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The Heart of the Stories We Share

Friday From The Archives: “Big Fish: The Myth and the Man” by Barbara Bennett from NCLR 2019 Online

Authors glean inspiration for their stories from all kinds of places. In Daniel Wallace’s latest, the memoir This Isn’t Going To End Well, his inspiration is his late brother-in-law. In this piece from 2019, Barbara Bennett takes us down a different road, seeing where mythology and storytelling served as inspiration for Wallace’s first novel, Big Fish.

A Daunting, but Successful First

Two years later, this beautiful issue has come together, and it is both what I imagined and different than what I imagined. Some pieces I solicited never came to fruition, and I received others that left me in awe of their brilliance.

Ghost Stories: An Interview With Khalisa Rae

Friday from the Archives: “The last ghost is always the lies that are told”: An Interview with Khalisa Rae Thompson by Maia L. Butler from NCLR Issue 31 (2022)

This week, we are continuing highlighting performance poetry for our first annual Jaki Shelton Green Performance Poetry Contest.