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Rerun: Mason on Morgan & Owens

Saturday Review: “The Regional Poet and the World” a review by Karen K. Mason in NCLR Online 2013
Robert Morgan. October Crossing (2009) and Terroir (2011)
Scott Owens. Something Knows the Moment (2011) and For One Who Knows How to Own Land (2012)

An Inspirational Job for A Writing Student

“Whether I was collaborating with interns to edit an interview transcription, reaching out to local bookstores for images of North Carolina authors at events for book reviews, or attending events for NCLR at ECU, working for NCLR was one of the most exciting jobs I’ve had. Period.”

Rerun: Daughtridge on Gardner & Hopes

Saturday Review: “Always Timely, No Matter The Time” a review by Ashley Daughtridge in NCLR Online 2021.
Kati Gardner. Brave Enough (2018)
David Brendan Hopes. The Falls of Wyona: A Novel (2019)

Daughtridge starts the review stating, “Though taking place over half a century apart, both [books] upend prejudicial stigmas related to current social issues:”

Wright Collection is a “Southern Literary Hall of Fame”

Friday from the Archives: “The Collector: On the Occasion of the Opening of the Stuart Wright Exhibit” by Fred Chappell from NCLR 21 (2012).

When the Stuart Wright Collection opened at Joyner Library in 2012, author Fred Chappell, in his speech to commemorate the occasion, was well aware of how important the collection was: “it is the definitive collection of Southern literature from World War I to the mid-1980s…”

Bucher review of Minnie Bruce Pratt collection

Saturday Review: “A book of pages waiting to be turned” a review by Christina G. Bucher of Minnie Bruce Pratt collection The Dirt She Ate: Selected and New Poems. (2003) from NCLR 15 (2006).

Since it is summer, we’re rerunning older book reviews. This week, we honor the memory of Minnie Bruce Pratt, who passed away early this month.

Honoring Minnie Bruce Pratt and Feminary

Friday from the Archives: “Hearing Me Into Speech: Lesbian Feminist Publishing in North Carolina” by Wynn Cherry and “Look What Happened Here: North Carolina’s Feminary Collective” by Tamara Powell, from NCLR 9 (2000). We join with friends and family in mourning the passing of poet, writer, activist Minnie Bruce Pratt…

Rerun: Coby on Griffin & Gutierrez

Saturday Review: “A Little Mercy Left In The World After All” a review by Jim Coby in NCLR Online 2017
Matthew Griffin. Hide. (2016)
Michael Keenan Gutierrez. The Trench Angel. (2015)
Reviewer Coby writers, “Comes now a pair of eloquent and engaging books from first time North Carolinian novelists Matthew Griffin and
Michael Keenan Gutierrez, each tackling the subject of love in his own unique voice.”

Do Tell: Griffin Writes Elder Gays Love Story

Friday from the Archives: “The Things They Have To Endure To Stay Together”: A Conversation with Matthew Griffin by Jim Coby from NCLR 26 (2017).

It’s always exciting to read stories about older queers, especially since we have lost so many of them (people and their stories). Matthew Griffin’s first novel, Hide, explored the quiet relationship between two North Carolina men for their entire lives.