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Still Distinctive Island Reading

“I can’t help but think that this must be a fine life – a bookstore with sunshine lighting up the fresh flowers on an island with some of the best beaches on the eastern seaboard.”

Music and Memory in Hedge Coke’s Art

“It is a poet’s place to bring truth and to question injustice, to be troubadour and truth-teller while calling for deeper witnessing and realizing what is here, now. It is our duty.”

Re-assembling the Wilmington Coup story

In her article about Charles W. Chesnutt’s 1901 fictional account of the events, Perkins wrote Chesnutt’s work is like”…the method by which an artist or other type of historiographer attempts to re-assemble the pieces of stories that have been lost within the maze of politically motivated “historical” accounts.”

Giving Tuesday 2022

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A donation or gift subscription make a great gift for that “reader who has everything” in your life.

On the Subject of Thanksgiving

“Carrying on with the theme of gratitude, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the writers who’ve contributed book reviews to the journal through the years…”