Fine Art in NCLR
The NCLR Art Editor selects fine art by artists with North Carolina connections to complement much of the creative writing in our pages.
Note that all images are reproduced in black and white in our print issues (full color in online issues).
Artists and photographers from or in North Carolina or whose subject matter is North Carolina may direct the Art Editor to their websites to examine samples of their work.Send attachments only upon request.
Upon selection for publication, permission to reproduce and a 300 dpi at 4×6 inch .tif (preferred) or .jpg of the art/photograph will be requested.
NCLR is a nonprofit with a very limited budget, but we are determined to pay for the art, both the creative writing and the visual art, we reproduce in NCLR issues. We have budgeted $25 per fine artwork, up to $100, to the artists who allow us the privilege of featuring their work in our pages.
Artists/fine art photographers will be asked to complete a form via Docusign, giving NCLR permission to publish the art. Copyright for all images published in NCLR remains with the artist/photographer, gallery/museum, etc.

NCLR appreciates the artists and photographers who share their work with us.
Other Images in NCLR
Once an interview or essay (particularly literary criticism but also some some creative nonfiction) is accepted for publication, the editors will ask authors to help with acquiring relevant images to feature within the layout.
See back issues for ideas about what kinds of images to look for. We typically request at least one image per 500 words.
We usually use an author (subject) photograph and the book jacket of the literary work(s) referenced, as well as relevant historical and other photographs related to the content of the interview or essay.
NCLR editors and graphic designers ultimately choose which images will be featured within the layout. Authors should not purchase any image scans or rights until they have received the editor’s assurance that the image will be used.
Authors should provide complete caption (names, places, dates) and credit information (photographer and/or source giving permission to publish) and a completed permission rights form for any images they provide NCLR for use within the layout of their work. Download permission form template (Word). Another option is to provide the necessary information and connect rights-holder signatories to NCLR staff to handle via Docusign.
Images for the print issue must be submitted as .tif (preferred) or .jpg files, at least 300 dpi at 3×5 inches (or larger). Lower resolution files might be submitted for NCLR Online content.
Images may be submitted via email, but if your email cannot handle sending such large image files, images can be provided via OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, and other file sharing platforms (contact NCLR staff if you need assistance figuring out how to share large image file attachments with us).
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353 | 252-328-1537