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NC Writers’ Network Spring Conference

  • Events

NCLR will have a booth at the NCWN Spring Conference in Greensboro. And save the date: 5/13, Cherokee, NC: A Celebration of Cherokee writing from NCLR 2023

Abbate reviews Rice

Saturday Review: “Poetry of Place” a review by Chris Abbate in NCLR Online Winter 2024 of Forever Eighty-Eights (2022) by Molly Rice

Lang reviews White

Saturday Review: “Writing The Hurt” a review by John Lang in NCLR Online Winter 2024 of Charles Dodd White. A Year without Months (2022)

Monday Memories: Magical Realism in NC

Prepping for this interview, I had perused my bookshelves thinking, Now which of these Southern writers are from North Carolina? Then I grabbed a slim volume by Fred Chappell to read on the plane…

Vernon reviews Powell

Saturday Review: “To Love The South Surgically” a review by Zackary Vernon in NCLR Online Winter 2024 of The Late Rebellion (2024) by Mark Powell. “The Late Rebellion showcases Powell’s deep understanding of Southern cultures as well as his ability to distill the nuances of American life when everything around us seems precarious.”