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Collins Reviews Thomsen

Saturday Review: “The Book Of Whys” a review by Christie Collins
Melinda Thomsen. Armature (2021) in NCLR Online Winter 2024

“Armature asks readers to consider the commonplace alongside the remarkable,…”

A Novel of Purpose, Then and Now

Friday from the Archives: “Charles W. Chesnutt and the “province of literature”” by Paul Baggett from NCLR 23 (2014).

Going back a decade and revisiting our 2014 issue.

Allee Reviews Gardner

Saturday Review: “Mari and Jase’s Story: Honesty, Acceptance, and yes, Some Kissing”
a review by Jessica L. Allee of Kati Gardner Finding Balance (2020) in NCLR Online Winter 2024

NCLR’s Big Announcement for 2024

Via the broad audience of our online issues, digitizing the print issues for library subscription services, and, of course, social media, word about NCLR is getting out.

McClanahan To Judge Creative Nonfiction Contest

The North Carolina Literary Review is pleased to announce Rebecca McClanahan as the judge for this year’s Alex Albright Creative Nonfiction Prize Competition. The annual prize is awarded to the best short creative nonfiction story by a North Carolina writer or set in North Carolina.

Dunn Reviews Gomez

Saturday Review: “Living With Compulsions” a review by Patricia A. Dunn
Halli Gomez. List of Ten (2021) in NCLR Online Winter 2024
“The author’s own experience with
this disability brings an authenticity to Troy’s painful body movements and inner thoughts.”

Remembering Fred Chappell

Friday from the Archives: “Citizens Who Observe: A Conversation with Fred Chappell” by Sandy Sullivan from NCLR 7 (1998).

We join family, friends, and countless students in mourning the passing of beloved professor, former state poet laureate, and author Fred Chappell, who passed away this January.

Teaching & Reading for Empathy

Pulling this back around to our Teaching Tuesday and What We’re Reading Wednesday: I teach literature, which teaches empathy, which seems sorely lacking these days, and when I read inspiring writing, I want to share it.