boyd
Christina Butcher
Wayne Caldwell
Barbara Campbell
Malcolm Campbell
Catherine Carter
Christina Chia
James W. Clark, Jr.
Coastal Plains Writing Project
David Cecelski
Fred and Susan Chappell
Kim Church
City Art Gallery of Greenville, NC
Community Foundation of Western NC
Sharon Colley
Sheryl Cornett
Greg Cox
Nancy McDuffie Cox
Mary Dalton
Jennifer and Michael Daugherty
Emily Monk Davidson
Kelly Davis
Jack P. and Tina Griffin Deason
Katrina Denza
Collett Dilworth
Dowdy Student Stores, ECU
Cindy Dunlow
Sarah B. Earley
Walter and Carolyn Eaton
Paula Eckard
David and Alison Hay Edgerton
J. Wilbert and Marianna Dow Edgerton
Georgann Eubanks
Cindy Putnam Evans, in memory of Sue Holder Rash
Keith Farish
Benjamin Fountain
Charles Frazier
Marianne Gingher
Paul Glister
Rebecca Godwin
Judt Goldman
Allan Gurganus
Molly Sentell Haile
DeWitt Hamilton
Leah Hampton
Janis Harrington
Trudier Harris
C. Brian and Tammy Helm
Melissa Herbert
Miriam Herin
James Hill
Robert Hill
Irene Honeycutt
Phillip and Grace Horne
Marjorie Hudson
Rachel Stroud Hunsinger
Eleanor W. and Robert Vernon Hunter
George and Blair Jackson
Fritz Janschka
Jeremy Jordan
Donna Kain
Debra Kaufman
Ronald Earl Kemp
Jon Kesler
Irvin Lawrence
Michael Loderstedt
Ila Logan
Sally Logan
Thomas Lombardo
Penelope D. Love
Jo Maeder
Jeffrey and Melissa Makala
Peter Makuck, in honor of Alex Albright
Michael Malone
Dominique Marshall
D. G. Martin
Purificación Martinez
Randall and Christie Martoccia
Holly F. Mathews and Ronald W. Hoag
Jill McCorkle
Patricia D. McDermott
Elizabeth McGuffey
McIntyre’s Fine Books
Sarah Meador
Kat Meads
William and Susan Meggs
Priscilla Melchoir
A. Miller-Claxton
Ron and Sarah Mitchelson
Marianne Montgomery
Janice Moore
Andrew Turner Morehead, Jr.
Betsy Moyer
Timothy Nixon
David Norwood
Katharine Osborne
National Association for Developmental Education, in honor of Margaret D. Bauer
North Carolina Writers Network
Mildred O’Kelley
Jan Parker
Michael Parker
Reid Allen Parker, II and Natalie Williams Parker
Laura Patterson
William Payne
William Polf
Barbara Presnell
William S. Price, Jr.
Benjamin Pryor
Edith and Cecil Rand
Ron V. Rash, III
Stacy Rideout
Eva Roberts
Terry and Lynn Keith Roberts
Lorraine Hale and Johnie Robinson
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Ralph and Nancy Scott
Andrew Scrimgeour
Ruth Gwynn Shaw
Zachary Sheppard
Edgar Shields
Edward Southern
Springmoor Library Fund
Springmoor Life Care Retirement Community, in honor of James W. Clark, Jr.
Shelby and Linda Stephenson
Linda Stevenson
Tracy Talbot
Karen Tanenberg
Michael Ray and Alice Taylor
David Terry
Harry Thomas
Amanda Tilley
Zackary Vernon
Donald Vickstrom
Wake Forest University
Daniel Wallace
Robert Wallace
Gwen Walters
Marsha and David Warren
Anita R. and Peter R. Watson
Kevin Watson
Judy Whichard
Friends of the Wilkes County Library, in appreciation of Margaret D. Bauer
Treesa and Nelson Wheeler
Rachel Williams
Emily Herring Wilson
Lorrin Willis
Sarah Ann Wilson
Thomas Wolf
In Memoriam
Michael Abu-Hatoum
James A. and Ruth Buckner Albright
Stephen Michael Allen
Kathryn Stripling Byer
Mary Belle Campbell
Bertie Edwards Fearing
Linda Flowers
Dorothy Z. Mills Hicks
Irvin C. Lawrence, Jr.
Jack Lindy Moore
Ovid Williams Pierce, Jr.
Marjorie Ragan
Sam Ragan
Elizabeth Daniels Squire
Manly Wade Wellman
If you have donated to NCLR and do not see your name on this list, please let us know.
Email NCLR or call the NCLR office: 252.328.1537

photograph by Cliff Hollis, ECU News Services
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537