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Cherokee and Carolina Culture in Unto These Hills

Friday from the Archives: “We’re still here”: Eddie Swimmer on Cherokee History, Life, and Outdoor Drama in the Appalachian Mountains”, an interview by Gina Caison from NCLR Issue 19 (2010). “they wanted to portray the Cherokee more accurately both in their historical positions and in the roles that the Cherokee have here in the mountains”

More Deserved Recognition for an Amazing Assist

And yet, editing poetry reviews is not all that Anne does in her voluntary service to NCLR. She is also among the screeners for the James Applewhite Poetry Prize, which has been receiving about 400 poems a year since the pandemic.

Rerun: Lazure on Hudson and Neiman

Saturday Review: “Contemporary Carpetbaggers Calling Carolina “Home” a review by Erica Plouffe Lazure in NCLR Online 2012
Marjorie Hudson. Accidental Birds of the Carolinas (2011)
Valerie Nieman. Blood Clay (2011)

Appalachian Voices: From Caldwell to Clapsaddle

Friday from the Archives: “What I Feel I Was Put On The Planet To Do:” An Interview with Wayne Caldwell by Jerry Leath Mills from NCLR Issue 19 (2010) this is exactly why we also have the “NC Flashbacks” section, because so often our writers inadvertently speak to each other through time.

Rerun: Coby on Ballingrud

Saturday Review: “Caught in the Teeth of Love” a review by Jim Coby in NCLR Online 2021
of Nathan Ballingrud’s Wounds: Six Stories from the Borders of Hell. (2019) Last time Coby wrote about Ballingrud was in 2021.

Looking for the Next Ehle Prize Winner

Friday from the Archives: “Snow L. and B.W.C. Roberts Collection of North Carolina Fiction,” by Nancy Shires from NCLR Issue 11 (2002)
One mission of the North Carolina Literary Review is to promote forgotten or neglected writers of the Old North State.

Our 2023 Issue is NOW AVAILABLE

  • News

With both an historic feature section and the first guest feature editor, the 2023 issue of the North Carolina Literary Review available now is one to celebrate.

Rerun: Hamer on Price

Saturday Review: “The Tao of Disability” by Mike Hamer in NCLR Vol 2. Iss. 2. (1995)

A review of A Whole New Life by Reynolds Price (1994)

Over the summer, we’re sharing some reruns of older book reviews.

“Disability, whenever it comes, is always a mystery.”

Edgerton’s All-purpose Imagination

Friday from the Archives: “Renaissance Man: An Interview with Clyde Edgerton” by George Hovis, from NCLR Issue 26 (2017)    

In 2016, George Hovis interviewed Clyde Edgerton that not only highlights Edgerton’s repeated success in multiple artistic mediums, but also gives us a deep dive into the author’s philosophy about creativity.