Special Feature: Celebrating 25 years of the North Carolina Literary Review
cover design by Dana Ezzell Gay
Pushcart Nominations
L. Teresa Church
25 Years of NCLR, 5 Years of NCLR Online
section introduction by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor
“It did take twenty years before we were able to produce two issues a year, but here – and this surprises me – “already” is our fifth issue of NCLR Online.”

North Carolina Connections:
An Interview with NCLR Editor Margaret Bauer
by Zackary Vernon, with Annie Frazier Crandell
and Donna Kain
Poet as Stripper
a poem by Nancy Womack
art by Dana Ezzell Gay
Roots in the Bible
a poem by Marty Silverthorne
art by Jim Jacobs
North Carolina Writers Rooted in Place
a review by Joanne Joy
Marianne Gingher, ed., Amazing Place:
What North Carolina Means to Writers
Jim Grimsley Gets Schooled
a review by Alex Albright
Jim Grimsley, How I Shed My Skin:
Unlearning the Racist Lessons of
a Southern Childhood
Lessons in Perspective
a review by Grace Horne
Michael White, Travels in Vermeer
Clyde Edgerton Receives Thomas Wolfe Prize
Just Say Please
a review by James W. Clark, Jr.
David Payne, Barefoot to Avalon:
A Brother’s Story
A Glimpse of “these extraordinary Price brothers”
an interview with William S. Price, Jr.
by James W. Clark, Jr.
Pine Woods Annunciation
a poem by James Applewhite
art by Vicky Smith
Mapping North Carolina, Locating Latinidad
a review by Kristy L. Ulibarri
Gustavo Pérez Firmat, A Cuban in Mayberry:
Looking Back at America’s Hometown
Mark Smith-Soto, Time Pieces
Falling Awake
a review by Fred Chappell
Valerie Nieman, Hotel Worthy
Michael Parker Honored at the 2015
North Carolina Writers Conference
Watch the tributes paid to Parker at this event.
Robert Morgan’s “Big Talk”
a review by Randall Wilhelm
Robert Morgan, Dark Energy and Sigodlin
Anthony Abbott Receives North Carolina Award
for Literature
Wide Awake
a poem by Richard Betz
art by Rick Horton
On the Wings of a Carolina Parakeet
a review by Gina Caison
Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Streaming
The Green Wall
a poem by Marylin Hervieux
art by Caroline Burton Michahelles
A “Sense” of Self: Crafting Identity
a review by Elizabeth F. Oxler
Tina Barr, Kaleidoscope
Grace C. Ocasio, The Speed of Our Lives
Tooth Rejected by the Tooth Fairy
a poem by L. Teresa Church
art by Willie Little
To Keep It Forever: Nature and Memory
a review by Sarah Huener
Coyla Barry, The Flying Days
John Hoppenthaler, Domestic Garden
The One and the Many Selves
a review by Susan Laughter Meyers
Diana Pinckney, The Beast and the Innocent
Sandra Ann Winters, The Place Where I Left You
Friction as a Point of Departure
a review by Joshua Clegg Caffery
Joseph Mills, This Miraculous Turning
Dannye Romine Powell, Nobody Calls Me Darling Anymore
The Presence of Wonder
a poem by Peg Bresnahan
art by Trena McNabb
From the Sensorium
a review by Robert W. Hill
Joseph Bathanti and Ted Wojtasik, eds.,
The Collected Poems of Ronald H. Bayes
Hitting Home with the New Story Project:
Teaching with the North Carolina Literary Review
in North Carolina
an essay by Brian Glover
View (a .pdf) or download (in Word) the author’s assignment description.
“want[ing] more less”
a review by Monica Miller
Pam Durban, Soon
Why Kelly Cherry Writes Now
a review by Matthew Dischinger
Kelly Cherry, Twelve Women in a
Country Called America
What’s Life Worth?
a review by Laura S. Segura
Karen E. Bender, Refund
“talking in circles,” “Mov[ing] through Time”
a review by Tim Buchanan
Gregg Cusick, My Father Moves through Time
Like a Dirigible
Eminent Domain
a short story by Kathryn Etters Lovatt
art by Robert Tynes
Finding Joy in the Darkness
a review by Leah Hampton
David Joy, Where All Light Tends to Go
a poem by J.S. Absher
art by Kent Washburn
Dark Tales of Campbell County
a review by Wanda Canada
Sallie Bissell, Deadliest of Sins
Mood Indigo
a review by Anna Jean Mayhew
Moira Crone, The Ice Garden
Daphne Athas Receives the 2015 R. Hunt Parker Award
Things I’d Like to Tell My Mother
a poem by C.G. Thompson
art by Kiki Farish
Wages of Sin
a review by Thomas Wolf
Joseph Bathanti, The Life of the World to Come
Frances O’Roark Dowell Receives the 2015
AAUW Juvenile Literature Award
Anniversary Song
a poem by Marly Youmans
art from the ECU African Art Collection
Recapturing the Sublime
a review by Lisa Wenger Bro
Marly Youmans, Glimmerglass
In “the spaces between knowing and not knowing”
a review by Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs
Katy Simpson Smith, The Story of Land and Sea
Tell Me About the Ocean and I Will Tell You Who You Are and At Blue Banks
two poems by Florence Nash
art by Michael Rhinehardt
Warnings of the End
a review by Kathaleen E. Amende
Sean Jackson, Haw
The Backstory of the World
a review by Brianne Holmes
Ernie Wood, One Red Thread
Fall 2015 Student Staff
Editorial Assistants
Teresa Bryson
William Eddins
Emily Gardiner
Melissa (Max) Herbert
Brianna Horton
Sidney Naron
Amanda Smith
Print Issues
Online Issues
North Carolina Literary Review
East Carolina University
Mailstop 555 English | Greenville, NC 27858-4353
NCLRstaff@ecu.edu | 252-328-1537