Relishing a Good Story
“…sometimes I relish my screening role: I really don’t need to make a firm decision between two poems, for example. I can send both.”
The plural possessive is intentional. This blog will give all of NCLR’s editors a place to tell you how they contribute to NCLR’s mission to preserve and promote North Carolina’s rich literary history.
“…sometimes I relish my screening role: I really don’t need to make a firm decision between two poems, for example. I can send both.”
2022 was busy—as most years are for the NCLR staff. The start of a new year seems like a good time to look back on the old year and realize all that we accomplished in 2022, then look forward to what’s ahead in 2023.
To a committed hard-copy-owning, dog-ear-marking, pencil-annotating bibliophile, there is nothing like a local independent bookstore.
“Carrying on with the theme of gratitude, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the writers who’ve contributed book reviews to the journal through the years…”
by Margaret D. Bauer, Editor Welcome to our new website, with all of its new means of fulfilling NCLR‘s mission to preserve and promote North… Read More »New Editors’ (Plural) Blog