We are seeking reviewers for the books listed below.
Book Reviewers, please email us (NCLRstaff@ecu.edu) if you are interested in writing a review. And please, read our book review guidelines.
Book authors, if your book is not on this list (and has not been previously reviewed in NCLR), a review may be in progress. But just in case, if the author or book has a North Carolina connection, please fill out the form on the right to have it added to this list. NOTE: no self-published / vanity press books, please.
Adler, Dahlia, Cool for the Summer (Wednesday Books, 2023)
Baker, Peter C., Planes (Knopf, 2022)
Barnhardt, Wilton, Western Alliances (St. Martin’s Press, 2023)
Bauer, John A., All The Bay’s Clams and All The Bay’s Men (Lysestrah, 2020)
Buck, Libby, Port Anna (Simon & Schuster, 2025)
Deaver, Mason, I Wish You All the Best (PUSH, 2019)
Ewing, Paige, Explosive Chemistry (City Owl Books, 2023)
Harris, Terah Shelton, Long After We Are Gone (SOURCEBOOKS Landmark, 2024)
Hudson, Patricia L., Traces (UP of KY, 2022)
Maren, Mesha, Perpetual West (Algonquin, 2022)
Maren, Mesha, Shae (Algonquin, 2024)
Moose, Ruth, The Goings on at Glen Arbor Acres (St. Andrews University Press, 2022)
Nell, Joslin, Measure of Devotion (Regal House Publishing, 2025)
Nevruz, Cori, Noxious (5310 Publishing, 2024)
Rhea, John, Lifer (Redhawk Publications, 2025)
Sefrin, Eliot, Port City (Pisgah Press, 2025)
South, Cris, Clenched Fists, Burning Crosses (1984, UNC Press, 2024)
Short Stories
Dickson, David C., Down to the Root (Redhawk Publications, 2024)
Dixon, Nathan, Radical Red (BOA Editions, 2025)
Nelson, Christopher L., Where You Are From (Redhawk Publications, 2025)
Oliver, Diane, Neighbors and Other Stories (Grove Atlantic, 2024)
Polf, W.A., Not the Same River (Atmosphere Press, 2024)
Sides, Bradley, Crocodile Tears Didn’t Cause the Flood (Montag Books, 2024)
Note that we would love it if you find more than one collection that you feel would work well to review together (if you later determine they don’t, you can write 2 separate reviews).
Abbate, Chris, Words for Flying (FutureCycle Press, 2022)
Bates, Jenny, Where the Deer Sleep (Hermit Feathers Press, 2022)
Bikulege, Vivian, How to Pray in Pittsburgh (Charlotte Lit Press, 2024)
Bonner, Hannah, Another Woman (EastOver Press, 2024)
Brown, Jaye Robin, The Key to You and Me (HarperCollins, 2022)
Brown, Joyce, Hard-Packed Clay (Redhawk Publications, 2022)
Brown, Les, Cold Forge (Redhawk Publications, 2022)
Copeland, Beth, Shibori Blue: Thirty-Views of The Peak (Redhawk Publications, 2024)
Crowe, Thomas Rain, Painting from the Palette of Love: The Mystical Poetry of Kabir (Shambhala Publications, 2023)
Cushman, Steve, The Last Time (Unicorn Press, 2023)
Dowdle, Morrow, Hardly (Bottlecap Press, 2024)
Downer, Hilda, When Light Waits for Us (Main Street Rag, 2021)
Downer, Hilda, Wiley’s Last Resort (Redhawk Publications, 2022)
Emerson, Claudia, Ungrafted (LSU Press, 2024)
Ferdon, Joel, The Arsonist’s Son (Louisiana Lit Press, 2024)
Gaspeny, Michael, Flight Manual: New and Collected Poems (Unicorn, 2023)
Gordon, Brett, If It Calls Your Name (Jack Wild Publishing, 2024)
Gow, Robin, Laternfly August (Driftwood Press)
Hoppenthaler, John, Night Wing Over Metropolitan Area (Carnegie Mellon UP, 2023)
Jones, Paul, Something Necessary (Redhawk Publications, 2024)
Kaufman, Britt, Midlife Calculus (Press 53, 2024)
Kaufman, Debra, God Shattered (Jacar Press, 2019)
Kaufman, Debra, Outwalking the Shadow (Redhawk Publications, 2023)
McIlvoy, Kevin Singing Lessons (Press 53, 2024)
McKoy, Sheila Smith, The Bones Beneath (Black Lawrence Press, 2024)
Meads, Kat, While Visiting Babette (Sagging Meniscus Press, 2025)
Moore, Lenard, A Million Shadows at Noon (Cuttlefish Books, 2023)
Moore, Lenard, LeJuane “El’Ja” Bowens, and Shannon C. Ward, Eds., A Path to Freedom: A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans (Longleaf Press, 2024)
Peck, Gail, In the Shadow of Beauty (Finishing Line Press, 2025)
Phillips, Lance, Devil-Fictions (BlazeVOX, 2023)
Pugatch, Ana, Engrams: Seven Years in Asia (Redhawk Publications, 2023)
Radavich, David, Here’s Plenty (Cervena Barva Press, 2023)
Rigsbee, David, Paradiso (translation) (Salmon Poetry, 2019)
Rigsbee, David, Watchman in the Knife Factory: New & Selected Poems (Black Lawrence Press, 2024)
Ringleb, Jayme, So Tall It Ends in Heaven (Tin House, 2022)
Robles, Tony, Where the Warehouse Things Are (Redhawk Publications, 2024)
Rouphail, Maria, All the Way to China (Fishing Line Press, 2022)
Rouphail, Maria, This small house, this big sky (Redhawk Publications, 2025)
Sherbondy, Maureen, The Body Remembers (Unsolicited Press, 2025)
VanderHart, Han, Larks: Poems (Ohio University Press, 2025)
VanderHart, Han, What Pecan Light (Bull City Press, 2021)
Way, Maura, Mummery (Press 53, 2023)
White, Ross, Charm Offensive (Black Spring Press, 2023)
Wickless, Bob, The Secret Care the World Takes (Orchard Street Press, 2023)
Wolff-Francis, Liza, 48 Hours Down the Shore (Kelsay, 2024)
York, John Thomas, The Charge (Redhawk Publication, 2024)
Ijames, James, Fat Ham (Theatre Communications Group, 2023)
Berry, Chris Aluka, Affrilachia: Testimonies (UP of Kentucky, 2024)
Brody, Inger S B, Jane Austen and the Price of Happiness (John Hopkins University Press, 2024)
Carden, Gary, Stories I Lived to Tell: A Memoir (UNC Press, 2024)
Carpenter, Nora Shalaway, Spinning Toward the Sun: Essays on Writing, Resilience, & the Creative Life (Burlwood Books, 2025)
Corren, Andy, Dirtbag Queen (Grand Central Publishing, 2025)
Erbsen, Wayne, Southern Mountain Music: The Collected Writings of Wayne Erbsen (MacFarland, 2025)
Erhardt, Marianne Jay, Lucky Bodies (Texas Tech University Press, 2025)
Griest, Stephanie Elizondo, Art Above Everything: One Woman’s Global Exploration of the Joys and Torments of a Creative Life (Beacon Press, 2025)
Harris, Trudier, Bigger: A Literary Life (Yale University Press, 2024)
Hitchcock, Shannon, Of Words and Water: The Story of Wilma Dykeman—Writer, Historian, Environmentalist (Reycraft, 2024)
Holsaert, Faith S., Ma Lineal: A Memoir of Race, Activism, and Queer Family (Wayne State UP, 2024)
Laux, Dorianne, Finger Exercises for Poets (W.W. Norton & Company, 2024)
Maxwell, Tom, A Really Strange and Wonderful Time: The Chapel Hill Music Scene: 1989-1999 (Hachette Books, 2024)
McCown, Clint, Mr. Potato Head vs. Freud (Press 53, 2021)
McKechnie, Shelley, ed., Stronger than the Storm: Hurricane Helene in Western NC (Haw Creek
Press, 2025)
Smith, Stephen E., The Year We Danced: a Memoir (Apprentice House, 2024)
Williams, Leslie, Matters for You Alone (Slant Books, 2024)
Speculative Fiction
Brown, Nick Allen, Beneath the Estate (Turner Publishing, 2024)
Chafin, Jill Amber, Shaken (Vine Leaves Press, 2025)
Collins, Carol Ann, The Seafarer’s Secret (Beaufort Books, 2024)
Deaver, Jeffery, Hunting Time (Penguin Random House, 2024)
Kasper, Jason, Lethal Horizon (Severn River Publishing, 2024)
Miller, Suzanne Crain, Temperatures (Winding Road Stories, 2023)
Newman, Christopher J., By Way of Paris (Roundfire Books, 2024)
Sirois, A.L., Murder in Mennefer (Regal House Publishing, 2024)
Slocumb, Brendan, Symphony of Secrets (Anchor Books, 2023)
Sullivan, Archer, The Witch’s Orchard (Minotaur Books, 2025)
Wrenn, Ana K, Strange Attractors (Ylva Publishing, 2022)
Children’s and YA Literature
Baldwin, Carol, Half-Truths (Monarch Educational Services, 2025)
Bartlett, Stacey, Free Sings the Sea (Monarch Educational Services, 2024)
Beatty, Robert, Sylvia Doe and the 100-year Flood (Disney Hyperion, 2024)
Carpenter, Nora Shalaway, Fault Lines (Running Press Kids, 2023)
Deaver, Mason, I Wish You All the Best (PUSH, 2019)
Harris, Tevis, When Things Pass Away (Bookbaby, 2025)
Heyes, Eileen, Bountiful Red Acres (NC Office of Archives and History, 2023)
Liu, Jennie, The Red Car to Hollywood (Carolrhoda Lab, 2025)
Palmer, Caroline, Camp Prodigy, (Simon & Schuster, 2024)
Rathbone, Sandra, Skelee Boy and the Demon King, Book 2 of the Skelee Boy: A Skelee Boy Book Series (Level Elevate, 2024)
Specht, Amie D., Dancing in the Storm (Penguin Random House, 2024)
Standish, Ali, The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall (Harper Collins, 2023)
Theodore, Adrea, A History of Me (Neal Porter Books, 2022)
Tucker, Talia, Solo Stan (Kokila Books, 2025)
Vacharat, A. A., This Moth Saw Brightness (Dutton Books for Young Readers, 2025)
Wheeler, Rebecca W., When Mama Grows With Me (Belle Isle Books, 2024)
Whitley, Jeremy, Navigating with You (Maverick, 2024)
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that your book will be selected for review. Even if it is selected by a reviewer, we request a copy from your publisher to be sent for review consideration. Read more about our book reviews here.