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Smith reviews Eubanks and Simpson

Saturday Review: “The Lands that Shape Us” a review by Evan Peter Smith in NCLR Online Spring 2025 of Georgann Eubanks’ Saving the Wild South: The Fight for Native Plants on the Brink of Extinction (2021) and Bland Simpson’s North Carolina: Land of Water, Land of Sky (2021) 

Crone Reviews Orr

Saturday Review: “Bringing the Hidden into the Light” a review by Moira Crone in NCLR Online Spring 2025 of Elaine Neil Orr’s Dancing Woman (2025) novel

Haspel reviews Ewen & Shields

Saturday Review: “Becoming the Lost Colony” a review by Donald Paul Haspel in NCLR Online Winter 2025 of Charles R. Ewen and E. Thomson Shields Jr.’s book, Becoming the Lost Colony (2024

“A Love to Die For”

Through this tale, we learn of the building passion between two friends who have just met. “And it was there, in the darkness before the rising of any moon, that Lamp looked deep into the eyes of the young man he had so carefully nurtured, whose love he had caused to grow the way a gardener grows fruit, and told him that he had a secret to reveal.”